Marines capsule in the game Spaceship Commander is a small spacecraft, launched from a carrier ship in order to board an enemy ship. The capsule can accommodate several people with equipment.
Marines capsule start from carrier ship
Capsules series MK-1 (2 people) and MK-2 (4 people)
Boarding process:
The marines capsule is equipped with a usual rocket engine to gain speed and fly to the target ship. After approaching the target, the capsule equalizes its speed with it and begins the process of rendezvous.
Next, the capsule "sticks" to the hull of the target ship with the help of hydraulic grippers and only then begins to weld a hole in the hull of the target ship with a plasma jet. After the hole is made, the mariners can get inside the ship.
To launch a marines capsule you need a Marines Module on board the ship. Give an order to your crew members to enter the Marines Module, and then order to launch the capsule.
Remember - the number of capsules is limited and is determined by the capacity of the ship. You can replenish the supply of capsules either at the home station, or in large cities or at merchants.