This game would be a free to play (with premium opportunities ... just to pay the server) multiplayer, set in the 16th century.
The center of the game will be about sailing and traveling around the map (actually the western mediterranean sea, from Gibraltar strait to Sicily on south and England on north)
You personally will be a character, able to command a your company of men or a warship, or be a trader with your trade ship, or a governor (or a king too).
Actually in development
The name for the game
Googling around i saw that a game already have the name i choose for Renaissance Kingdoms.
It is obvious that i will change it as soon as possible. What name ? Do you have any idea?
Empire renaissance...
Renaissance empires....
Imperial renaissance...
European empires...
Or maybe something more addicted to sails and travels and not only political/military aspect...
Fearless captains (the old name)
Fearless kings
Captains and kings... (this one is really nice)
Write your ideas in a comment. Feel free to contribute for the game.
I'm now working to reimplements clouds, sun, and daynight cycle. I still have the code i wrote months ago, so it is only matter to copy it, modifying and test.
See you soon.
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add me on skype at joemian.alexis
Sorry for my silence these days i had an University Exam... so i had to suspend the work..
but now Im here :D
waaaaa i cant wait this game , make a alpha or a beta to play! :D
i will track because i like game about sailing - I'm not sure unity is the best engine to create this type of games but good luck there!
Thank you tracking, I'm not sure too XD but let's hope is still good after all...