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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek Armada 3: Best Of Both Worlds

Whats the difference between Nemesis and TFF?

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Hi. I was playing against the cardassian union yesterday and I saw the AI use a new version of a galor? It has 9000 hp and 6000 hull. Had almost winglike pylons extending out. Tipped with a purple light. It looked rather cool and new so I wanted to try it out playing that race. But when I did, I couldn't find it. I researched everything and my galors didn't change to that new one. Nor did I see any option to build it. Am I looking in the wrong place for it?

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Stargate Space Conflict

Will there be offline skirmishes in Full Version?

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

And another question, will the issue of being unable to continue saved files because "file differs from host" error be fixed? my fiance and i would love to play long games and save and come back but everytime we play, Autosave 2+ (Autosave 1 - 15min into game) never works and says file differs from host. We lose 2+ hours of gameplay and get sick of playing SSE. I usually have to give her my save file and that is very annoying to do every time.

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

What is the scheduled or hoped released date for TFF Update?

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

So tell me then, Since Picard commanded the borg cube "Once" why you put him in xD. And the fact, Worf and Data are big characters that people are a fan of..Admiral Nechayev or the others dont have much significance to the fans as they are not big main characters. Just putting the mod lore only makes it very strict. Why not do something for the fans too? by putting the characters they love in. :)

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

For the Creators of STA3, TFF...

I have done some looking around and this information should be enough to make it a valid character to put into the federation hero list.

Star Trek Lore:
The Sutherland was temporarily commanded by Lieutenant Commander Data from the Enterprise, with Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Hobson as his first officer. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the Enterprise-D.

During the blockade, the Sutherland was hit by a massive tachyon pulse by the Romulans, which disabled the tachyon detection grid in a radius of ten million kilometers around the ship. Data disobeyed Picard's orders to regroup at Gamma Eridon and modified the Sutherland sensors to detect a residual tachyon signature around the cloaked Romulan ships. He then exposed the ships using modified low-yield photon torpedoes. (TNG: "Redemption II")

Ship: USS Sutherland (Nebula Class Star Ship)

Other Sources:
Episode "Gambit II" where Data commands the Enterprise-D when both Picard and Riker go missing.
Episode "Chain of Command, Pt. II"
and "Future Imperfect"

If you need to have another Hero to balance it to on the other races,
You could put the Romulan Praetor or a tal shiar agent?
For the Klingons, you could put Kang or the Duras Sisters into the Klingon Empire
as for the Cardassians, The Union could have Damar as he did become the Union or Rebellion Leader. And as for the Dominion, there were a number of Jem'hadar Firsts or Important Vorta that can be used, not only weyoun was the important one. I do remember Thot Gor having a second in command, that is another option.

As for the Borg. I think they have enough heros...they are OP as it is, so they do not need another one.

I hope this is enough researched info to put Data in as a hero in the federation fleet. He can be put on a Nebula Class or Phoenix Class, so yup...enough on Data to make him a hero...

Some can say, Yes....he was only a temporary captain....so? Picard was a temporary borg captain and was rescued later on...the same can be said for data...temporary or not..he is one of the most loved characters in the series. Data HAS to be there for the sake of the fans :D

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Data did command a ship for some time during an episode in TNG. Data probably would have some strategic attacks and some engineer and some science? Probably a balanced hero. Worf did command a ship too...the defiant, however you already put that in as Sisko.

You put Locutus in Borg as Picard was commanding a borg cube at one point. So the same can be said for data, he commanded one. Here is the info: Data takes command of the USS Sutherland in the episode Redemption II, the season premiere of Season 5. It is the second part to the cliff hanger episode Redemption.

The Youtube Video as Proof. Youtu.be

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Actually, If you take a look at the Wiki, Most of the races such as the Iconians or Voth have a very diverse selection of ships. But actually, if one has "imagination" they can easily create an "Idea" of what other ships could look like. If you scroll down on Sto.gamepedia.com
You can see some ships. One dreadnought and a few ships that can easily fall under capitol ships. You may say that its only a small number of ships. However, in the game...the Voth, Vaadwuar and also a few other number of clans were also apart of the iconian rising. Also included is the Tal Shiar, Elachi and Dyson.
But you say Alpha Quadrant and Beta...What about the Tholians or the Xindi (Six different species)? They did play a part in the Alpha Quadrant. I don't know if Vulcans would be able to included, they have a history but i dont know ahout fleets...maybe they could be included in the federation fleet?

If this cannot be added, Can you add them at least as a capturable shipyard to make the ships at least? I would love to commandeer an iconian dreadnought, or a voth citadel cruiser lol,
And also you all need to make a Hero or Capitol ship of a Refitted Constitution Class Enterprise or Galaxy X Dreadnought! At least put Kirk and Captain William Riker in there :D
And of course...you gotta have Data in there....who forgets data...-.-

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Great Idea. Galaxy X would be nice

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Genesis - - 11 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Can we get the Iconians as a Playable Race?! They were featured in Star Trek Online.
Another race i would love to see after Iconians is the Vaadwuar or Voth! Also from Star Trek Online
(Did i mention the Kazon? :D)

But yes, main want: Iconians.

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