Expansive Civilian Warfare (ECW) is a standalone game that is built off the W3D engine (specifically the version that C&C Renegade used). Based off of the late Roleplay 2, the new ECW team has taken C&C Renegade to a whole new level!


  • A massive land mass that’s 100,000x150,000 meters to explore. Although a lot of that is water, there are secrets down there...
  • Over 100 different weapons and items for the player to use, each with their own unique features.
  • Over 47 different player controllable vehicles which include: Tanks, Cars, Motorcycles, Boats, Hovercraft, Helicopters, Jets, VTOLs, hot air balloons, and Mechanical Walkers.
  • Fishing, Cashier, Train Conductor, and Police Officer jobs to make it easy for the player to make money.
  • Smart AI that can drive vehicles, form teams, and decide if they like a player or not based on the players actions.
  • Houses that can be bought by the player, and be customized to their liking. Players can also spawn from their house which helps speed up their ability to move around the map.
  • A cell phone system, which is one of the most useful pieces of equipment in ECW. It allows the transfer of money into the bank; the ability to "call" other players; the option to buy houses, vehicles, and weapons; trigger certain weapons; and many other things!
  • An inventory system that C&C Renegade had previously never seen the likes of. There is an inventory size limit which can be expanded by buying a backpack or usage of remote storage (the starting size limit is 10, but can easily be increased to a max of 135). It also allows players to drop weapons and items, as well as set their own favorite weapon for easy purchase at a later time. The inventory system allows the player to carry up to 50 weapons. This system allows for not only a size on the weapons, but their ammo as well. One of the biggest gains of the system is that when a player dies, they keep all of their weapons for thier next life with a 10% ammo redution.(The player however still drops the item they were holding at the time of death).
  • When you get tired of that, a Mutant Assault mode, which comes with its own surprises and fun!
  • And many more things that wouldn't fit this list!

ECW Team:

Team Leader/Lead Producer/Lead Scripter:


3d Modeler and Texturer:


Lead Coder/Website Designer:

Brandan Lasley

Public Relations:


Server Host:

Brandan Lasley

Assorted Slaves Testers:











Former Staff




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RSS Articles

ECW 4.x Client Released!


ECW and 4.x Client Released!

We are pleased to announce that a 4.x client has been created for ECW. Players can now connect to the ECW server with a more modern engine that outperforms the original in many ways. In addition to the new client, ECW is also getting two new vehicles and many other tweaks and updates!

Modern Client

Let it be known that this client is a rough alpha and does expect to see new bugs and issues. However, initial testing has shown tons of improvements, including:

  • Proper widescreen support
  • Aircraft no longer leave sound effects behind when taking off
  • Mechs do not leave footprints everywhere
  • Hovercraft hover code has been optimized and should be vastly more stable
  • Increased stability for other sound effects, like radios.
  • General stability improvements for the client
  • Animations play from much further away, windmills now appear to turn from a distance!

The new client beats the old 3.4.4 release in almost every way except framerate, because of that I will be maintaining both clients for the foreseeable future just in case some people with older hardware can’t handle it.

Client Configuration

This client is a very rough draft so it currently does not have proper launcher setting configuration, so here is a little guide to get you setup and going while the proper launcher is being finalized:

  • To get to the basic graphical settings to go to the game’s install folder, easiest way to access this is just through the launcher

Once there, open config.exe as ADMIN and it should be smooth sailing from there.

  • Changing draw distance - To change the draw distance, go to the install folder, then go to the data folder. There you will find a file call tt.ini in it there is a field called DrawDistance, this can be any value between 300-4000.
  • Changing Dazzle Settings – Go into the install folder’s data folder, there you will find a DazzleConfigSettings.ini, change the values you want.

New Vehicles

With this update ECW gets two new vehicles:

  • Dodge Grand Caravan

  • A new secret military vehicle that I am not going to spoil here.

Originally, I had planned to add several other vehicles, however, the addition of a new client to help people getting black screens took priority.

Improvements And Bug Fixes

  • Updated the shiny effect on several vehicles to prevent weird colors in white light.
  • Charger seat count is now accurate
  • Fixed the alpha channels of many of the plants so they do not have obvious outlines
  • Removed an oddity from ammunition, apparently it had several texture projectors all these years that were not visible in the 3.4.4 version, however in 4.x they were. These have been removed and hopefully improves performance in both releases
  • “Noon” time of day now has warmer colors and is slightly brighter
  • “Morning” time of day is more of a yellow now and brighter in the shadows.
  • “Night” and “Dusk” shadow areas have been made brighter

Known Issues

There are of course several known issues with the new client, this is mostly due to the desire to release the client to the public rather than spending a couple more weeks polishing it:

  • The new client current runs as “Rengade”. This is something that will be cleaned up in the weeks to come
  • Some menus list keys on top of text, in the traditional 3.4.4 release of ECW we resource hacked those away, but 4.x is a bit more robust and requires more research before it can be cleaned up
  • Currently you will have to launch the modern client through the games listing on the play now button.

Patch Released!

Patch Released!


First patch of the new year brings several new units as well as many improvements! - Sabertruck and new Deathmatch map! - Sabertruck and new Deathmatch map!


In this release I’ve added an electric car and a new Death Match Map.

ECW Patch

ECW Patch


This patch adds a new aircraft, job, records, and tons of bug fixes and tweaks!

W3D Hub 2018 Roadmap

W3D Hub 2018 Roadmap

News 10 comments

We've just announced our ambitious community plans for 2018! New tools, new infrastructure initiatives, new updates to all of our games and more! Read...

RSS Files
W3D Hub Launcher

W3D Hub Launcher

Installer Tool 19 comments

The W3D Hub launcher installs and manages all of the most popular mods for Command & Conquer Renegade. Providing game downloads and automatic updates...

ECW Public Beta Release (Installer)

ECW Public Beta Release (Installer)

Full Version 5 comments

Its finally here, after 2.66 years we've made a release!

darkhusky88 - - 57 comments

What the heck does "Oh no. Plecos are attacking your internet!" mean and why did I get kicked off the game?

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Fogbot3 - - 13 comments

Amazing game and community,went on thinking it would be a free GTA, but it is so much better with a little bit worse graphics. If you like driving, shooting, texting, talking, flying, swimming, walking, or blowing things up, you'll love this game.

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Jerad2142 Creator
Jerad2142 - - 147 comments

Sorry for not being on much man, been busy, hopefully by next week we will be back in again.

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Rift_Fuze - - 279 comments

Is it out yet..

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GeneralCamo - - 84 comments

Sorry if you are watching this page and not receiving any updates. This project is in the last stages of development, so there isn't much stuff to show.

I plan on making an update with a full play-through of one of our new maps soon though: Stay Tuned!

ECW Public Relations

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Jerad2142 Creator
Jerad2142 - - 147 comments

Last Stages of Development? What are you posting from the future?

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Razzeld - - 447 comments

no comments :(

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Latest posts from @ecw_dev

The new Internal test is out with a bunch of new hidden features / events. Highest FPS was 250 FPS on some maps.

Nov 8 2012

No plecostomus no Youtube.com explains today.

Nov 6 2012

Well, we have something really amazing to show you guys.

Nov 5 2012

Stayin Alive In San Casina (Silkrik 2007) Expansivecivilianwarfare.com

Nov 4 2012

Roleplay 2 Trains (2010 Jerad Gray) Expansivecivilianwarfare.com

Nov 4 2012

Ph33r Teh Ninja (Silkrik 2007) Expansivecivilianwarfare.com

Nov 4 2012

ECW New Tornado System (Brandan) Expansivecivilianwarfare.com

Nov 4 2012

New Staff Members! Expansivecivilianwarfare.com

Nov 4 2012