Post feature Report RSS GaW Locations (Planets) List

Here is a complete list of the all the locations for GaW

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  • Абрегадо Рай / Abregado Rae
  • Аетен II / Aeten II
  • Альдеран / Alderaan
  • Альзок III / Alzoc III
  • Анаксис / Anaxes
  • Антар / Antar
  • Атзерри / Atzerri
  • Бакура / Bakura
  • Балморра / Balmorra
  • Беспин / Bespin
  • Бестин / Bestine
  • Бомис Кури IV / Bomis Koori IV
  • Бонадан / Bonadan
  • Ботавуи / Bothawui
  • Боз Пити / Boz Pity
  • Вергессо Астероиды / Vergesso Asteroids
  • Вайланд / Wayland
  • Геонозис / Geonosis
  • Граморр / Gamorr
  • Ганд / Gand
  • Дантуин / Dantooine
  • Датомир / Dathomir
  • Да Суча V / Da Soocha V
  • Деварон / Devaron
  • Джабим / Jabiim
  • Дуро / Duro
  • Илум / Ilum
  • Итхор / Ithor
  • Карида / Carida
  • Като Неймодия / Cato Neimoidia
  • Кореллия / Corellia
  • Корулаг / Corulag
  • Корусант / Coruscant
  • Кинйен / Kinyen
  • Кристофсис / Christophis
  • Камино / Kamino
  • Кашиик / Kashyyyk
  • Кессель / Kessel
  • Колесо / The Wheel
  • Коррибан / Korriban
  • Куат / Kuat
  • Аего / Iego
  • Лок / Lok
  • Лола-Саю / Lola Sayu
  • Мав / The Maw
  • Маластар / Malastare
  • Манаан / Manaan
  • Мечис III / Mechis III
  • Медецинская Республиканская Станция / Medical Republic Base
  • Мимбан / Mimban
  • Миннтуин / Minntooine
  • Мон - Каламари / Mon Calamari
  • Мустафар / Mustafar
  • Мунилинст / Muunilinst
  • Миджето / Mygeeto
  • Миркр / Myrkr
  • Набу / Naboo
  • Нал - Хатта / Nal - Hutta
  • Нелваан / Nelvaan
  • Нью Плимпто / New Plympto
  • Орд Мантелл / Ord Mantell
  • Ондерон / Onderon
  • Паммант / Pammant
  • Полис Масса / Polis Massa
  • Раттатак / Rattatak
  • Раксус / Raxus
  • Раксус Прим / Raxus Prime
  • Риши / Rishi
  • Русан / Ruusan
  • Рендили / Rendili
  • Ринго Винда / Ringo Vinda
  • Рхен Вар / Rhen Var
  • Рoче Астероиды / Roche Asteroids
  • Родия / Rodia
  • Ротана / Rothana
  • Рилот / Ryloth
  • Сарапин / Sarapin
  • Салейками / Saleucami
  • Серенно / Serenno
  • Скако / Skako
  • Слуис Ван / Sluis Van
  • Суллуст / Sullust
  • Тарис / Taris
  • Татуин / Tatooine
  • Тет/ Teth
  • Тойдария / Toydaria
  • Тайферра / Thyferra
  • Трандоша / Trandosha
  • Тул / Thule
  • Умбара / Umbara
  • Утапау / Utapau
  • Фелуция / Felucia
  • Флоррум / Florrum
  • Фоерост / Foerost
  • Фондор / Fondor
  • Фрезия / Fresia
  • Хот / Hoth
  • Хоногр / Honoghr
  • Хапори / Hypori
  • Чаррос IV / Charros IV
  • Шола / Shola
  • Церея / Cerea
  • Эндор / Endor
  • Эриаду / Eriadu
  • Юкио / Ukio
  • Явин IV / Yavin IV
Post comment Comments
mike9874 - - 123 comments

Holy mother of planets Batman! I can't wait.

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robbiejenkyns5 - - 4 comments

i know right

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Boda - - 1,371 comments

O.O 103? That's whole lotta planets, GC's gonna be fun..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thumbslayer - - 61 comments

yup...and they're including Umbara!! now I realy can't wait

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
HelloImMoonMoon - - 341 comments

Wow! Umbara! Would be nice if you could build umbaran soldiers if conquered by the cis, and if planet zabrak would be here with the planet ability to build a jedi (without war paiting) or sith (like darth maul) depending on wich faction have the planet, that race its as interesting as the umbaran to me :)

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HelloImMoonMoon - - 341 comments

woops! its iridonia the planet of the zabraks, would be nice to have that planet too!

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Orilachon - - 11 comments

Maul was from Iridonia but in belive Dathomir is the home of the Zabrak race

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

No, they are from Iridonia :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Orilachon - - 11 comments

Huh so it is, I have no idea how i got Dathomir in my head

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

Maybe because in TCW they lived on Dhatomir

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Orilachon - - 11 comments

Ah, You know I think you're right.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
HelloImMoonMoon - - 341 comments

Zygerria maybe?

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

In later versions, we need props and buildings now

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

For planets like Rattatak and Manaan, are you going to have custom models and units for the native Rattataki and Selkath and all the other species?

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

Well, we'll try to add all natives we can, we just need the models

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jawafreak - - 491 comments


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Dwarf_Fan - - 429 comments

Nice system list, will the CIS capital be in this mod? Although, I think Geonosis started as the capital.

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

Well, this list is far from final and we are not focused on it now, so actually I can't tell you

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Dwarf_Fan - - 429 comments

thank you, of course models would be first and the game play.

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RaxusGrive - - 17 comments

Zygerria ?

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RaxusGrive - - 17 comments

sorry i didn't saw

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Nick343 - - 3 comments

Enarc possibly? where vooro led the trade federation last stand :)
oh and sy myrth im a huge confederacy fan and love anything to do with the holdouts too :)

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RaxusGrive - - 17 comments

Im a confederacy fan too

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LordViktor88 - - 2 comments

Florrum? :) You could kick some pirate ***.

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments

Or you can get your *** kicked :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Provisions - - 6 comments

Ringo Vinda?

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suerteto - - 2,510 comments


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Christianor - - 85 comments

I personally can't wait for umbara, will there be the unique species and tanks of umbara?

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jrk5624 - - 2 comments

No Mandalore? Darn lol. Great list though!

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Erik245 - - 8 comments

how many planets are there?

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Erik245 - - 8 comments

Never mind I counted and I think there are 96 planets

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B1_BATTLE_DROID - - 120 comments

There's a lot more well known clone wars locations that aren't in here.

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Ronnocius - - 9 comments

Looks like you guys have your hands VERY full. These are a few planets that might be worth (apologies if they were in the list and I missed them)
-Ringo Vinda
-Brentaal IV
-Deko Neimoidia
-Koru Neimoidia
-Neimoidia/True Neimoidia
-Castell (basically the base of Shu Mai and the Commerce Guild, one of the most important corporations in the CIS)
-Kooriva (homeworld and base of the Corporate Alliance)
There are a few more but these are some of the most important planets in the Separatist Alliance, so please consider adding them because of their strategic and economic importance!

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Kal_Skirata1138 - - 22 comments

you're forgetting Mandalore and Concordia, who I would suggest be the third faction.

For adding this faction in, though, please don't make Manda'yaim (Mandalore) be the nuclear wasteland that was in the tv series, but instead just leave it as the jungle world it's supposed to be.

Also, give us the older Mando units, like the Keldabe battleship, the Canderous MBT, and maybe have one of the hero units be Kal Skirata flying the small Mon Cal light freighter that he and one of the Null ARCs bought to help them find Chief Scientist Ko Sai? And maybe have the Nulls not be a part of GAR, but instead part of Mandalore's forces as a major hero?

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Feketics - - 12 comments

OOOOHHH its gonna be a firefight!!

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HaloSentinel - - 98 comments


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Guest - - 700,077 comments

How about Pantora & Orto Plutonia from season 1 of the clone wars?

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peacenotwar - - 59 comments

Abafar could be an interesting planet to add, its where they first find gregor in the clone wars tv show so you could make it that when you take it over as republic you get gregor as a hero.

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