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Comment History
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

My hype for this mod is literally palpable.

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ The New Galaxy

Damn, man. That looks incredible. Can't wait to see it in action!

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Republic Assault: The Clone Wars

Sounds amazing! Thanks for the reply, I hope everything is going well on your end. And thanks again for the mod!!

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Republic Assault: The Clone Wars

I don't want to come off as annoying and I don't want to bother you -- I'm positive a whole bunch of people ask you this, and it has to get annoying, seeing as you're doing this free of charge and on your free time -- but I wanted to know if you had any estimates for the release of your next indev version.

Fantastic mod, by the way. I appreciate all the effort you put into this.

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ "We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel, or smashed into who knows what"

"Potato model," hahahaha. Fantastic job with these new models! Especially the Fondor planet model, it looks spectacular!

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

Lo entiendo perfectamente, y agradezco tu respuesta rápida (y me disculpo por haber tardado tanto en responder jajaja).

No hay de qué! Parecéis estar haciendo grandes cosas para publicar un gran mod, así que normal que me interese jajaja. Muchísimas gracias de nuevo!

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

Una preguntita, si se puede (y espero no molestar, que ya me imagino que hay mucha gente preguntándotelo): para cuándo se estima que estará listo?

Muchísimas gracias de antemano!

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ RIP Carrie Fisher

The Force will be with her.

Good karma+7 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars BattleFront Commander

Hey there! First of all, I want to thank you for your work on this mod. It's awesome!

I just wanted to ask: I'm having some trouble when playing as the Empire regarding the game's stability. It often freezes for long periods of time whenever (and exclusively when) I'm in the Galactic Conquest galaxy map. Since I figure it may be important (although it happens even without this point), I make a singular edit to the XML folder: I raise the cost of the construction of Blue Divers, as the Rebels often spam those ships on me.

Any ideas as to what's going on?

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

The release seems to be getting closer! This is really exciting!

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Galactic Enforcers

As if the mod wasn't incredible enough. You can't excite me more over a mod than you just did.

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Rise of Hope

Muchísimas gracias por el esfuerzo. No se dice mucho pero se agradece un montón.

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Progress report (picture 1)

I'm sure it will! You've undoubtedly put a lot of effort into it!

Good karma+3 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Progress report (picture 1)

This has to be one of my most anticipated mods xD

Good karma+3 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Republic Assault: The Clone Wars

Hey there! So I figured you might want some feedback from your mod's users, so here I go.

Firstly, I want to thank you for making the mod. I've never done one myself, but I'm almost sure there's an incredible amount of time and effort put into these things, and that's just something I really appreciate from other people.

Insofar as the mod itself, it's really awesome! I believe I've mentioned that some of the skins in the galaxy map are initially Imperial skins, but they do get replaced by Republic skins once you start building spacecraft of your own. So that's really cool!

I like the space battles a whole bunch. I'm a big fan of Republic warships and the many different kinds of ships that you introduce in the space battles for this mod blow me away. As if that weren't enough, the actual models themselves are ridiculously well-done. It looks really awesome to clash dozens of ships against each other like this! I should mention, however, that the "Executor"-class Super Star Destroyer that Darth Vader summons is a skin that looks very, very destroyed. As if it were one shot from a riflemen's sidearm from blowing up. Doesn't affect it's actual performance, though.

The ground battles are awesome as well, although most of the actual units are still Imperial units xD. I really like the skins for the 501st and Coruscant Guard, so that's really cool. If I have any qualms with this, it's that there's something wrong with the droids you fight at first glance whenever you're invading a planet. It seems to me as if a dozen different units got cut up and spread out through the entire map, to the point where there are so many dots on the map I can't tell my units from the enemy's. This itself wouldn't bother me too much, but it's also a matter of my units not being able to shoot them for some reason! The droids often don't shoot at me, and when they do, I don't see any damage, so that's not much of a problem. I just concerned because the droids follow me around and it ends up being a bit tedious to capture landing zones. Figured this is something you'd like to know. All other units that I encounter as I try to capture the planet, however, are completely normal and can be destroyed.

Also, all the units in the game -- and by that, I mean both enemy and friendly units -- are red. I can barely distinguish my own units from the enemies, and less so on the map when there's that one elusive unit running around stopping me from completing the capture of a planet.

All in all, the mod is pretty awesome! I'm really excited to keep tracking it. Good luck!

Good karma+2 votes
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Clone Wars: Warfront

Hello. I just wanted to ask, will you be adding specific units from the Republic Army? Such as, for example, the 212th or the 501st?


Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Star Wars Battlefront Commander Patch 1.03


Firstly, I want to say: Great mod. I'm having lots of fun playing it! However, I did want to ask: is it possible that you could make the hardpoints a little more visible? I find that having the boxes not pop out as much makes it a little more difficult when I'm searching for specific hardpoints--for example, on the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship--such as the shield generator. It's actually quite difficult because, even knowing the general area in which it is from past experience, I still have to squint a little and try to move the mouse over where I think it should be to try and find it. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Republic Assault: The Clone Wars

I tried to, but got some TIE Interceptors in there. Same thing in GC; I tried a battle in orbit, and the Acclamator I sent in had red markings, as if from the Republic -- your doing, I assume -- but then it launched TIE Fighters.

Good karma+1 vote
halfkiller.rex - - 19 comments @ Republic Assault: The Clone Wars

Hi. I just wanted to ask, because I'm having a bit of a problem. I downloaded the mod and followed the instructions you made in the document. I made sure to change the launch options on my steam account to ensure that I could launch the game, and everything is fine: the splash screen is fine and the menu is fine, it all says "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and whatnot. But when I actually go into a game as the Galactic Republic, I'm literally just the Empire. Emperor Palpatine, AT-STs and all. Could you help me?

Good karma+2 votes