
Evangilion the Game takes place between the Great War events in the Year 12 201 through 12 261.
You, the player will begin your journey on Dogra or Kavos. Start off the tutorial in your childhood and eventually play the real game as an adult. You can choose between 2 main factions: The Galactic Alliance and the Myrmidon Empire.

The Alliance

The main story will be about the Myrmidonian invasion on planet Dogra.
As a child you were raised here with your family.
You are a initiate of the Talon Order and where taught the ways of the Talon. After you succeeded as an initiate and became a disciple, Myrmidon forces entered Dogra space and started attacking the planet. This is where your story begins.

The Empire

The main story will be about the Alliance attack on planet Kavos (5 months after the Myrmidon invasion on Dogra).
As a child you were raised here with your family.
You are a Initiate of the Mahkani Order and where taught the ways of the Mahkanis. After you succeeded as an initiate and became a disciple, Alliance forces entered Kavos space and started attacking the planet, starting your story.

After the invasion story you will play as an adult on one of the two planets.
From here you will choose to stay in the Order or become (someone else) something else. Here ends the main story and you as the player will begin your own story in your own way to become anything you want to be.

The Game

Evangilion the game is a SCI-FI MMORPG focussing on the players interaction with the world. In the game players are either part of one of the main factions or are independent and thus being part of their own faction. As the game lives on players will research for their faction, fight for their faction, explore for their faction or whatever you want to, the choice is all yours. everything is permitted , city's can be created, razed, abandoned or taken over. Planets can be captured, ships can stolen and wars will be fought. Classes are not predetermined either, you'll be your own class. Like the playstyle with a bow? Then you'll get skills suiting that playstyle. Prefer close range with a sword? Try it out and you'll see that nothing is impossible...

more game info will come in time!

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Hello everybody,

It may have taken some time due to holiday's and personal issues, but we're back with a topic today

Character Progression

In real life you learn by doing stuff, this we tried to implement in our game in our own way. If you want to fight with a sword, you equip a sword, you fight a lot and your skill with a sword increases. As every weapon represents its own play style, basically playing how you like to play is all you need to do to make your character stronger. As you get better with a sword your character will figure out different ways to use his sword, resulting in skills and talents. These stats and sills are not lost when switching weapons, you might even be able to use some of them with your newly equipped weapon. For the basic stats, for example health, the same basic idea is at the foundation for our way of thinking. Everyone will start with about the same health, but when you fight a lot in close quarters your bound to take a hit or two. Each hit will result in you losing health, but whenever your health decreases your character will be able to take more damage as he regenerates, thus resulting in a natural increase in stats based on your play style. The underlying message is: just play how you want and your character will adapt, not the other way around. (the exact way this will work out is not yet definite and may be subject to change)

Space ships

Everyone needs transport, but what if there are more inhabited planets? Of course, you need a space ship. Everyone that finishes the tutorial gets their own spaceship with their own starting crew, but how long will this tiny starting ship suffice? As your journey through the vast space progresses you will want to be able to traverse longer distances, be able to carry more cargo or crew and not lose to every pirate. For this you need to either upgrade your existing space ship or buy bigger ones (and upgrade those and so on). You will be able to upgrade your spaceship in large cities rather cheap based on the science level of your guild, faction and main faction, or you can buy upgrades from the owner of the hanger, or you will be able to install salvaged parts from certain other ships you might have destroyed. You will also be able to paint your ship and do a couple of other things to personalize your ship. Once you grow stronger you may also be able to steal someone else's ship, NPC or player, if your able to board the ship and clear it of enemy's.

Thank you all for reading, if there are any questions about any topic's or if there is anything you want to know how we want to do that ask in the comments below and we will answer your question's in the upcoming topic's

Kind regards,


Topic nr. 2 - Factions and Guilds

Topic nr. 2 - Factions and Guilds

News 1 comment

Hello everyone, 9GEN here. Today's topic will be "Factions and Guilds"

Topic nr.1 - Player influence and Combat

Topic nr.1 - Player influence and Combat


Hello everyone, 9gen here. As our summary doesn't really reveal a lot we will be releasing updates here as news about certain topics. Today's topic will...

GLATechGeneral - - 798 comments

MMO huh? is it turn-based or real-time?

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SamVo96 Creator
SamVo96 - - 85 comments

Real time sir. Sorry for late replie, we are just back from holiday and the new school year has begun.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ttolkinen - - 2 comments

i would love to play this.

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Guest - - 706,953 comments

Will this be on steam greenlight?

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SamVo96 Creator
SamVo96 - - 85 comments

We havent tought about that yet, we will lok in to it. We do want to start a kickstarter project when the time is right.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Heer_Gefreiter - - 523 comments

Looks nice. Keep it up! :D

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SamVo96 Creator
SamVo96 - - 85 comments

Thank you Heer_Gefreiter!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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