In this game you are in a hyper advanced fighter jet and aliens randomly come in one giant 4 mile long pinecone spaceship knockin at earth's doorstep. The thing is that they came knocking with lazers, and plasma cannons, and WMD's, and all the other usual things they use to make first contact. Subsequently they destroyed a lot of the eastern hemesphire. Strangely enough the human race didn't take the aliens kind gesture of friendship all that well and decided to launch thousands of ICBM's at the big pinecone. The big pinecone ship managed to intercept most of the missiles but due to overwelming #'s several hit the pinecone causing it to, like, go boom. However around 1600 fighters and 40 less gigantic, yet still rather large warships, with Big-Honkin-Lazers-Of-Doom (BHLOD)'s that can destroy cities in a single bound, were launched before the pinecone went boom. They continued to destroy and pillage the cities of the eastern hemeshere and decided to fly across the Pacific to pay the USA a visit. It is your job to destroy the enemy fighters and most importantlty the Uber Boss ships w/ (BHLOD)'s , and save the planet!

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This final versoion features 5 levels, a cool sandbox mode, all kinds of upgrades, and an option to turn off some graphics if your computer sucks. Download it now. it is fun and there is no installing it, just download and play. Oh, and check out my other games. i am now starting to work on... llama.

Gamma almost done.

Gamma almost done.


Yeah, so I have been working on this a lot, and i think I'm about ready to release the gamma. Here are some of the things I have added.




Whell I just made a picture that has all the info, so you should refer to that.

Ok, I guess I'll make 1.3...

Ok, I guess I'll make 1.3...


Ugh, I have continued to make improvements to the game and so, I guess that will become 1.3 when I'm done.

1.2 IS OUT!

1.2 IS OUT!


1.2 IS OUT!!!! Yay, and , stuff... It has a lot of new features and sounds and sprites ad stuff like that.

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Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine

Full Version 2 comments

I have finally finished Yellow Submarine and have decided to realse it on m birthday. It features five awesome levels and tons of cool upgrades you can...

Yellow Submarine Beta

Yellow Submarine Beta

Full Version

This is a fully playable beta, that features a cool menu, and enemy units and awesomeness and whatnot. So try it now, no install necessary.

Yellow Submarine Alpha

Yellow Submarine Alpha


This is a basic version of the game. It shows the nice blow up effects and the cool bubbles and debris and stuff. Shoot torpedoes with ctrl, move with...



Full Version 2 comments

Square poop I need 50 characters, so there........ EDIT:oh, this is a game in case your wondering... Try to have a width of at least 1280 or else it will...

Alien Incursion Version 1.2

Alien Incursion Version 1.2

Full Version 3 comments

1.2 IS OUT!!!! Yay, and , stuff... It has a lot of new features and sounds and sprites ad stuff like that. yah... read more by clicking the read more...

Alien Incursion Version 1.1

Alien Incursion Version 1.1

Full Version 3 comments

Yay, all done. This new version adds 2 new units, visual effects, and a bonus level where you shoot hundereds of bullets a second and can't die! Read...

maxcheese3 Creator
maxcheese3 - - 203 comments

Hey, more people should try this game and whatnot (and all my games for that matter). All of my games are applications that do not need to be installed, so just download, double click, and play and your done... that simple.

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Riku1766 - - 2 comments

I like the "Ring A Ding"

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Typhaaris - - 173 comments

lol @ BHLOD's (in a good way)

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Yumchar100 - - 85 comments

did you make the ship yourself?

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maxcheese3 Creator
maxcheese3 - - 203 comments

Well now I have lol.

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