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Global Scale Destruction The whole environment in the game is destructible and persistent. You can travelto a forgotten asteroid, mine a tunnel and make it your secret base of operations. You could take an asteroidbuster rocket and destroy any large asteroid. You could dig a long tunnel in a huge8km asteroid and wait until an unsuspecting victim flies into the tunnel and mount an ambush. The possibilities are limitless.

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*Global Scale Destruction
The whole environment in the game is destructible and persistent. You can travelto a forgotten asteroid, mine a tunnel and make it your secret base of operations. You could take an asteroidbuster rocket and destroy any large asteroid. You could dig a long tunnel in a huge8km asteroid and wait until an unsuspecting victim flies into the tunnel and mount an ambush. The possibilities are limitless.

*Revolutionary ingame editor / modding tool
the game ships with an easy to use ingame editor. This editor will allow the community to make their own sectors, mod the game and build their own missions. The content that they create will be saved on server and can be shared with the other players in one persistent universe.

*No Monthly Payments with quarterly expansion packs
Miner Wars is a one-time purchase. You buy and you play. There will be regular updates to the game every quarter.

*6DOF Combat / FPS in Space
Every ship in the game is fully maneuverable in six directions. This makesthe combat extremely dynamic and exciting. FPS veterans will feel at home with our WASD- mouse-and-keysetup and Space simulation fans can use their beloved joysticks to maneuver the ship in space. Miner wars isa full PvP/looting friendly environment.

*Skill-Based Game
Flying and combat will take mainly physical and mental skill. No "grinding" your way tothe top doing repetitive missions as there are no levels, only player skill. You can, however, upgrade your ship to have that "edge" in the field.

*Wide Variety of Ships
A player can acquire the ship that will most suit his needs. There are no restrictions as to which type he chooses but some will be more suited for mining, large battles, exploration / scouting and some for hit and run tactics.

*Complex Dungeons in Space
Seamless transition between outdoor and indoor areas. Player will be ableto enter big asteroid bases and stations full of enemies and loot. Players will also be able to battle each otherin these indoor areas and engage in some real intense multi-player battles.
Planned for next release version: Player controlled mining stations and trade posts.

*Ship Upgrades
Every ship can be upgraded on a space-station with a large variety of weapons, armourplating, engines, radar systems, maneuvering thrusters, mining equipment and many other kinds of upgrades.
Planned for next release version: EVA (extra vehicular activity) - you will be able to leave your spaceship and travel on foot in space (space suits) or on space stations to meet your fellow companions face to face.

*Mining and Exploration
Any player in the game can choose to lead the life of a miner or explorer. There are almost 50 material types that can be mined from an asteroid and some of them are so rare that they willmake you a very rich person should you find them. An explorer can travel around sectors and get a good chunk of money for tips on where to mine.

*Epic-Sized battles
Our "Vrage" engine allows for some really massive battles in space. Up to 300 player ships can be displayed in one sector and engage in a rough battle for resources.
Planned for the next release version: Player controlled mothership, battleship and cruiser battles.

In a world where it's Player vs. Player, our players will have to keep their purses heavy and their combat skills sharpened. Any ship in the game can be looted by another player should it be destroyed. You can either destroy your opponent, (either NPC or Player) and get much lesser loot or you can disable youropponent and steal some of his equipment and resources. In the heat of the battle some of the equipment or resources will get destroyed.

There will be around 30 factions in the game. All of the factions will have a different approach onreaching their goals (explorers, army, miners, fanatics, etc.) and some of them will be aiming only at strictpiracy. Or you may choose to go it alone and form a freelance crew.
Planned for the next release version: A player can become leader of a faction should he get elected by thefaction elections

Their purpose is still unknown to mankind, but they are certainly not made by humans or by nature. They are found randomly, and no existing radar system can detect them. Some are found in alientunnels, some of them only after digging into the asteroids.

*Combination of Single and Multi-Player Elements
Is the mission you're on too tough for you? With just a quick chat you can hire a friend to help you on your quest for the truth!

Post comment Comments
Chaotic-Entropy - - 164 comments

This all sounds wonderful. :)

I wish you the best of luck in the continued development and release of this fascinating game.

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Cybio - - 1,010 comments

Yeah, good luck ;-)

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MinerWars Author
MinerWars - - 48 comments

Cheers Guys :)

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ZeroSeconds - - 15 comments

Thank god no Monthly payments

Good Luck guys

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soegel - - 189 comments

no monthly payments? awesome
you'll have my purchase.

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Da-Fort - - 265 comments

I love this kind of news

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