Post feature Report RSS US faction changes

All balance changes and bugfixes done to the US faction are collected here.

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General Bugfixes:

  • Fixed a bug were wounded engineers blocked availability of reinforcements after the HQ have been destroyed.
  • Mine critical tables have been standardized.


  • Demo Charges are able to target Panzer Elite Road Blocks.


  • Fixed mine damage multiplier being lower than intended vs Hotchkiss (increased from 1 to 1.5.)
  • Minesweeper upgrade increases sight and capture speed (sight radius by 15% and capture rate by 50%.)
  • Cut Wire ability received accuracy penalty removed.


  • Suppression Fire received a decorator when active.
  • Sticky critical tables standardized against sdkfz_22x_light_armored_car armor.
  • Sticky Bomb can no longer be thrown at Flak 88's, Flakvierlings and ATG's.


  • Target priority increased against Snipers.
  • DPS value vs Sniper increased to match WM Motorbike. (damage multiplier vs Snipers increased from 1 to 1.25)
  • Weapon scatter matches Wehrmacht Motorcycle's.
  • Heavy Machineguns bugged penetration value against the Jeep have been fixed. (lowered received penetration fom 90 to 0.8)


  • Grenades chance to miss removed against units in the bunker (accuracy increased from 0.15 to 1.)
  • Grenades are no longer able to damage allied Howitzer crew members.

30. cal HMG

  • APR received a decorator when active.
  • Fixed unintended accuracy multiplier change vs Heroic Armor (reverted from 0.78 to 0.85)

Mortar Team

  • Barrages are no longer able to damage allied Howitzer crew members.
  • Mortar will priorize set up team weapons (HMG, Mortar, AT gun etc.) by default.
  • Mortar's accuracy impoves on Veterancy level 1 and Veterancy level 3 as intended.


  • Sniper heroic critical resistance against other snipers have been made an active ability which when activated grants heroic resistance vs snipers shots on retreat only (20 seconds duration after activation, adds resistance when retreating and has a cooldown of 230 seconds. "Heroic Retreat" cooldown is shared between all your Snipers and only 1 can be active at a time.)
  • Grouped Snipers are easier to reveal (-8m conceal radius for every additional Snipers in 20m radius of each other, visual indicator added if active).
  • Snipers fire slower. (Minimum weapon cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds, minimum aim time increased from 0.3 to 0.5 seconds.)
  • Snipers are evasive when moving, not at default. (received accuracy multiplier from small arms increased from 0.75 to 1, received accuracy multiplier while moving vs. small arms has been decreased from 1 to 0.75.)
  • US sniper rifle penetration against Tiger and Puma fixed.
  • Sniper weapon modifier statistics vs PE light vehicles are the same as of other light vehicles.

M8 Greyhound

  • Penetration tables have been fixed for various targets.

-Penetration vs the Hotchkiss increased from 0.3586 to 1.
- Main gun no longer have increased accuracy against skirted Panzer IV's.
- Penetration multiplier vs Hetzer increased from 0.0384 to 0.386
- Rear penetration multiplier vs Hetzer decreased from 11.57 to 6.54
- Penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 0.3814 to 0.1
- Rear penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 8.55 to 3.55)

  • Moving Marder III and the Geschützwagen are harder to hit.
  • Mine Drop is no longer blocked by enemy mines.

M3 Halftrack

  • Quad now can withstand 3 overall hits from a PaK AT Gun if the 1 shot comes from camouflage.

T17 Armored Car

  • T17 is able to use its coaxial MG.
  • Rear penetration multiplier being too low for various vehicles have been fixed

AT Gun

  • AP Rounds received a decorator when turned on.
  • AT Gun no longer 1 shot kills infantry. (Damage multiplier vs infantry reduced from 1 to 0.1)
  • Paradropped 57mm AT Guns reinforcement cost reduced from 84 to 45 manpower.

M10 Tank Destroyer

  • M10 misfire fixed by using eliw00d's M10 animations.
  • M10 receives additional movement penalties when running over infantry. (receive 100% speed reduction when crushing infantry and 40% for an additional 1.5 seconds.).

M18 Hellcat

  • Hellcat sight range reduced to match other Tanks sight range. (from 46m to 35m)
  • Hellcat collision size brought in line with its current model size.
  • Hellcat receives additional movement penalties when running over infantry. (receive 100% speed reduction when crushing infantry and 40% for an additional 1.5 seconds.)
  • Hellcat accuracy matches that of a M3 Halftrack. (Increased accuracy from 0.1 - 0.25 to 0.2 - 0.45)


  • Sherman 76mm Upgun no longer increases reload (Reload reduced from 7 to 6 seconds).
  • Sherman 76mm Upgun no longer increases AoE. (reduced from 3.3 to 3m)
  • Crab speed penalty reduced from 50% to 35%.
  • Smoke Canister munition cost reduced from 50 to 35 munitions.
  • Main gun no longer have increased accuracy against skirted Panzer IV's.
  • Sherman hatch animation bug fixed when upgrading a MG.
  • Sherman accuracy matches that of a M3 Halftrack. (Increased accuracy from 0.1 - 0.25 to 0.2 - 0.45)

Sherman Crocodile

  • Aim time have been reduced significantly. (from 1.5 sec to 0.25 sec)
  • Flame projectile is significantly faster. (from 13.5 to 22)

Supply Yard

  • FHQ's are able to unlock the Supply Yard.

Medic Station

  • Population requirement increased from 0 to 2
  • Medic Tents show up on the minimap.
  • Experience value increased from 0 to 3 points.

MG Nest

  • Population requirement increased from 0 to 2 (Starting MG Nests not affected.)
  • MG Nest weapon statistics vs pinned and suppressed units match standard values.
  • Experience value increased from 0 to 3 points.


  • Bazooka's no longer 1 shot-kill infantry. (Damage multiplier vs infantry reduced by 50%)
  • Bazooka reload is affected while suppressed. (reload multiplier increased from 1 to 2)


  • Veterancy level 1 accuracy bonuses fixed.
  • Allied Howitzers are reinforceable.
  • US Howitzer will show its range when searching for a construction place.

Airborne Paratroopers

  • Recoiless Rifle's no longer 1 shot-kill infantry. (Damage multiplier vs infantry reduced by 50%)
  • Recoiless Rifle's reload is affected while suppressed. (reload multiplier increased from 1 to 2)
  • Responsiveness to Retreat improved after throwing a Satchel Charge.

M26 Pershing

  • Fixed damage multiplier being too low vs Motorcycle and Schwimmwagen

T34 Calliope

  • Calliope Barrage can be interrupted.

Airborne Doctrine

  • Bombing Run rockets spacing and tables have been tuned.

Bombing Run Rockets AoE accuracy increased from 0.75 to 1.
Bombing Run damage multiplier vs Jagdpanther and Hotchkiss increased from 1 to 2.
Bombing Run Rockets AoE damage multiplier between 6 and 9m reduced from 0.75 to 0.5.

  • Strafing Run friendly fire and suppression enabled while maintaining anti-blob effectivness.
  • Planes survivablity increased.
  • Recon Run no longer reveals Snipers, instead thier positions will be shown on the map.

Infantry Doctrine

  • Off-map Combat Group population requirement increased from 15 to 24 to match maximum overall unit composition.
  • M3 Quad added to OMCG.
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