"Portal Remastered" is a recreation of Valve's game from 2007, made with Unreal Engine 4. The main goal of the game is to recreate the first Portal game, without all graphical inconsistencies created by all differences between the first game and its sequel (like elevators between levels, GLaDOS appearance...).

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Hello! :)

Nine months passed from the last article. School takes me many time, but I can work on the game sometimes. Today, I come here to tell you all the changes brought on the game.

Changes on the game

In the comments of my last article, many people have made me notice that some 3D models were a bit cubical. It's now fixed on all 3D models used on the game, including those you can't see for the moment. You can see the result on the screenshot below. ;)

Since the last article, I've worked hard on the lightning of the level. The final result (at least for now) does not really match the original game, but I think it's pretty good.

Result of models' smoothed out versions with the new lightning of the level

Level progression

First, the progression of the level. The level is finished at approximately 50%. The Relaxation Vault room, the first test and the elevator are ready. However, the elevator can't move yet. It's the next task on my list! ;)

Obviously, I can't say this without showing new parts of the level. There are two screenshots.

The first Test Chamber of the game

The elevator, after exiting the first Test Chamber


The main menu's background has been updated, for corresponding with the level. Both was very different from one another after all those changes. The settings menu has been updated too, and this menu is now fully functional. As a reminder, you can find this menu in the main menu of the game.

The menu allows you to :

  • change the resolution of the game ;
  • change the game quality (5 levels available) ;
  • turning on/off the vertical synchronization (VSync) ;
  • turning on/off full screen.

Here are all the changes brought on the game for nine months. Hope you like them, and stay tuned for other news in the next months! :)

Hello ! :)

After 2 month, I'm coming back with a few content to show.

Chell's animations

I know that I'm released a video on their animations 2 months (it's one of my latest article), but I've made some change to Chell's animations, and now, as it's finished, you can discover the final animations of Chell !

New screenshots of the game

In the game inself, I've made many changes on the lightning of the level, because I thought it was too lighted.
The "cryostase zone" (where you spawn in the first level) now has more stuff. You can see it on the screenshot lower. ;)
I've finished the observation room near this zone too.
And finally, I start to add cameras in levels. They do not work yet, but I'm on it.
I'm stop talking, here are screenshots :

Global view of the first level of Portal Remastered, on the 22nd of July 2017.

View of the spawn zone from the first level of Portal Remastered, on the 22nd of July 2017.

Observation room near the spawn zone from the first level of Portal Remastered, on the 22nd of July 2017.

Today, you can see a preview of the first level of the game. Of course, this is not finished yet, and many bugs needs to be resolved, but I think that this video will represent a good idea of the final result.

This article let you know the requirements of your computer.
If you have below the minimal requirements, you can't play to the game (see at the end of this article for more informations).
If you have the minimal requirements, you can play to Portal Remastered in the lowest quality.
With the recommanded requirements, you can play in the highest quality.

Minimal system requirements

  • Operating System (OS) : Windows 7 or higher*
  • Processor : Intel Core i5 or higher**
  • Graphics card : (exact names unknown***)
  • RAM : 5 Go or higher

Recommanded system requirements

  • Operating System (OS) : Windows 10*
  • Processor : Intel Core i5-6400 or higher**
  • Graphics card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or higher*** / AMD Radeon R9 380X or higher***
  • RAM : 8 Go or higher

*Don't forget to install ALL updates from Windows Update.
**Recent model highly recommanded.
***Recent model highly recommanded.

For all people below the minimal requirements : You can try to play the game, but I'm not sure that he can start correctly on your computer.


Screenshot of Chell, as she will appear in the game, in T-Pose.

This is a screenshot of Chell, as she will appear in the game, in T-Pose.
Actually, she is completly functional in the game, but she can't take and use a Portal Gun for the moment.

Chell's animations

This is the test of all animations for Chell. She can perfectly wait, walk, run or jump, as you can see.

Preview of the first level

This is a screenshot of the first level of the game. This picture is used for the main menu's background and for the loading screen's background of the level.

This is a screenshot of the first level of the game. The countdown and dialogs are completly functional, but the portal system needs to be created in order to exit the spawn room.

Loading screen of the first level

Screenshot of the loading game for the first level of the game, in French.

This is a screenshot of the loading screen for the first level of the game, in French. Each level will have a different loading screen, based on him. But it's not a final feature, and it can be edited before the end of the development.

Portal Gun

Screenshot of the Portal Gun

This is a screenshot of the Portal Gun, as it appear in the game. For the moment, Portal Gun's graphics only are finished. The functional part needs to be created.