Backyard Terror is a tactical roundbased first-person shooter in a sandbox.

The Terrorists have to destroy the target while the Counter-Terrorists have to prevent them from bombing.

But you've also face the fact that your enemy can dig tunnels or create shelters to get an tactical advantage.

It's like Counter-Strike in an Minecraft univers.

The easy to use Mapeditor will provide a lot of new maps and playtime. In-Game Screenshots of Backyard Terror Backyard Terror is still in development and free to play.

As a registered User you will be able to take part in the alpha and beta tests.

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Hi I`m magoonr and I`m a student at the university of applied science in Karlsruhe, Germany. My course of studies is "technologies of automobile" and I`m here to to introduce you my first coding project in C/C++ :)
It`s BACKYARD TERROR. Counterstrike in a Minecraft-World.
Currenty I'm on the MapEditor which builds the basic for the game. I've released some test versions a while ago - but I'm planing to release the editor very soon.

Due to my bad english I`ve also got a german devblog @Blogspot:

Your feedback is welcome! So post your comments :)

Dantheus - - 2 comments

Minecraft is not the first goddamn block based sandbox game in the world, it's just the most popular. Should people not develop sports games because Pong has already been made? Many people consider starcraft the pinnicle of RTS's, should we just stop making all these starcraft clones? Jesus Christ, but I'm sick of the "MINECRAFT CLONE!!!1!" babble.

Voxels were almost the flavour of choice back in the 90's, but developers and hardware manufacturers went with polygons instead. So many voxel-ish titles these days has actually made some manufacturers (ATI, I believe) consider producing cards that prioritize and support voxels, as Ken Silverman dreamed they would. That says to me that far from being over, voxel games are really just beginning.

Soon (Already, really) there will be block based sandbox games that make minecraft look like crap, gameplay wise. If you can't handle new games that use blocks, you should probably stop playing new games for a few years, because contrary to what mrtaterz says, block games are becoming more popular, more numerous and more complex. It's a retro revolution! Get with it or get left behind.

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goosejelly - - 121 comments

Games like these usually become stale and unpopular within mid-development time. You should reconsider your angle or graphic style, design, and purpose.
Make a completely different game from scratch, because, going to be blunt here, I'm sure the game will not get many downloads once the project is finished.

Think: What do people want out of a game?

Minecraft has already been over-done, is getting less popular, and the more Minecraft rip-offs there are, the less interesting it all is in general.

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magoonr Creator
magoonr - - 2 comments

thanks :) its my first coding project ever (if php doesnt count)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
MaestroGamer - - 329 comments

looks nice .. trackin ..

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Dearnike - - 107 comments

Cant wait!

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architectts - - 790 comments

"Minecraft and Counterstrike"
Wow people's ideas have already run dry off of Minecraft's success.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
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