Post feature RSS Features ver. 1.1

So what are the contents and features of "I Work Alone" ver.1.1?

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–––––––( VISUALS & AUDIO )–––––––

* Hundreds of new high resolution textures for environment, items and weapons + some suits
All selected from Absolute Structures v.1.0 / Nature v.2.0 and S.C.O.P. Realistic

* Russian Dialogs & English SubText

* New weapon sounds

* Better blood

* The VOG-25 grenade uses now the right Icon and Model

* AtmosFear v2.1
(with the only exceptions of Atmosfear: Blowouts and Fallout)

* Nimble's weapons "unique textures"

* Variation Mod

* New weapon animations and highres textures

* Option for first person cam / third person cam

–––––––( GAMEPLAY )–––––––

* 50% less reward money for completed missions/quests

* New starting time, instead of 09.00 you now arrive in Zaton at 21.00

* Actor tweaks

* All upgrades cost 25% more than vanilla

* Bandages only stops bleeding

* You get paid less for artefacts

* Trader don't buy weapons in poor condition

* Scientists are now buying artefact's

* All traders and Stalkers is paying you less for everything they buy

* No gifts in your stash after the quest's "friend of stalkers" & "monsterhunter"

* The Military and Uncle Yar will charge you for repairing your gear in Pripyat,
the Military will give you 50% discount and Uncle Yar 15% discount

* Realtime gameplay option (change in main menu, F1= vanilla speed / F2= realtime speed)

* Stronger and deadlier anomaly's

* No more blowout task messages

* Drag dead body's and items ("Shift" + "Use" key)

* Actor belong to "Ukrainian Special Services (USS)" and not "Free Stalkers"

–––––––( WEAPONRY & GEAR )–––––––

* Weapon sounds and animations synchronized

* All upgrades available for all weapons (still requires tool sets)

* No weapon restrictions in safe zones

* New starting gear

* The VAL can now be modified to use the 5.45x39 FMJ and 5.45x39 AP ammo

* Thermite grenades added

* Military knife, Binoculars, PDA and Identitycard will show up in your inventory,
you can't drop or sell them

* Sleeping bag & sleeping pills

* There is two sets of knifes in the game now, one that is your standard issue
military knife and works just as the vanilla knife. Then there is the hunting knife
that the rest of the stalkers uses, it uses a weapon slot and you can sell them.

* Ballistic tweaks

* More realistic weapon damage and no iron sight zoom

* The FN2000 can now use the silencer as default

–––––––( LOOTING )–––––––

* Loot money from corpses

* Less food, medicine, ammo and grenades in loot

–––––––( INTERFACE )–––––––

* New PDA map and inventory for wide screen

* Slightly transparent inventory

* Minimal HUD: no grenade warnings, no hit indicator, new binocular vision

* Dynamic "Helmet" HUD

* Real weapon names

* Iron sight aligned correctly

* Gnomus scopes, retextured by Ceano

* Cleared Stash Mod, places a small treasure icon map spot where you pick up a stash

* New inventory icons and descriptions

–––––––( AI )–––––––

* Alundaio's various AI Mod v1.07

* AI Reworked (stalkers & monsters)

* Reworked monster behavior and zombified stalkers are mindless wanderers that attack everything

* Relations tweaked. Stalkers/Bandits no longer turn neutral to each other

* The trader in Zaton (Skadovsk) is now selling PKM ammo after a while

* Re spawns in freeplay (more alternatives of spawns in zaton and jupiter)

* Barmen now selling clear water (prolongs your need for sleep)

* Zombied Stalkers reworked...removed their bleeding and tweaked the damage they take
when they is shot in different areas on the body, they don't heal as quick as before
but is more resilient against bullets. A good weapon to use if they come in a gang
is the Thermite grenade, frag grenade is also good but not as good as Thermite. They
are hard to kill with body shots, but with 1-3 head shots they go down.

–––––––( FIXES & TWEAKS )–––––––

* Colonel Kovalski bug fixes

* Several game "bug" fixes, like unreachable stashes and more

* Sleeping bloodsuckers "FIX", fix needed when custom footstep sound is used

* Oasis artifact will no longer reduce your hunger but it has better healing ability,
it is highly radioactive as it supposed to be

* Pistol Degradation (some pistols did stop degrade if you installed all upgrades)

* Minor artifact tweaks

* No lock down when fighting enemy's close to safe zones

* Quest items can be stored in your stash

* Food and medics stats tweaked

* Food don't restore health

* Item weights tweaked

* Crow spam fix

* Dead body remove time (stalkers & mutants)

* The three Burers in X8's "secret floor" can now be killed
from outside the room they are located in

–––––––( HERO CREDITS )–––––––

Ceano, Angrydog, Darkenneko, Gtzz FeLa, Cromm Cruac, Alundaio

Bolognius_Maximus - - 619 comments

This looks like a really nice mod. What else do you have in mind for it in the near future?

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Meat-Popsicle - - 104 comments

I think you should add a mod that fixes (or changes entirely) the backwards guns. That is the one things that ****** me off the most about the STALKER games.

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N.Aaroe Author
N.Aaroe - - 2,709 comments

Im not sure what exactly you are referring to here?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Toshley - - 4 comments

I'm going to assume he's talking about the mirrored guns that STALKER has.

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yobi_uk - - 30 comments

Any chance of making your "base" mod the "CoP: Complete"?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
N.Aaroe Author
N.Aaroe - - 2,709 comments

If I understand your question the right way, You are asking if parts of this mod could be the basic core of the Complete-mod?

I know that COP:Complete has got a lot of crash issues as of now,
but which parts do you like and which don't you like exactly?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 705,650 comments

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