Build settlements and get your empire all over the place. In RTS games, you wish to plan and choose things. But in quite many games, winning just boils down to whoever can click the most. In Ruthless Expansion you have to act fast, but without any micro-management. Ruthless Expansion is about building settlements. You can build them anywhere. The units will do the rest - like gathering and fighting - themselves.

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In RTS games, you wish to plan and choose things. But in quite many games, winning just boils down to whoever can click the most. In Ruthless Expansion you have to act fast, but without any micro-management.

Ruthless Expansion is about building settlements. You can build them anywhere. The units will do the rest - like gathering and fighting - themselves.

The game is now available on You can see it for yourself!

Oogbaard Creator
Oogbaard - - 1 comments

You can download it at!

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