Bloodraider is a DotA like MOBA game where two teams -Green and Red- fight against eachother to destroy the enemies throne. At the beginning you can choose of a variety of heroes who are different in their abilities and stats. You can buy items, cast spells and choose between many tactics you want to play. But remember that teamplay is the key to every win.

RSS News
The next big update 0.0.2

The next big update 0.0.2


It has been two weeks since the first release has been published and we already want to present you the second update with new game content distinguishing...

The first alpha preview is out!

The first alpha preview is out!


You can now play the pre-alpha development build of Bloodraider with every component that is currently in the game. Bloodraider is a DotA-like MOBA game...

The first alpha preview and updates

The first alpha preview and updates

News 2 comments

Bloodraider is almost polished enough for the first alpha preview. The multiplayer part works good but not synced enough to test it out in public releases...

The first Bloodraider alpha client release

The first Bloodraider alpha client release


The DotA like MOBA game Bloodraider is currently in alpha state and we want to give you the first possibly stable release of it in a few weeks/months...