Post feature Report RSS Panzer Elite changes

All balance changes and bugfixes done to the Panzer Elite faction are collected here.

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  • Fixed the bug which blocked availability of reinforcements after the HQ have been destroyed.
  • AA weapons will prioritize infantry (vehicles for the Flak88) over planes.
  • PE Production Tabs for Panzer-Jäger Kommando and Panzer-Support Kommando show the correct icon.
  • Mine critical tables have been standardized.
  • Population upkeep threshold decreased from 12 to 4 to balance out the removal of the base Flakvierling's population cost.
  • Infantry Defensive Veterancy gives the same bonuses at all levels.
  • Infantry Defensive Veterancy received accuracy bonus increased from 0 to 5%/level at all levels.
  • Vehicle Defensive Veterancy tweak: the first obtained Defensive Veterancy will give 15% health, 10% less received accuracy and damage, regardless at which veterancy level it was obtained.


  • Flakvierling and its crew are more durable.

Crew have heroic armor and slightly higher health (health increased to from 85 to 100)
Flakvierling health have been increased from 300 to 400.
Flakvierling have reduced damage and accuracy from Tank and ATG guns.

  • Flakvierling penetration table fixes.

Flakvierling's penetration vs sniper armor at long range have been fixed.
Flakvierling's rear penetration against Panther, Stug, P4 and Sherman have been standardized.
Flakvierling penetration against M10 increased from 0 to 0.0625.

  • Flakvierling's are reinforceable.

Kettenkrad, Schwimmwagen

  • Cannot detect mines when camouflaged.
  • Kettenkrad booby trap delay decreased from 4-8 to 3-5.
  • Experience requirements decreased from 8-22-38 to 4-11-19
  • Schwimmwagen Mark Target ability now can be targeted on a small area.
  • Schwimmwagen Mark Target cast range reduced from 40 to 32.5 meters.
  • Schwimmwagen Mine Drop is no longer blocked by enemy mines.
  • Incendiary Mine placement is no longer blocked by enemy mines.
  • Gains the ability to Cut Wire.
  • Cut Wire ability received accuracy penalty removed.
  • Incendiary damage over time table fixes:

Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs soldier armor increased from 1.25 to 2.
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Paratroopers increased from 1 to 2.
Incendiary DoT accuracy multiplier vs Paratroopers increased from 0.75 to

Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Heroic armor increased from 0.7 to 1.25.

  • Munitions HT and Def Ops affects Schwimmwagen's Incendiary Mine and Mark Target abilities.
  • Fixed an issue where recovered Kettenkrad or Schwimmenwagen could permanently lockdown a sector.

Panzer Grenadiers

  • Panzer Elite rifles will properly show tracers.


  • Suppressive Volley Fire's suppression are affected by all cover types.
  • Suppressive Volley Fire's suppression no longer triggers instantly.
  • Suppressive Volley Fire's suppression is stackable.
  • Suppressive Volley Fire area of effect suppression's enabled.
  • Suppressive Volley Fire's suppression AoE increased from 10 to 12m.
  • Suppressive Volley Fire slow no longer has effect on retreating units.
  • G43's will properly show tracers.

Incendiary Grenades

  • Flame DoT no longer causes engine damage for light vehicles.

Panther Battlegroup

  • Call in cost decreased from 1000 to 650 manpower.
  • Number of Panthers reduced from 2 to 1.

Captured Heavy Weapons

  • Captured MG and Mortar crews can be suppressed.
  • Captured MG and Mortar crews can obtain Sprint, Disable Point ability.
  • Captured heavy weapons benefit from Veteran Sergeant upgrade.

Scout Car

  • Target priority increased against Snipers.
  • Turret rotation speed increased (from 50 to 80)
  • Get Mobile ability cannot be toggled while Immobilized.
  • Scout Car no longer have „phase armor".
  • SC MG will properly show tracers.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Scout Car build time reduced from 50 to 45 seconds.
  • Scout Car build time further reduced from 45 to 30 seconds after obtaining Jäger or Support Kommand upgrade.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Fixed an issue where recovered Scout Car could permanently lockdown a sector.

Munitions HT

  • Upkeep decreased from 5,376 to 2,688 mp/minute.
  • Mines drop recharge time reduced from 15 to 0 seconds.
  • Mines drop orders can be qued up.
  • Mine Drop is no longer blocked by enemy mines.
  • Recharges allied Panzer Elite abilities.
  • Experience requirements decreased from 8-22-38 to 4-11-19.
  • Munitions HT improves with each veterancy level:

Vet 1: Gains 15 meter mine detection range.
Vet 2: Mine cost reduced by 10 munitions.
Vet 3: Gains the ability to reinforce.

  • Munitions Halftrack icon shows the correct Halftrack.
  • Fixed mine damage multiplier being lower than intended vs the Staghound and the Stuart (increased from 1 to 1.5.)

Vampire HT

  • Experience requirements decreased from 8-22-38 to 4-11-19
  • Vampire HT Divert Supplies ability gains +5m camouflage detection range with each veterancy level.
  • Extended sight now includes AT Guns.
  • Engine hoods properly close after the vehicle has been repaired.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Improved pathing.

PE Goliath

  • PE Goliath is detectable.
  • PE Goliath turn rate matches Wehrmacht Goliath's.
  • Goliath explosion no longer gives better cover. (changed from tp_heavy to tp_light.)
  • Goliath explosion no longer has the chance to miss vehicles. (accuracy vs vehicles increased from 1 to 2.)

AT Grenade

  • Projectile speed increases with veterancy (15% per level).

Infantry Halftrack

  • Engine hoods properly close after the vehicle has been repaired.
  • Snipers only kill 1 PG in fully garrisoned Infantry Halftracks.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Improved pathing.

Mortar HT

  • Mortar HT will priorize set up team weapons (HMG, Mortar, AT gun etc.) by default.
  • Incendiary DoT no longer causes engine damage for light vehicles.
  • Incendiary DoT damage multipliers have been fixed

Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs ATG reduced from 1 to 0.25
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Howitzer reduced from 1 to 0.25
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs team weapons reduced from 1 to 0.25
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Flak 88 reduced from 1 to 0.25
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Flakvierling reduced from 1 to 0.25
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs soldier armor increased from 1 to 2.
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Paratroopers increased from 1 to 2.
Incendiary DoT accuracy multiplier vs Paratroopers increased from 0.75 to 1
Incendiary DoT damage multiplier vs Heroic armor increased from 0.7 to 1.25.

  • Engine hoods properly close after the vehicle has been repaired.
  • Each Offensive Veterancy reduces weapon scatter by 15% and increases barrage distance by 5m.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Improved pathing.


  • All statistics match the Wehrmacht counterpart.

Damage increased from 105 to 120.
Target table matches Wehrmacht Panzerschrek's.

  • Panzerschrek reload is affected while suppressed. (reload multiplier increased from 1 to 2)
  • Panzerschrek's no longer 1 shots infantry. (Damage vs infantry reduced by 75%)


  • Tankbusters can reobtain Panzerchrek for free if it has been dropped (and there are free slots).

Armored Car

  • Certain projectiles no longer phase through the model when it should collide with it.
  • Armored Car camouflage detection removed.
  • Upkeep increased from 2,688 to 4,032 mp/minute.
  • Bugs and inconsistencies in the 20mm guns tables have been fixed.

Armored Car Main Gun's rear penetration against Panther, Stug, P4 and Sherman have been standardized.
Damage multiplier vs Stuart reduced from 1 to 0.8
Rear penetration multiplier vs Stuart reduced from 2.329 to 1.529.
AC's penetration vs Sniper armor at long range have been fixed.

  • Damage or destroyed engine criticals properly remove speed bonuses on AC Overdrive.
  • Overdrive reduces accuracy by 35%.
  • Armored car's MG will properly show tracers.
  • Experience value increased from 3 to 4 points.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Fixed an issue where recovered Armored Car could permanently lockdown a sector.

Marder III

  • AT Guns will have -6% less accuracy and a further -20% if the Marder is moving.
  • Target table optimizations:

Damage multiplier vs Jeep decreased from 1.5 to 1.
Damage multiplier vs Halftrack decreased from 1.5 to 1.
Damage multiplier vs infantry reduced from 1 to 0.1
Accuracy versus all infantry types are reduced to 0.05.
Damage multiplier vs Base Buildings reduced from 0.5 to 0.33.
Infantry in towed AT Gun teams will be prioritized over the AT Gun itself.

  • Marder III gun will animate properly after repair.
  • Fixed a bug where the Marder would continue to move in Lockdown mode.

Group Zeal

  • Group Zeal now works on all Lufftwaffe, Fallschimjäger and Flak Weapon crews.

Light ATHT

  • While Focused Firing is active, main gun prioritizes infantry over vehicles.
  • While Focused Firing is active, Treadbreaker cannot be used.
  • Treadbreaker reworked: Only damages the engine and amplifies received accuracy of the targeted vehicle by 35%.
  • Number of Treadbreaker shots decreased from 5 to 1.
  • Treadbreaker penetration vs Pershing increased.
  • Target table optimization:

Accuracy versus all infantry types are reduced to 0.05.
Accuracy versus Stuart and Staghound are increased from 1 to 1.05.
Accuracy versus moving Stuart and Staghound are decreased from 1 to 0.8.
Penetration vs Stuart increased from 0.7687 to 1.14.
Rear penetration vs Stuart increased from 2.32 to 3.

  • Targeting speed increased from 15 to 25.
  • Engine hoods are properly closed after the vehicle has been repaired.
  • Acceleration and deceleration values have been switched.
  • Improved pathing.

Panzer IV Infantry Support Tank

  • Easier to micromanage

Acceleration increased from 1.2 to 1.6
Deceleration increased from 3 to 4.

  • PIV Stubby is able to use its hull and coaxial MG's.
  • PIV Stubby skirt upgrade shows the short-barreled version.
  • Target table fixes

Rear penetration multiplier vs Stuart and Staghound is increased from 1.93 to 2.93
Accuracy multiplier vs moving Stuart and Staghound is reduced from 1 to 0.8.

  • Fixed a bug where the P4 IST would continue to move in Lockdown mode.


  • Each Offensive Veterancy reduces Stuka Rocket's scatter by 15% and increases barrage distance by 10m.
  • Moving Hotchkiss' are harder to hit by infantry AT and Tank guns.
  • Incorrect damage multiplier vs M10 have been fixed (increased from 0.5 to 1)
  • Full percent of the reload time are affected by the Offensive Veterancy's reload bonus.
  • H35 Upgun gun values have been fixed.

Veteran Sergeant

  • Fallschirmjägers, Lufftwaffe Ground Forces and captured heavy weapon teams benefit from the upgrade.


  • Each Offensive Veterancy reduces weapon's scatter by 15% and increases barrage distance by 10m.


  • Hetzers can rotate in Camouflage.
  • Incorrect weapon statistics corrected

Damage multiplier vs Bren Carrier increased from 1 to 1.25
Fixed mounted MG42 burst length being too low (increased from 0.5 - 1 sec to 1-2 sec)

Weapon AoE does not decrease from 0.5m to 0.1m with APCR Rounds.

  • Hetzer upkeep increased from 1.0752 to 10.752 mp/min.

Lufftwaffe Flakvierling

  • Flakvierling and its crew are more durable.

Flakvierling health have been increased from 250 to 400.
Flakvierling have reduced damage and accuracy from Tank and ATG guns.

  • Flakvierling penetration table fixes.

Flakvierling's penetration vs sniper armor at long range have been fixed.
Flakvierling's rear penetration against Panther, Stug, P4 and Sherman have been standardized.
Flakvierling penetration against M10 increased from 0 to 0.0625.

  • Flakvierling's are reinforceable.
  • Lufftwaffe Flakvierling population increased from 0 to 2.
  • Build speed are affected by the number of Lufftwaffe Forces building it.


  • Easier to micromanage

Acceleration increased from 1.2 to 1.6
Deceleration increased from 3 to 4.

  • Target table corrections:

Wirbelwind will prioritize infantry (vehicles for the flak88) over planes.
Wirbelwind's rear penetration against Panther, Stug, P4 and Sherman have been standardized.
Damage multiplier vs Stuart and Staghound reduced from 1 to 0.3.
Accuracy multiplier vs Stuart and Staghound reduced from 1 to 0.9.
Accuracy multiplier vs moving Stuart and Staghound reduced from 1 to 0.85.
Penetration multiplier vs Stuart and Staghound increased from 0.12 to 0.3.
Rear penetration multiplier vs Stuart and Staghound increased from 2.329 to 3.

Flak 88mm

  • Several inconsistencies and bugs have been corrected in the damage tables

Damage multiplier vs infantry units reduced from 1 to 0.35.
Damage multiplier vs MG and Mortar weapons reduced from 1 to 0.5.
Priority vs MG and Mortar weapons reduced from 5 to 0.
Accuracy multiplier vs infantry reduced from 0.15 to 0.05.
Flak 88 will prioritize vehicles over planes.

  • Flak 88's are reinforceable.
  • Flak crew health reduced from 85 to 65.
  • Flak crew armor type changed to tp_soldier.
  • Experience value increased from 5 to 6 points.
  • Gun will face the last area of engagement.
  • Build speed are affected by the number of Lufftwaffe Forces building it.


  • Fallschirmjäger first strike bugs fixed (Previosly the 25% accuracy and damage bonuses could stack up to 4x times. This has been removed, its not stackable anymore)
  • Fallschirmjäger Incendiary Grenade range have been increased from 8 to 21.
  • Fallschirmjäger capture speed is increased from 1 to 1.25.

Lufftwaffe Doctrine

  • Fixed Air Dropped SD-2 Butterfly Bombs smoke bug.

Scorched Earth Doctrine

  • Sector Arty projectile added to the first round.
  • Sector Arty first round is more accurate (scatter distance reduced from 14m to 4m)
  • Sector Arty also targets Flak 88's and ATG's.
  • Re-enabling a point have a small manpower upkeep.
  • US Light Vehicles with Raid can also re-enable points.
  • Garrisoned Bren Carriers can also re-enable points.

Tank Destroyer Doctrine

  • APCR applies to the Hotchkiss.
  • APCR applies to captured AT Guns and Flak 88's.
  • Teller Mine tech tree upgrade also enables PG's to construct Barbed Wire and Tank Traps.
  • Jagdpanther main gun attributes match the King Tiger's. (increased Area of Effect and smaller scatter value)
  • Fixed the bug were APCR was not appling to rebuilt Jagdpanthers, Panthers, Hetzers, ATHT's and Marders.

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