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eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Hello again, here's a few more bugs that've found.

1> Imperial Guards, Black Sun Assassins and Gamorrean Guards can't enter buildable bunkers, structures or transport units.
2> Heavy Corellian Corvette, Heavy Corellian Gunboat, Carrack Cruiser and Marauder Cruisers can't capture space asteroids/pads/docks/nodes, etc.
3> Commander Screed and the Alliance Scouts don't show up on the radar map.
4> The Corellian Heavy Frigate doesn't spawn any fighters. This is an old bug that is listed in my big Empire GC bugs list, so there might be a few more that were overlooked.
5> The Loronar Strike Cruiser always causes an explosion at the spot you hyper space it in.
6> Black Sun Mandalorian Soldiers have a jetpack moving sound, and speaking of jetpacks they have them on their models but they have no jetpack flying ability?
7> The Nightsister Hunting Party has incorrect move order sounds.
8> You can have 2 Urai Fens on the map at the same time by buying Urai Fen on his own, and buying Tyber Zann who has Urai Fen as part of his landing group.
9> Black Sun Tech Level 3 land upgrade is missing its picture.
10> Imperial and Rebel tech land upgrades have incorrect SFXs.
11> Rebel Officers have incorrect select sounds. And their air support groups have incorrect names and descriptions.
12> If you have more than 1 shipyard on a skirmish map, only 1 can be upgraded to a capital shipyard. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but i added it just in case it is.
13> Merchant Space Docks have missing pictures. Also there are 2 space docks, 1 with a simple description and one with a more detailed description that mentions Venators. The one that mentions Venators has less purchasable ships. For example, Rebels and Imperials can't build Corellian Battlecruisers or Hapan Dragons. And the Black Sun can only build fighters.
Suggestion> Give the Black Sun base shield generators in land skirmish maps.

Good karma+6 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

> Pressing the space bar will give you cinematic camera views.
> Scrolling with the middle mouse button or pressing the Insert key will adjust the camera's height. If you keep on pressing Insert or scrolling up you will get a birds eye view of the map.
> Holding Ctrl + the middle mouse button + moving the mouse will adjust the camera's viewing angles.
> Pressing the C key while selecting a unit/structure will put you in a focused free moving camera position around that selected unit/structure. Pressing the space bar will release you from this view.
> Holding the middle mouse button + moving the mouse will lock the camera and allow faster and sharper movement around the map. Or you can simply click somewhere on the radar map and the camera will take you there instantly.

I think that's all of them.

Good karma+2 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Aaaaaand a few more.

1> 2 of the Tector's long range turbolaser batteries are not moving or firing.
2> The 6 laser turrets under the head of the Munificent can fire but they don't move. I mean it looks like they should be able to move? If not then all is well.
3> The Plasma Burst Satellite's long range dual turbolaser batteries will not automatically target or fire at fighter, bombers and some corvettes such as the CR90.
4> The Plasma Burst Satellite will sometimes shoot out white textureless particles. I've zoomed the camera in to take a closer look at these things and they're not escape pods of anything like that.
5> After a ship has been freed from a tractor beam you will sometimes if not all the time hear a continuous tractor beam sound coming from the freed ship.
Suggestion 1> Remove manual activation of the Mere Cruiser's beam cannon and any other unit that has this kind of manual activation. And the reason why I think this is a good idea is because if you activate it while out of range, it will hit nothing and trigger a very long cooldown. When it activates automatically it is always in range of a target, its just frustrating to see it hit nothing if you activate it manually.
Suggestion 2> Increase the accuracy of mass drivers against fighters/bombers on units like Andal Sait, Sabaoth Merc and perhaps Vengeance frigates. The mass drivers are eye candy when they're firing at fighters/bombers, but they miss a hell of alot. On many occasions I've seen squadrons of fighters/bombers fly right over a ship with mass drivers firing at them, and they usually get away without taking a scratch.

Good karma+2 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Here's a few more problems that I've found in skirmish.

1> Venator Class ''Liberation'' has its turrets in incorrect positions. On one side of the ship there are 2 ion cannon turrets and 2 turbolaser turrets, on the other side are 4 turbolaser turrets.
2> Vigos Blade's carbonite ammunition is not working properly.
3> You can't build Kalani, Andal Sait, Screed, Orlok, Brandei, Daala, Vindoo Barvel or the 181st again if they're destroyed in a skirmish match.
4> Some ships that get hit while hyperspacing in will have their shields damaged or completely removed and some will be untouched. Should all shields be taken down if they're hit while hyperspacing in? Should they be untouched? Is it because of differences in shield strength? I'm not sure if this is a problem or not but it's something that I've noticed.

Good karma+2 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8

Here's a few problems that I've found so far in your 2.7.2 skirmish.

1> General Kalani has a standard Providence instead of the dreadnought version.
2> The ISD1's ion cannon turrets fire dual projectiles and their hardpoint texts say they're duals. But the model is a single ion cannon, so either the projectile and text is wrong or the model is wrong. This is on every ISD1 model which includes Andal Sait, rebel ISD1s, heroes, etc.
3> In the Lucrehulk Battleship's description it says that it has ion cannons, but the model has none. So something is wrong here.
4> Garm Bel Iblis's shield stat is [MISSING].
5> The plasma Burst Satellite has bugged out a few times while using it in skirmish. It will sometimes fire a continuous stream of plasma shots. The last time it did this was after I told it to attack a space platform.
6> Corona Frigates can't get hit by torpedoes.
7> Vengeance Frigates have very very very slow shield regeneration. This happens with hero Vengeances aswell.
8> Any unit that has a hardpoint in space cannot be repaired by space platforms, repair satellites, etc.
9> Deployable satellite turrets from the Star Galleon can last forever if they're placed by a repair platform.
10> Black Sun Acclamators can only deploy 1 V-wing squadron at a time instead of 2. Imperial Acclamators can only deploy 2 V-wing squadrons at a time instead of 3. The ISD3 can only deploy 1 TIE-Interceptor squadron at a time instead of 2. There is a good chance this happens with other ships.
11> The Venator class ''Liberation'' has some [MISSING] text in its description.
12> Have you removed ships like the Immobilizer and Arquitens? If not then they're missing in skirmish mode.
Suggestion 1> Laser/Missile Defense Satellites should have longer firing ranges.
Suggestion 2> Add stats to space platforms/stations, laser/missile satellites, asteroids and other structures just like you did to units.

Good karma+3 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

I really like the Praetor you're working on (one of my fav sw ships), are you going to add it to your future Clone Wars mod too? I read somewhere that the Praetor 1 & 2 looked very similar.

Good karma+3 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Screenshots for the screenshotgod

*This IS the best venator out there

Good karma+4 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8


31> Some mission text show that it is from Mon Mothma instead of Tarkin, etc.
32> Turbolaser towers can sometimes fire a few shots off after their power generator has been destroyed.
33> AA Turrets can't target air units very well. Do a T-47 vs one AA turret and you will see the problem.
34> The Black Sun's special plasma weapon on their space station can be affected by missile jamming abilities, it doesn't look right so I put this down as a bug. And in GC the special plasma weapon on the space station is missing.
35> Some GC planets have missing map images and structure placements on the area where you can manually place structures yourself.
36> Some units have weird hitboxes. For example, I beat Rebel One with a single Carrack just because I had it in an unhittable position.
37> Some units like the Tector(I love this ship), Imperial Escort Frigate, Broadside Cruiser, Pinnance, Bellator, Braha'tok-class Gunship, etc. Are missing in skirmish mode.
38> Imperial Tech Level 4 Upgrade says in its description that it can unlock Tech Level 5 Upgrade. I don't think there is a level 5.
39> Storm Commando Units have a Nogri icon on the GC map, and on ground missions. Their Imperial Escort Frigates don't count towards the population limit in space battles. They having missing text on their container hardpoints. And the Storm Commando Tech's ability has [MISSING] text.
40> The Death Star II on its own in a space battle doesn't bring in any space units. Meaning it cannot be defeated in a space battle. Its super laser that can target smaller ships sometimes stops working. And it doesn't count towards the population limit in a space battle. And the AI will not retreat from a battle when it's just the Death Star, so it just sits there getting destroyed by the super laser.
41> There were some heroes that I didn't see in GC like Captain Needa for example.
42> Some units and structures don't appear on the after battle report screen. For example, units like Prince Xizor, Tyber Zann, Bossk, etc. And almost every structure.
43> The structure that spawns the Night Sisters has an incorrect name, description and icon.
44> You will get a pitch black screen in cinematic mode(spacebar) now and then. Very minor but I have not experienced anything like this before.
45> CSA units/structures have missing icons, and they don't show up on the after battle report screen.
46> The TIE model that drops off the Inquisitors seems to be abit too small, maybe it's just me idk.
47> The Death Star's cinematic destruction of a planet during a space battle is plagued with black and overzoomed screens.
48> After you win a GC the rank and efficiencies are all wrong.
Suggestion 1> Vader is way too powerful, I don't know about you guys but I can usually conquer a well defended planet with him alone. Maybe you should reduce his hp/hp regen.
Suggestion 2> The Black Sun's AI builds way too many Cantinas, maybe this structure should have a smaller build limit.
Suggestion 3> Imo Indigenous Mandalorians should be allied with the Black Sun in ground combat.
Suggestion 4> Could you add buildable Fleet Commanders for the Empire and Rebellion/New Republic?

Good karma+3 votes
eawfanatic - - 9 comments @ Awakening of the Rebellion 2.8


This list is from my experience of playing and winning an entire 2.7.1 Imperial GC. I did not auto-resolve any space or ground battles.

1> The Arc Hammer's laser projectiles are invisible.
2> The KDY Representative doesn't reduce every KDY ship. Some are still the standard price.
3> Imperial Shock Troopers move in a glitchy way.
4> Indigenous Noghri and Geonosians, have missing projectiles. And Mustafarians have an incorrect icon picture.
5> Thrawn's Star Destroyer doesn't spawn any TIE Defenders.
6> The Corellian Heavy Frigate with the LAF-250s compliment doesn't spawn any fighters.
7> The Hapen Battledragon's cluster bomb ability works but does no damage.
8> Two Commander Dorias will spawn after you upgrade to Tech Level 4.
9> Commander Screed's description says he uses a Loronar, but he's using a Gladiator.
10> Some travel routes on the GC map are not showing a travel line from planet to planet. One example of this is Kuat to Chandrilla.
11> [MISSING] text: TIE Bomber Squadron, Phase II Dark Troopers, WLO-5 Speeder Tank(After battle report screen), Vader's TIE Fighter Squadron, Droid Log(Happens now and then).
12> The Field Commander's repair vehicle ability is not working right. For example, I tried to heal one of my juggernauts with no success.
13> If you fail the KDY mission. There will still be some KDY ships available, like the Bellator.
14> TIE Scouts don't count towards the population limit.
15> Some units like Squad Leaders and Field Medics don't appear on the radar.
16> Some planets have missing descriptions. One example of this is Deltooine.
17> General Covell's Stormtroopers can heal vehicles? I'm not sure if this is right or not so I put this down as a bug.
18> Rescue Thrawn from Roche mission, after this mission appears, Thrawn is still available for use. And after you complete the mission you will get a 2nd Thrawn lol.
19> Some heroes like Vader's Star Destroyer, will not count towards the population limit if you put him in the squared slot in the top left corner. Basically the first unit in a space battle square.
20> You can cheat the build limit. For example, you can build 4 Imperial Field commanders then stack 5 in a build que. Or you could have several barracks on different planets building them in stacks going way over the build limit.
21> Factories and Barracks can be upgraded at the same level by build stacking the same upgrade level. If the AI is stupid enough to do this it will waste its money.
22> Some build pad turrets are unhittable. For example, the main laser cannon of a juggernaut can't hit a rebel anti-infantry turret.
23> Repair satellites can sometimes but very rarely take hp away instead of increasing it. Like I said it happens very rarely but I have seen it happen a couple of times.
24> Some build pad turrets won't fire automatically on hostile structures. Example 1, an imperial Anti-infantry turret will fire at hostile structures but the imperial anti-vehicle turret will not. Example 2, Proton Torpedo Turrets won't fire at the indigenous civs on Taris(This might be the case with other units but I have not noticed this). And one small issue, AA turrets can target structures.
25> Rebel Camp is missing its health bar and if you target it with air units they will sometimes fly into space xD. And it has a frozen dropship far above it(can only be seen if you zoom out to the max).
26> Some of the events have mixed up SFX languages. For example, the event that triggers the death of Ozzel, there is a mix of English and German in that sequence of SFXs. It's abit confusing.
27> In some space maps there's a spot on the map where your ships will automatically fire at an empty spot.
28> Vader lost his ability to use any of his force powers while I was using him in a few ground battles in GC. I think this happens when he is unable to use the force on a certain types of unit.
29> Vader can't force crush on certain units and structures. Some examples are the Pirate Speeder, capturable structures, and a Pirate Outpost on Nimban that couldn't be destroyed.
30> Some force powers don't work on certain units. When I was using Vader in a GC ground battle I would encounter this alot. The AAC-1, Trandoshans(buyable and indiginous), Rebel Field Medic, Rebel Squad Leader and Gian Speeder(also doesn't appear on the after battle report screen) were some of the units I remember having an issue with.

Good karma+3 votes