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Veggie Snake - new versions


This isn't a sophisticated game but I decided to rework the old C++ version into a Unity3D project so I could experience the Google Play and Appstore submission process. I've done this (releasing mobile games) before with the company I work for, but I wanted to do this by myself this time. So, officially it's my first personal mobile release game!

Now it's available on the Google Play and I hope it will also be available on iOS Appstore as it's waiting for Apple review for a few days now. I would appreciate any feedback if you could test the game, it's free!

The idea is the same, eat fruits and vegetables, avoid meat and colliding with your own body segments. Survive for 150 seconds and you will advance to the next level! Higher levels have obstacles so take care.

Also, there is a online highscore so you can compare with your local best.

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This game was developed in C++ language using Extreme Programming agile techniques and it is part of my graduation final paper.

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