Post feature Report RSS South American bank

Now you will be able to make deposits, withdrawals, request and return loans in the banks of each faction capital (except Temuco) and see your account statement through the reports menu (Bank report).

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The system is as follows:

When you visit, for example, Santiago, the capital of Chile, in the menu of this city, the option appears: Visit the South American bank. (you can also enter the scene, from the city center)

When you are inside, there will be 7 characters, 2 gentlemen, 2 ladies, a traveler and a provocative woman (this woman is also in the tavern) and the banker. With this banker, you will have to talk to get to the bank's presentation.

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In this window, you will see your personal data (name, the cash you have, Deposits you have made, your debt and your honor), you will also see an interface for deposits (deposit and withdraw money) and loans (request money and return it). To assign amounts, you must move the bars or put the amount in the appropriate slots.

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When you make a Deposit, after a few days you will be able to receive or earn interest. On the contrary, if you apply for a Loan, you will be notified of your debt within a few days. You will be charged interest for said loan, which you can pay at the time of being notified. If you do not want to pay, you can also add that interest to the debt. If you do not want any of the 2 previous options, you can choose the option "I do not want to pay", you must be careful, because you will go to prison.

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If you go to prison, you will be notified of this event and after some time, you will need to talk to the guard for your release. (interest is not applied to the debt, but honor is lost).

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Finally, you can also see at any time of the game,
the Bank report (statement of account), through the reports menu.

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That's all, any question, you know you can do it right here.

Atte Mauromagno Patriota

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Tasse05 - - 118 comments

Adivínad su respuesta, cuando pregunté a mi profesor: "¿Dónde tienes tu dinero?"

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Mauromagno_Patriota Author
Mauromagno_Patriota - - 823 comments

esto lo he modificado un poco.... El sistema en un principio hacia pagar intereses solamente, por ejemplo 200 monedas cada semana si pedias un prestamo de 1000, pero la deuda de 1000 nunca terminaba. Ahora lo dejé de la siguiente forma:
1-Si pídes un prestamo de 1000, se te aplica el interes del 20%, es decir 200, entonces tienes una deuda de 1200, la que tendras que pagar en forma regresiva, esto es, la primera semana la cuota es de 240 (deuda/5), si la pagas, la proxima semana tu deuda será de 960 y esta se divide por 5 nuevamente, por lo que tendras que pagar 192 y te queda una deuda de 768 y asi sucesivamente, en resumen, a medida que baja la deuda, mas baja será tu cuota semanal.
2-Si agregas tu cuota semanal a la deuda, se te aplicará nuevamente el 20% de interes sobre tu deuda total.
3-Si pides un nuevo prestamo antes de pagar el total de tu deuda, se aplicara el 20% de interes sobre el total de tu deuda.
4-Si no pagas, ni tampoco agregas la cuota a tu deuda, iras a prision.
5-Si la acumulacion de la deuda sobrepasa el limite (aun estoy viendo cual será), solo tendras opcion de pagar o ir a la carcel.
6-Si tu deuda total es menor o igual a 200, se pagará el total en una sola cuota.

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Mauromagno_Patriota Author
Mauromagno_Patriota - - 823 comments

(2-Si agregas tu cuota semanal a la deuda, se te aplicará nuevamente el 20% de interes sobre tu deuda total.)
solo aplicaré el 2% ya que el 20% ya estaba agregado a la deuda, quedará asi:
debt=1000 interest=200, 1200/5=240, 1200+240=1440
y la cuota de la proxima semana será
debt=1440 interest 2%=29, 1440+29=1469/5= cuota actual 294.

Alguien tiene algo que sugerir?

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