"Knight of the Cross" is a 1st person action-adventure game set in the explorable world of Monsanto, a portuguese village, and its surrounding forest during the late medieval era. You play as a new Knight of the Order of Christ in its first assignment, to help the village and its habitants find the source of the children’s disappearance and restore peace back to the region. Help the village people with quests, clear forest areas of monsters and improve yourself along the way.
Hi everyone,
We sincerely apologize for our lack of new updates these past 2 weeks. Besides working on Knight of the Cross: Monsanto we had been caught up with some university work and had to make some sacrifices in terms of progress.
But unto more fantastic news, we finished what we believe is a Vertical Slice of this title. To celebrate we put together a gameplay trailer to celebrate this milestone.
Next week we'll have more details on the new additions on the game
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next week's devlog.
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Read about our main focuses on the game's scenery and art in this weekly devlog.
In this devlog we talk about how the quests are working in game.
Take a look at our new parry mechanic in action!Learn about our implementation and how it works in this week's devlog.
Today we show you our current progress towards the scenery and the reworking of our look in and out of game.
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