"Witch Game?" will have a different title when it's released, but for now that's what it's called. It's a platformer RPG along the lines of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, with loads of RPG elements to keep you upgrading all over the place. It's my turn to make "the game I want to play" again, so it's all about leveling up and randomly generated items.

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Witch Game is it?

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Hey, I've decided to get wild and crazy with telling the world about my latest game instead of just doing a few little updates on my blog at Hamumu. I'm going to try to really share a lot, and hopefully get some good feedback I can incorporate.

I'm starting it off with a fabutastical video so you can see a tidbit of what's in there now. It's got the "broom physics" (note: no physics involved), monster-slaying, random item drops, and the inventory stuff. There's more in the game at this point, but I'll share that in future updates.

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