I am a pretty bird.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 49)
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

Not really, no.

Really awesome will be v.1.2... if I succeed.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter: Butcher's quests fix. ENG\RUS

This is exactly same mod but with lower version. It's v.1.0, there is reputation addon only.

V.1.1 has reputation addon and new quests both.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

Насчёт обмена - хорошая идея. :) Попробую, как время будет.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ [1.5.2] NPC Die in Emissions (For Real) (UPDATE 9)

Well, nevermind. I've already edited scripts for myself. Now only zombies can survive emission.
Always annoyed me that they're being portrayed as some super-duper-apex-humans... when they are not.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ [1.5.2] NPC Die in Emissions (For Real) (UPDATE 9)

FINALLY! Another must-have mod! Thanks.
I need to go through Red forest literally filled up with enemy NPCs. I got ****** off when they survived emission. Now it's getting fun!

Monolith are immune. Is it supposed to be so?

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

You should try it. Hunting something that can fight much funnier than hunting radioactive pieces of... something.

Plus, no more stupid heavy containers.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

Hello. To translate this addon I'll have to translate literally everything inside the archive as well. Sorry, too much to do. Plus, I don't know Spanish and google translator sucks.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

Thank you.

Like some kind of "bosses"? An interesting idea but it may be too difficult for me. Once again, I am new with modmaking. I'll see what I can do but no promises. Thanks again for the idea.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter v1.1 - New Quests, New body part, A couple of tiny details ENG\RUS

Доброго. Все моды, что я делаю работают с обоими вариантами локализации.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ I AM NOT A STALKER! ENG\RUS

Sure. But that's just a fancy title to separate them from regular troops. They work officially for the Government. So technically they're not stalkers anymore.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter: Butcher's quests fix. ENG\RUS

You're welcome. Enjoy your hunt.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter: Butcher's quests fix. ENG\RUS

You're welcome. Have a glorious hunt.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Famous hunter: Butcher's quests fix. ENG\RUS

You're welcome and good hunting.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU with your campstories!!!!1 ENG\RUS

Extremely glad to know that you found it useful, friend.

You're welcome and enjoy the game.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU! "Bar edition" ENG\RUS

You're welcome.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU! "Bar edition" ENG\RUS

Рад, что мод пришёлся по душе.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ I AM NOT A STALKER! ENG\RUS

ENG\RUS in my mods titles means *description* of the mod on two languages.

Yes, everything is correct, there is only Rus folder in the archive. Because only in Russian dialog player get invitation to join Duty after completing quest with destroying mutants. There is just nothing to change in English dialog.

Description says:
-(Russian version only) Dialog with random Duty soldier after completing his quest was edited. He won’t be offering you to join Duty.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU with your campstories!!!!1 ENG\RUS

So you're agree with everything else I said? Good.
Me? I am calm as an elephant. Cause I'm witnessing you flushing yourself. You're an experienced diver :)

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU with your campstories!!!!1 ENG\RUS

xDDD I deleted those dumb commentaries only to prevent you from keeping embarrassing yourself by nonsence you yapping around here... But if you insist to, by all means. ;)
I just can't see any point in keeping 'arguing' with a vegetable who barely understand meaning of the word "argument". I use logic, facts and arguments. You use... your rotten brain, jokes and mumbling about "gaming inaccuracy". Something I can't proove? gaming inaccuracy! :) And after all these I am 'stubborn nerd' here. Типичная логика быдла без каких-либо аргументов :)
"wrongness and ignorance" you said, huh? How so my comments have votes and yours don't? Or even goes NEGATIVE? :) Are those people wrong and ignorant too? They are laughing at you right now) One of them even told me that you are quite popular here. Like some kind of 'local dummy'.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU with your campstories!!!!1 ENG\RUS

Что именно - и да и нет?

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Voiced actor - Grunt. ENG\RUS

No problem. You're welcome and enjoy the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU! "Bar edition" ENG\RUS

Не за что. Наслаждайся.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Voiced actor - Grunt. ENG\RUS

Heh-heh-heh 😁

The Zone isn't ready for such a weapon...

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Voiced actor - Grunt. ENG\RUS

That's... odd.
I've just tested this MCM Moddb.com combined with my mod and everything worked perfect. Any button I picked for a taunt worked.

What exactly happens when you press taunt button? Do you hear some short noise or nothing at all? OGG files seems to be ok.

I am thinking about another solution. Go to gamedata - scripts. You need "screamback" file. (MAKE A BACKUP!) Open it with Notepad. Then delete everything inside this script, and replace it with the following:

local function onKeyPress(dik)
if dik == DIK_keys.DIK_M then
local snd_obj = xr_sound.get_safe_sound_object ( "actor\\screams\\DIKIEMINUS_".. tostring(math.random(10)) )
--snd_obj:play_no_feedback(db.actor, sound_object.s2d, 0, vector(), 1.0)
snd_obj:play_at_pos(db.actor, vector():set(0,0,0), 0, sound_object.s2d)

function on_game_start()
RegisterScriptCallback("on_key_press", onKeyPress)

Then save\close it. Try taunt again.

Good karma+2 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ STFU with your campstories!!!!1 ENG\RUS

Oh, so he's some kind of local celebrity?
That explains a lot.

Good karma+3 votes
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Voiced actor - Grunt. ENG\RUS

You're welcome.

And you should play Mass effetc trilogy, trust me. :) Hell of a story.

Good karma+1 vote
GruntSpaceCowboy - - 49 comments @ Voiced actor - Grunt. ENG\RUS

Hi there. It may sound silly but... try to select another key. (just in case) I use button "M" and it works 100%

Also, do you use MCM? And what version of Anomaly do you have?

Good karma+1 vote