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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 41)
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

Yep, that's it. Thanks.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

Amazing work!

Only thing. Last github Outfit Attachment Overhaul version modifies "actor_status_thirst" for camelbak thing. I can't find the exact entry to edit.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Rostok Under Duty Control

Too late)

Good karma+3 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

This is because in 99% of cases, you write poorly in your own language. And we don't have the letter "bI" either. Lets take a look at the comment history of this "killer" who "visited this site just once":
"Нет руского языка 🤮" - "No rusian localization 🤮" with one "s", pathetic.
"Ничего, скоро мы прийдем их резать, посмотрим, как захрюкают)" - "Do not worry, soon we will come to cut them, and we will see how they snore)" Bad spelling again, and few "bI".
And now, if we've already started, let's look at your first comment:
"Подсос капустной "Эрике" (НУПРАЛЮБОВЬЖИНАСАМОМДЕЛИ!1!111!!) - "Bl*wjob for сabbage Erica ("it's a love song for real guys!")" where "сabbage" = insulting form of "Germany". And a sarcastic attempt to hint that Erica is not just a song about love.
"Дудаевские и белорусские незалэжные завывания" - "Dudayevsky and Belarusian "independent" whinings" = Mention of Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudayev who fought for the separation of Chechnya from russia. Was killed by russian special services. They hate him even now). "незалэжные" = disrespectful sarcastic form of saying "independent". They do not even hide their imperial intentions towards Chechnya and Belarus. "Whinings" - This is what they think of these songs. In fact, same harmless as Erica.
This is ours "Ой у лузі червона калина" with eng subs for example (very nazy aren't it?):

Just a few lines and four countries are insulted.

That's all you need to know about russians who call someone a nazi.

Я взагалі не з тобою розмовляв. Це єдиний раз, коли я витратив на тебе свій час. Вважай за честь.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

flint112 Nah. He used to make interesting mods, without any hint of politics or nazism. For example: full Ukrainian localization, base defense mode, battle royale mode, faction war overhaul, and more. The very existence of the russians was not even mentioned in his addons. But the ruskies see fascism everywhere). They downvoted him into oblivion and wrote administration complaints to get him banned. They hate us and everything connected with our history. They hate our songs, our national heroes, our flag and language. In the comments below, they ask "Я вообще не понимаю, почему мы етих свиней еще не уничтожили" - "I don't understand at all why we haven't killed these pigs (*Ukrainians) yet". Pure nazism at its finest. Now he is just trolling them, continuing the fight. Makes it clear that they did not win. And they never will).

Good karma+2 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ EOA [EXTENDED OFFLINE] 1.0.5 Russian Text


@[bayraktar](members:bayraktar:4567168) Судячи з коментів і оцінок, тупо жоден відданий "поціновувач" твоєї творчості не здогадався що насправді відбулося. А ти ще намагався їм щось складніше доводити)

Good karma-7 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

@ Dooty I didn't talk to you, katsap dog). And I never will. Didn't even read your post. You are not worth my time.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Nah. Dooty is full of ****. And he is a russian. I see too many pro-russian propaganda commentators every day not to recognize one. He is just a bot. Most of the negative comments were written by one person. This is immediately noticeable. From one account he even tried to write in Ukrainian using google-translate. Miserably failed.
UnDenya didn't create anything even close to fascisms. No illegal content either.
The first mod he created was the Ukrainian localization of the Anomaly. There was not even a mention of the existence of russia. It was downvoted to oblivion and called nazi immediately. Russian propaganda at its finest.
Here in Ukraine you can find streets named after Stepan Bandera. His monuments are in parks, squares and city halls. His portraits can be found even in schools. He was born in partitioned Poland btw. He is our hero. But he frightens the russians even after his death).
And I saw flag of the UPA (red and black one) like 20 times only today. Its everywhere. Its totally legal. But we fought for our freedom against the russians with this flag. They hate it. And we are fighting with it against them now in the Eastern Ukraine.

Good karma+2 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Перше про що я подумав, коли побачив відео на твоєму каналі)

Good karma0 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Це тупо топ. Чувак як і вся Україна: скільки б не робили набіги москалі, скільки б не гнобили, скільки б не винищували - все одно робить смерть ворогам, попри усе.

Good karma-1 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Custom menu - Broken Lenin


Якісний контент під'їхав)

Good karma-8 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Relax Мenu - Fire


Це вже занадто! Не можна ж таке робити! Файна робота італійських архитекторів горить! 500 років простояло, най стоїть і далі. І взагалі в мене бізнес-план є. Після того як московія стане українською, комуняцькі зірки поскидаємо і будемо тури водити. Як у музей холокосту. А з мавзолея мерця викинемо і кнайпу там зробимо.

Good karma-6 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Survival Program 1.1 (Battle Royale)

Скільки уваги від болотного народу) Напляшечник цілеспрямовано наробив ботів, аби спамити мод на гру. Взагалі життя немає. Хоча може в нього робота така.. "Таварісч младший лейтенант", колеги не сміються?

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Survival Program 1.1 (Battle Royale)

LOL Зірка Давида на прев'ю це геніально). Але когнітивний дисонанс для запорєбрітчан не страшний. Вони боярою лікуються.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Survival Program 1.1 (Battle Royale)

Відсилка до PUBG. Типу питає в тімейтів "Куди десантуємося, хлопці? Прип'ять?"

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ "Cinematic VFX" Particle Effects Addon (3.7)

Hello! Tried to play with this mod. This is phenomenal!
The only request, of course, if you have time for it. Is it possible to make an adaptation with YET ANOTHER WINTER MOD V2.2?

Good karma+2 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Radio 0.1 / Українське радіо 0.1

10/10 підборка. Дякую!

Good karma+3 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Localization v0.4 for Anomaly 1.5.1 + some addons

Неодноразово переконувався, що найяскравіший приклад пригнічення "рускава язика" це самі його носії.

Good karma+5 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Localization v0.4 for Anomaly 1.5.1 + some addons

До речі, в перекладі немає жодного натяку на русофобію. От взагалі. Навіть не згадується як народ ніде.

Але кацапи не люди, звісно. масква буде Українською або безлюдною. Слава Україні!

Good karma+4 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Localization v0.4 for Anomaly 1.5.1 + some addons

Дуже дякую! Використана в оригіналі валюта мертвої "держави" - це реально смішно). Хоча, ціни мали рацію раніше). 2200+ рублєй за пляшку горілки у Сидоровича - це як у пятьорочкє на росії). І напій, і "стілець" одночасно для івана. Це кіко по курсу до речі? 50-100 гривень)?

Good karma0 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian guitars tracks

Круто! Дякую! Є плани замінити "щюткі у кастра" на уривки п'єс Леся Подерв'янського?

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Localization v0.3 for Anomaly 1.5.1 + some addons

Неофіційних локалізацій цього моду over9000 і тільки від Солов'їної в свинособак дупи порозривало. Слабі.. Слава Україні!

Good karma+2 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ [2.0.2] Body Health System Redux

Hi. Amazing mod! Works like a charm!
Only thing. According to the readme:
"No HUD Text-based UI Patch: apply after BHS, only if you want a lighter version or a HUD compatible with other HUD add-ons like VoDis, SidHUD, Old Dog, etc."
But in your gamedata mod folder which i need to overwrite with this patch the main script is called zzz_player_injuries and its aa_player_injuries in "No HUD patch". So its duplicating itself with only one difference in "local showtexthud". So people will be confused 100%. Or only me lol.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Voices 1.2.2 [1.5.2]


Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Voices 1.2.2 [1.5.2]

Якщо комусь треба то ось правлені конфіги для сумісності з Anomaly HD Models:
Перевірів 3 рази утілітою:
Правлені тільки потрібні місця.
Потестив. Усі фракції спавняться без проблем, розмовляють солов'їною.
Є такий допис у консолі з помилками у вояк:
Але все працює і без цих файлів. Не пойняв де там косяк.

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Ukrainian Voices 1.2.2 [1.5.2]

Вітаю! Дуже дякую за мод! Але є безсумнівний конфлікт з Anomaly HD Models Addon у конфігах gamedata\configs\gameplay. Не граєте з таким?

Good karma+1 vote
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Eden's Sound Revamp (3.1)

Hi! Are there any chances of getting version 3.0? Deleting "spooky sounds" completely is my goal.

Good karma+2 votes
Did`ko - - 41 comments @ Yet Another Winter Mod v2.2 (Anomaly 1.5.1)

Looks incredible! Really impressive job!
One question. Some of LODs looks old "non wintery":
Its on my end?

Good karma+1 vote