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Comment History
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod

Even tho the mod looks amazing gameplay is very uneventful.

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Hyrule: Total War

Not as impressive as Total War

Good karma-1 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Also I have this bug that has happened multiple games.
Midway through my campaigns the dark elves will go all out on the lizardmen and almost completely control lustria, then randomly they are just destroyed. And all their cities become grey. As if their economy just failed even tho they are the biggest faction at the time in those games

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Im sorry but they are right. Playing as any evil faction is too easy because all the empire is in a bad place. Once you start landing chaos ships in Nordland it becomes too easy.
I dont understand whats you guys problem with making the Empire the damn empire instead of the fractured **** show it is.

If all those Middenland stacks would join Nordland in defending its land maybe Id have a challenge to face.

Good karma+3 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Great work guys mod has alot of changes and has been running perfect for me. Ive been able to play as Reikland, Orcs, Dwarves all without issue.
I like how you guys shrunk the starting positions for factions and turning their other territories into minorfactions, I always like to start campaigns small.
I like how you ended all the alliances at the start too. It does make it seem like all the empire factions are fighting to survive, as one of the houses of chaos slowly absorbs the others
I also played as the Tomb Kings and had an all out war with the Orcs who reside in the ruins. I got a taste that these minor factions, are not minor and act as the others do, just not as ambitious.

So any newcomer a fair warning. The End times is indeed near in this mod If you play the empire. Do not conquer at the start. Instead Turtle because there will be scripted Stacks of BeastMen who will siege your cities.

Ive noticed minor details that Theres still work to be done even tho this is easily one of the Top 5 Medieval Mods out there now

Good karma+7 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Played almost all of the empire. Those stacks are easily disposed of with 5 HandGunners 1 cannon 1 greatsword and 4 pikemen. Even if you attack their stacks they will still march toward your army and will not fight defensive.

The only thing that is legit to complain about for the Empire Campaigns is the fragility of the Alliances. Because ive experienced with every faction that eventually the empire will turn on itself. Doesnt matter how many gifts you give them or if you give them land, doesnt matter if you are careful who you trade with.
Reikland has ****** me as every faction, they get half the empire on my *** usually 30 turns into a game. So I cross my fingers for Invasions on their ***** by Orcs and Chaos.

Good karma+2 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Youre not regular fans....
Regular fans make fan art or buy a T-shirt XD

Good karma+2 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

All the Empire works great Adsept for Reikland.
Everyone else works well too adsept Orc and Goblins
Some of the more crazy units are broken right now, so you cant enter battles with them.
The broken units are all the Giants, and the giant Scorpions and the Nuln Great Cannon.

Orc Settlements dont work for the battle mode.
There are more broken settlements towards the bottom of the map.

And you need to put an upkeep for Merchants, free upkeep agents Ive noticed tend to break a campaign in the later turns.

The campaigns Ive done rather smoothly are Hochland, Wisserland, Skaven, Chaos Dwarf, Nurgle, Averland, TombKings, VampireCounts, Brettonia, and Orcs.
Regardless a mod with this much stuff will always crash, I have texture errors on the HUD in the campaignmap which crash the game randomly.
And battles in broken settlements and with broken units will have to be autoresolved
I havent been dicked a victory yet (when the game crashes after a battle)

And Ive had some Epic battles with over 12k units involved.

Hope this helps

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Nurgle gets bodied too. They usually have 1 place left when I check on them.

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Kislev get bodied every game I play XD

They are always the first to be defeated since theyre stuck fighting the Empire, the Chaos Dwarves, Followers of Khorne, chaos undivided and Skaven.

If you decide to play as Kislev all I can say is make friends.

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Late turn crashing is because of the amount of **** on map at that point in the game, I played elderscrolls total war which had this issue, what I had realized that since the upkeep of merchants was free the AI would spam the absolute **** outta them. Solutions, go into the unti files and give merchants an upkeep, even making it 1 coin stops the ai from spamming them

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Glad to hear.
Let the fools take things for granted.
Ive seen Modders demand money to continue work on their mods, and Ive seen a Mod that has stayed as an alpha release, yet the creatore of the mod has teased constantly about its 1.0 release for 7 years.
Those who moan do not know the true suffering

Good karma+5 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ Call of Warhammer: Beginning of The End Times

Great mod. Alot of it works perfectly ive done several Empire Campaigns.
Only thing is always the Empire Turns on itself and you can find yourself being ********** by two of your allies.

I was Wisseland and Had a massive battle because Skaven was sending invading stacks. Averland and Reikland came to my aid and I had an epic over 10k unit battle with Skaven. As soon as we beat the invasion both my allies turned their stacks on me and I lost the main homeland within 3 turns. I dont know the Warhammer lore too well so I dont know if that was intended.

Aside from that Reikland is unplayable because it crashes.
Giants crash the game as soon as they smash into enemies.
TombKings work great but their Bone Giants and Scorpions crash the game.
Some Settlements like The Orcs and Araby sometimes have to be autoresolved cause they crash.
But if you play the game vigilant to avoid these crash triggers you can run a campaign fighting almost every battle all the way.
I have yet to try the elven factions out tho.
Vampires have a unit which crashes the game sometimes.

Im not complaining just pointing out to people what to look out for so they can play the game with less crashing.
Because ive avoided the triggers and have yet to experience any crashes with any of my running Campaigns.

I get everyone else wants more content with the next release. Which is the issue i find in lots of mods, they end up fixing some old bugs yet add new ones with the new content.
Maybe this mod wont suffer that, we will see.
And thank you for this mod too, very great addition to the Medieval Mods
This mod singlehandedly brought me back into Medieval 2 Total War again.
Been on this and the 1618 mod having a blast with cannons.

Good karma+3 votes
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ WHTW Bugfix Patch

Alright I got it working now.

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ WHTW Bugfix Patch

I did notice that the Chaos General is messed up aswell.

Im trying to figure out how to switch the model to atleast another working General model

Good karma+1 vote
adrianmartinez412 - - 16 comments @ WHTW Bugfix Patch

Wow funny thing is I recently downloaded this Mod last weekend and faced the marauder crash which drove me crazy because I was enjoying the mod.
Its like my prayers were answered XD
So thank you for following up on the issues holding this mod back.
Now I can conquer in peace.
Btw this mod is now more playable than Rage of The Dark Gods mod which just brings more grief than fun with its instability and constant crashing.
Once you get past the dated looks this mod is really great.
Again thank you

Good karma+2 votes