Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War delivers a level of visual detail never before seen in an RTS. Hundreds of units clash on the battlefields of the dark future, unleashing massive destruction through a stunning battery of long-range weaponry before closing in for the finish. Incredible kill animations bring science fiction combat to life like never before, and the gritty future-gothic Warhammer 40,000 setting provides a striking tableau for the chaos and carnage of this grim, dark future, where there is only war!


Multyplayer 1v1 map. Size: 256. Aviation is working correctly. Author: TransperosnalPsy. Used in DoWOnline client. Release date: 01.08.15 || This version update from 24.12.20

Colosseum Suicide (2 Players)
Elzear_1er - - 155 comments

Là c'est du lourd, j'ai essayé le Chaos, ça fourmille de details sympa on se croierais vraiment dans l'arene des gladiateurs surtout que les ennemis sont très presents.
There it is heavy, I tried the Chaos, it is full of nice details we would really believe in the arena of gladiators especially since the enemies are very present.
Great map

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