Playable faction list: Nagarythe Chrace Cothique Yvresse Eataine Saphery Avelorn Ellyrion Caledor Tiranoc Anar Cultist

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The Kingdom of Ellyrion was only very late populated, and the first colonists settled two and a half centuries before the arrival of the first incursions of Chaos (4800 years before Sigmar).
Lands Breeders Horses were relatively unaffected by the horrific battle between the Elves to the servants of the four gods, and only a few border villages were looted by the demonic hordes.
It is said that Queen Eternal Astarielle, wife of Aenarion, have been killed in these lands green, his blood giving birth to the forest Temartolaeg, huge game reserve spanning almost the entire border with Avelorn. But these are just rumors, and the official version has it that she was killed in his palace in Avelorn.
Very little of the wealth that flowed into Ulthuan once the war was over came up Ellyrion, and There are hardly any outbreak of the cult of pleasure, except in some large residences of foreign princes, used by them as resorts and hunting.
During the years of civil war, many of these mansions were destroyed and many people threw all their valuables, and wanting to restore contact with nature that they seemed to have betrayed.
Ellyrians had always been excellent tamers of horses, but it was only from this horrible war that they became famous throughout Ulthuan. These were indeed the ones who supplied the armies of King steeds Phoenix and the Dark Elves still recall the mysterious disappearances of event horses regularly in their camps, an after dark.
Ellyrion is a land of gentle summers and mild winters, where herds of Elven Steeds thunder across the sweeping plains. Touched by beneficial magis, and fed on the long grasses of the steppe, the steeds of Ellyrion are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts. Fas as the wind and loyal unto death, they are the perfect mount for Elf nobility. Ellyrian Horsemasters maintain constant cavalry patrols across northern Ulthuan to warn of invasions or Norse raiding fleets, and Ellyrian Reaver Knights are famed throughout Ulthuan for their hardiness and prowess in battle. Tor Elyr is the single great city in the Kingdom of Ellyrion, and is found on the coast of the Sea of Dusk. It is built on a series of island castles linked by a web of silver bridges. Each castle is a palace, sculpted from the living rock of a peaked island. Tor Elyr's walls stand proud and defiant on the landscape, pennants fluttering on the wing. Ellyrion Reavers are expected to spend days on the march, sleeping in the saddle as need dictates, and it is to Tor Elyr that the dauntless cavalrymen of Ellyrion come to rest when they return from their long sweeps through the coastlands.


North-east of Ellyrion, across the river Arduil, lies the great Forest of Avelorn, most ancient of all the Elven realms. Upon its tangled groves ancient glamours lie, and under its eaves creatures of legend still walk. Treemen tend the wild gardens of oak and suntree. Great Eagles nest in the enchanted hills and Unicorns walk in its sun-dappled glades. Avelorn is ruled by the Everqueen, the chosen of the Earth Mother, mistress of the undying forest, preserver of the green fastness, observer of the rites of the golden spring, occupant of one of the Twin Thrones of Ulthuan. Summer lies eternally on Avelorn's enchanted glades. Beneath the leafy bowers the golden subjects of the Everqueen dance and sing. The court of the Everqueen moves through Avelorn from place to place like a great carnival, pitching silken pavilions of myriad colours wherever it halts. By day, silver laughter rings through the forest as the Elves make sport. By night, faery lights flicker in the darkness, drifting behing the Everqueen's courtiers and illuminating the revels and feating. With its perfect weather, bountiful forests and beautiful near-immortal inhabitants, Avelorn seems the sort of rustic paradise of which mortal men can only dream. Yet beneath this carefree surface bitter enmities stir. Factions at the Evercourt vie dor the favour of the Queen. Old rivalries are barely submerged and every quip has a dealy double meaning. For prestige is treated as a matter of life and death in Avelorn. To be chosen as the Queen's handmaid is the highest honour for an Elf-maid or her family, just as to be chosen as her consort is the dream of every youth of Avelorn. All in the Everqueen's court seek to enhance their status at the cost of their rivals. The most trusted of the Everqueen's courtiers are the Maider Guard, a regiment of one hundred Elf-maids schooled in the arts of war till they equal or exceed even the greatest Elven knights with spear and bow. At all times these beautiful warriors accompany the Everqueen, both her advisors and her protectors. With so many journeying to Avelorn to join the court of the Everqueen, it is unsurprising that many of Ulthuan's greatest heroes can be found there. These competitive lords flock to Avelorn and there engage in contests, great feats of arms, horse riding and archery in an effort to prove their prowess to the court and perhaps catch the eye of the Everqueen herself.
The economy of Avelorn is rather low, and this kingdom lived almost in isolation. Avelorn is an area dominated by forests, but agriculture is only sporadically developed, in large clearings. However, products of agriculture that are of unparalleled quality. Hunting, it is a pastime at the court, but is not really a means of subsistence food. Despite its significant capacity in terms of forestry, the realm of Avelorn has always refused to cut down trees to make the trade. It is the same with regard to the mythical creatures that inhabit the woods.
Thus it is in all of Ulthuan, all the gods of the elven pantheon are honored in Avelorn. However, two gods stand out particularly, it is obviously Loec and Isha.
Loec the Shadow Dancer, also known as malicious, and the elven god of laughter. He is the patron of dancers, musicians and players. According to legend, he sometimes saves the souls of the dead elves stealing the gods of chaos ready to devour them. Loec for elves is an appearance of mischievous young man dancing on top of the soil and whose laughter stirs the souls of those who listen. The gods of evil and chaos are trying to seize him when he dances but can not enter as it is tireless and cunning. Loec has a darker side because it is also the god of darkness, cheats, revenge and treachery.
Loec is revered especially among the courtiers in Avelorn. Indeed, his carefree and festive side and his side are treacherous and deceitful quite the spirit of the court. By cons, for the elves off the court, he was recognized as equal to other gods.
Isha, the mother of the elves, is the goddess of the harvest and nature, it sows the seeds and watching the growth of young trees. She is described as an elf full of life and beauty. Avelorn reveres the whole and is the protector of the Eternal Queen. She blesses the clearings and fields of Avelorn and winter does not bruise the field. Isha has taught the elves how to care for the earth to reap a wonderful harvest.
The symbol is the Eye of Isha Knowing who cries a single tear for the elves, his mortal children. At the dawn of time, Asuryan decided that the elves live amazingly long, but they grow old and die anyway. At this news, Isha who loved his children more than any other of his creations, fell into despair and wept with pain.
Isha is the most revered goddess of Avelorn. Each village in this kingdom has a chapel dedicated to him, and the priest and priestesses of Isha are at least four times as many priests and priestesses of the other gods in Avelorn. Each year, at the end of harvest, large ceremonies are dedicated to Isha.


Caledor is a thinly populated, mountainous realm to the west of Eataine. This elder realm is famour for its incredible creatures : dragons. These mighty creatures made their lair beneath the blazing peaks of the Dragon Spine Mountains. Nestled within these bleak volcanic highlands are fertile valleys filled with game plentiful enough to satisfy even the appetites of dragons. Here, long ago, Caledor Dragontamer bound the fearsome dragons to his will, using harnesses of enchanted truesteel smelted in the fiery heart of Vaul's Anvil. His descendants named their kingdom Caledor in his honour. In battle none can stand against them, for the Dragon Princes of Caledor are fearsome warriors and their steeds are terrible to behold.
At the foot of volcanoes millennia, the land is very fertile. Agricultural yield easily enough to feed the poor people of this kingdom, mainly by adding the product of the hunt, which is one of the most profitable in all of Ulthuan. Caledor made great trade horses with Ellyrion, and stirring the blood of both kingdoms farms, stallions ellyriens faster and cons those graceful, stronger and robust Caledor. Wealthy noble of all Ulthuan and even King Phoenix come to order arms for their armies or for themselves to Vaul's Anvil. Chiseled in Ithilmar armor, weapons enchanted dragon armor, headgear, shields and many other quality items that would drool a blacksmith dwarf are made every day in these places. The goldsmiths of Lothern also attempt to acquire high prices of precious metals and stones of the Dragon's Backbone. In exchange, silks, jewelry and other luxury items are imported.
The flanks of the Black Dragon's Backbone Caledor are shrouded in fumes that spew from many volcanic peaks and buttresses were erected during countless millennia by clusters of deposits from the fiery heart of the world. According to Elvish legend, volcanoes are tunnels used by the gods in search of gems and minerals. Even today, these mountains are full of veins of colored rocks, stones and precious metal deposits are unique in the world. The gems are all seeking the gods favored by the elves as dwarfs, and some have magical or supernatural properties. The elves themselves do not dig mine. They just pick up the stones updates by erosion or by the occasional earthquakes that shake the mountains around the Anvil of Vaul, the Elven god of the legendary domain of blacksmiths. On its slopes drowned vapors found the only known deposit of the metal under the name Ithilmar. Ithilmar means "money pit". The metal was so called because it is lighter than the sky and as bright as silver. It does not tarnish and is as strong as steel. Only the High Elves know its secrets, and most teachers dwarf runes would be willing to offer their ancestors fortune to share this knowledge. To forge Ithilmar, you must add other metals that are only found in the Dragon's Backbone, which is why only the dealer installed on the Anvil of Vaul the work.
As in all other realms, religion is free Caledor. Although the cult of Asuryan, Isha and Vaul predominate, all the gods are revered. However, there is a kingdom in this unique worship and at least curious about the white island. The Caledorians honor indeed the ancient dragons, mythical beasts making its origins in the time of an important cult. They believe their spirits watch over the destiny of their people and that one day they will be back among mortals. Some scholars argue that this is all fables, others believe that these elemental creatures, whose power was probably not far from that of a god, would have helped to create the world then would be dissolved in the it, monitoring their implementation. Still others, believe that these were the ancestors of the current dragons, which are much more formidable, thanks to the cult dedicated to them, become gods and staying in the limbo of chaos. Anyway, the name of the ancient dragons and often invoked as a protection or desire by the people of Caledor.


Eataine is considered as a powerful state among the Elf Kingdoms. However, it is simply the hinterland of the vast city-state of Lothern. It is the most southerly of the kingdoms of Ulthuan, carved in the two by the Straits of Lothern, the only inlet to the Inner Sea from the great ocean beyond. Eataine's lands are dotted with vineyards, villas and summer estates to which the noble families of the city retire. The city is the real center of power and source of Eataine's prosperity. It is one of the wonders of the known world and no-one who has ever visited it can forget it. Approaching Lothern, the first thing a marined sees is the Glittering Tower, a great lighthouse filled with thousants of lamps, situated on a rocky isle in the mouth of the treacherous waters of the Straits of Lothern. This titanic fortress guards the approach to the Emerald Gate, the first Sea-gate of Lothern. Anyone approaching the Emerald Gate can easily be cought in a crossfire between the great war engines in the Glittering Tower and those on the Gate Itself. The sight of these great bastions is enough to turn all but the most insane attackers away. Any who are allowed passage through the Emerald Gate pass through the wide channel of the Straits, sheer cliff faces lined with ramparts all constantly garrisoned by well-armed and alert warriors of the Sear Guard. A second portal bars the way for those who are not permitted access, a vast gate of shining silver set with saphires the size of a man's head, beyond which lies a huge lagoon where thousands of vessels of every conceivable size and shape, from tiny pleasure craft to mighty warships of the High Elf fleet lie at anchor. Around this lagoon sits Lothern itself, and this is as far as any non-Elf may travel. Visitors are free to sample the delights of the city, to gaze in wonder at the two-hundred foot high statues of the Phoenix King, the Everqueen and the mighty Elven Gods, but they are forbidden to travel through the third gate of ruby and gold and into the Inner Seas.


Saphery, which extends to the Monts Anulii shores of the Sea of Dreams is a vast country south-east of Avelorn. The coastline has a gorgeous face uninhabited plains and moors between cut-groves of ancient trees. North-east, the great forest of Avelorn continues, but as and when it goes south, the trees curl up against the mountains and eventually give way to plains and vineyards Eataine.
To the north is the famous Plain Finuval, decisive battle of the last major incursion, which now stands a huge monument of white marble, representing the greatest heroes of the war.
Throughout the south, Tor Ahndar is the largest city of Saphery. Built on the shores of the Sea of Dreams, on the estuary of the river Authelor it is an important transit point for all the elves of Ulthuan is wishing to go on pilgrimage to the Isle of Flame Lothern or for business. It is a cosmopolitan town with many inns and taverns welcoming a crowd of travelers and merchants.
Sahndalar, a small town in the center of the country is known for renowned medical schools all have been opened by Utlhuan Salhassar, great practitioner dividing his time between teaching and research in the library of Saphery. Apart from some small towns and smaller farm cidrières the rest of the country is sparsely populated.
Legend has it that the ancients in Saphery left the first elves, who lived by hunting and fishing, game is more than abundant in the green land.
Focal point of trade between domestic and foreign kingdoms, it developed rapidly, reaching Tiranoc compete seriously in the years preceding the arrival of Chaos.
When the servants of the four gods arrived on the island, nothing and no one could withstand them. Yvresse once completely devastated a vast army of men arrived in Saphery beasts, slaughtering its peaceful inhabitants by the hundreds. Then came Aenarion, freshly risen from the flames of the temple of Asuryan, head of a small contingent of elves blinded by rage. They took the robbers by surprise, and even if they were about five times more numerous, the rage of the asura was such that they massacred them till the last. The decisive confrontation took place a few miles from the current location of the Tower of Knowledge. Two days and two nights, the son of Isha avenged their dead brothers, having no pity for the dark warriors of Chaos, whose blood irrigates the soil, drying plants and flowers. The grass has never rejected at this location, forming a vast clearing in the rainforest of Dargai.
Many were the Magi who perished sapherois closing the great magical vortex. A small altar dedicated to them since in most temple of the kingdom.
During the reign of Bel-Shanaar was rebuilt what was destroyed, but the power before the war was never found, and many young people left in Eataine, which was booming. Even today, a great neighborhood Lothern called "Mintha Saperhy" or "small Saphery.
It was towards the end of the second king's reign that many mages Yvressois Phoenix became interested in the kingdom, whose mountains appeared saturated with magical energy. A small community of worshipers sat at the feet of Hoeth Anulii mountains, gradually converting much of the population.
When civil war broke out, Olithir Cromthel, High Priest of Hoeth, denied the prince Lidrin, admirer and friend of Slaanesh Malekith, in which he had sworn allegiance, and proclaimed himself governor of Saphery. Much of the noble sapherois followed him, and after several months of fighting, Lindrin had to go, his army was destroyed during the battle fields cathirindiques.Il was tried by a military court and sentenced to death by beheading.
From there Cromthel tirelessly tracked the followers of the cult of pleasure, when they were burning huge bonfires public. It is calculated that 60, nearly 3,000 elves perished in this way, and many of them were probably innocent.


Chrace is the northernmost of the Elven Kingdoms in ancient times it was sparsely populated and inhabited only by those who sought to escape the civilized kingdoms to return to nature. As the war settled, the country became a perilous and remote communities in the highlands woodlands fortified themselves. Which led to the construction of impregnable fortresses as the capital Tor Achar. Aboriginal people are hunters and scouts distinguished followers of the guerrillas and led to the bow, the sword and axe. The mountains are home to many Chrace monsters that are often controlled by chracian master of beasts. White lions, griffins, eagles giants are not uncommon in the mountains and forests Chrace. To be considered a true hunter, chracien must kill a white lion with bare hands (which is no easy task). These warriors (called white lions) become the king's personal guards phoenix in person. The foundation of this kind dates from the time of the Civil War with dark elves. When Caledor first was recalled from his hunting Chrace to become the new king phoenix, he was attacked by assassins dark elves on the road to Averlorn and he owed his salvation to the intervention of a party of woodcutters Chrace which fought their way through enemy patrols to the inland sea. Since then, a unit of solid Chracians, resplendent in their white lion skins and armed with axes of war with both hands still king escort phoenix.
Chrace capital, built in the reign of Aenarion. It lies at the foot of Mount "Siental" (the mountain eagles). Its role is purely defensive, one of the fortresses the steepest and most inaccessible of Ulthuan, his seat has become virtually impossible. The fortress was expected to contain more than 300 000 elves in wartime. In peacetime the city seemed empty and uninhabited, only the cries of the eagles of the mountain disturb this tranquility.
The Prince of Chrace leads a region that may be broad but often consists of much forest and mountain. He remains in peacetime to lead the country for its fortress. Often he has the power over his city and surrounding cities are free to do otherwise (but still guarded by a priest Khurnous!). The princes of Chrace elves are tough, they are the subjects of ridicule from other lands of Ulthuan, mistaking them for simple farmers or peasants more barbaric they sometimes take more affection for their animals and their war kingdom (which feeds the teasing). The princes of Chrace have more talent in the handling of armies or in farm animals (or other hobbies ...) that in politics, so he often hires notaries or priest to take care of this heavy task.
Chracian agriculture is poor, few large plains do not allow huge crop. This is why hunting and farming is very famous. The vast forests and mountains offer the gibié a vast territory rich in food. That's why hunters elves roam the forest and spot clues or traces of animals and then posting to a tree or a ledge and wait, sometimes for hours, hoping that the animal or its herd comes within range of these arrows. Chrace trees are extremely rare and incomparable quality, Oak wood of a reddish purple called "Seiltiel" or hazelnut branches flexibility supernatural strangeness comes certainly winds blowing magic Annulii the mountains. Thus the timber cut by loggers provide Chrace Phoenix King's armies arcs of incomparable lightness. Chracians are lovers of nature and animals, which is why we speak of legends recounting the exploits of men talking to animals, these elves are called masters of the beasts. It is they who provide all of Ulthuan griffins and eagles giants vigouces and most powerful. There is even talk of an eagle speaking the language of the elves. Like what Chrace is not just land and peasants but of men capable of great achievements in various fields.


Cothique is a kingdom in north-eastern coast of Ulthuan. If it is, indeed, very sparsely populated compared to other provinces of Ulthuan, its people are strong and experienced sailors. Their graceful vessels traverse the turbulent waters of the north in search of food and opportunities for trade with distant lands. It is a place where it is very dangerous to navigate because the sea is infested with monsters, awakened when the sinking of northern Ulthuan. Krakens, huge Megalodon shark, the Behemoth, and even the dreaded black leviathans are sometimes seen on the seas north of Ulthuan. Track down these monsters sailors during major fisheries, comparing their skill and speed of their small boats to brute force and cunning animal creatures. The weight of raids northern Old World also weighs on the kingdom of Cothique. Cothique elves were hardened by centuries of wars with these savage humans. The small ports of the rocky coast of Cothique have boats that can be transformed into vessels of war in case of necessity.
Although the wild side of that territory wedged between the sea and the mountains Annulii would suggest otherwise, Cothique was one of the first elvish kingdoms to have a stable population, mostly along the steep cliffs bordering the Sea of Chaos. Thus, the foundation Bandek Tor, the capital of the Kingdom, is located by historians around 5200 before Sigmar, 600 years before the arrival of the first servants of the four gods. It is even said that here was invented music, discovery of a young elf who amused himself by chance to blow into a shell, and emits a sound rather pleasant to the ear. But this is only a legend, and made much worse would soon forget the shellfish to cothiquois.En effect, the calm that characterized the first centuries of history Elven was quickly swept by the invasion of warriors of chaos, which for nearly 300 years began to fire and sword Ulthuan. Cothique was not spared, quite the contrary: it was on the beaches of Aran-Sirith, a small community about twenty kilometers from the capital, took place one of the biggest battles of the war, which took him by Aenarion in person. 15,000 head elf held for nearly two days to about 50 000 abominations of chaos, and when all seemed lost for the noble defenders, a giant wave swept ashore, bringing with it almost all the army ennemie.On was built there the great shrine of Malahndël Gallen elven goddess of the sea and protector of Cothique, which miraculously helped his son to overcome the turmoil mal.Quand massacres and destruction finally stopped, there remained much of the picturesque fishing villages that lined the coast cothiquoise. The reconstruction was long and tiring, but it is estimated that around 3500 before the United Sigmar had regained its population before guerre.Le flourishing trade, some city dwellers began to change their lifestyle, and huge banquets were held almost daily in the homes of wealthy citadins.Quelques years before the outbreak of civil war, a priest of Isha, Shinmeth Prelag, began to be talked about. It gathered huge crowds in places Tor Bandek, furiously preaching a return to ancestral traditions and the abandonment of wealth who were corrupting the morals and minds. Concern, some citizens tried to eliminate the dangerous cleric, but in vain. It is even said that a murderer who managed to enter the room of his victim would have had his dagger into snake ... When the news of the attempted coup in Cothique Malekith arrived, ordered the massacre of Shinmeth all the supposed worship of Slaanesh, giving rise to the night of Saan-Barniegh notorious for the barbarity that took place there.
The economy Cothique is, of course, based mainly on fishing. Fish is the usual food of Cothiquois because meat is an extremely high price. Their fisheries beyond the needs of the Kingdom, the fish are exported throughout Ulthuan in boxes filled with salt. In addition, seafood is also abundant, and again, these are luxurious dishes popular in other provinces Elvish. Agriculture is much less developed but is still present in the interior. They are mainly fields, but there are some sheep farms. In terms of craft, the people of Cothique is known for its pottery works. It is also often called upon for the construction of various ships.
No god is denigrated to Cothique, however, one can note the preponderance of Malanhdël Gallen, as well as to a lesser extent of Isha. Malanhdël Gallen, the goddess of the sea, is a protective Cothique. She is the mistress of the tides and sea creatures are all his court. When the sea is rough, they say it's because Malanhdël Gallen is angry. Protector of fishermen and sailors, she is also guardian of the seas, and carries less cautious in his kingdom abysses.Malanhdël-Gal is often depicted in her mermaid form, and its most common symbols are the shell, the wave or gulls. She is also venerated throughout the other elven kingdoms, including Lothern, but that Cothqiue she enjoys the greatest popularity. All villages have their own building devoted to the protective cothiquoise and festivals are very important. These include the Ulïnwe, which is the feast of "miraculous fishing", which takes place the night of the summer solstice, and during which various competitions are held fishing and other régates.Isha, the mother of the elves, is the harvest goddess and nature, it sows the seeds and watching the growth of young trees. She is described as an elf full of life and beauty .. Isha has taught the elves how to care for the earth to reap wonderful moissons.Le symbol is the Eye of Isha Knowing who cries a single tear for the elves, his mortal children. At the dawn of time, Asuryan decided that the elves live amazingly long, but they grow old and die anyway. At this news, Isha who loved his children more than any other of his creations, fell into despair and wept with pain. Isha is the second deity of Cothique after Malanhdël Gallen. There were often conflicts between these two religions in Cothique, and even now, there is still some rivalry between their clerics.


Yvresse is renowned as being a land of mists, a fact I would assume is both due to climate and the fact the magical Shifting Isles are located along the coast, shrouding the approaches with magical mists and illusions in order to make it all but impossible for invaders to approach the coast safely.


Nagarythe is the mightiest Elven Kingdom looking at military tradition which began under the reign of Aenarion the first Phoenix King. Aenarion held court here with his Queen Morathi. The Elves of Nagaryte fought against Chaos for many long years until the first Phoenix King finally triumphed and the world was freed from the perils of the Dark Gods. That desperate struggle hardened and embittered the Nagarythe, so that other Elves came to regard them as a cruel and bloodthirsty people. After Aenarion's death, his son by Morathi, Malekith, inherited the kingdom of Nagarythe, which he ruled from his court in Anlec for many years until the time of the Sundering. For many, the natural successor to Aenarion was his son, Malekith. Having been raised in the court of Nagarythe he was an accomplished warrior, skillful general and powerful spellweaver. He asked that he be allowed to honour his father's memory, but there were voices raised against his course of action. Some princes asked for a cooler, steadier head to guide the Elves in the rebuilding of their civilisation. They whispered about the darkness that had beset the realm of Nagarythe, and of the manner of the son that had been raised in the Court of Aenarion. In the end, these doubters prevailed and, which good grace, Malekith accepted the princes' choice of Bel Shanaar as the next Phoenix King. Through his mother, Morathi, ranted and railed against the iniquity heaped upon Malekith, the son of Aenarion was the first to bow his knee to Bel Shanaar and swear fealty. With the daemonic invasion defeated, the Elves looked to explore the world that had been left changed by Chaos. Malekith quit Ulthuan, claiming that Bel Shanaar would be able to rule the isle more soundly without the heir of Aenarion close at hand. The Prince of Nagarythe travelled the world, where small colonies were growing upon the shores of the forest-swathed lands across the ocean. Here he met the Dwarfs and soon the two races were fighting side-by-side, their armies waging war against the fierce Orcs of the mountains and the hideous Chaos beasts of the deep woods. In battle against brutal greenskins and warped monsters, Malekith perfected his fighting skills and rose to become a great leader.


The landscape could admire the settlers first arrived in Tiranoc there are over six thousand years, from the South, was very different from today.
Overlooking vast plains covered with trees and flowers, the high peaks of mountains formed a natural barrier Anulii have created a microclimate so sweet that it allowed two crops per year.
This dynamic young kingdom soon attracted many elves who lost everything during the war against Chaos, eager to rebuild their lives in this haven of peace. The idyllic climate, abundant harvests, the stream of immigrants did, in just a few decades, Tiranoc (which Eltharin means "renewal") the richest principalities Elvish.
During the reign of Bel-Shanaar, fruitful for Ulthuan whole, two major cities began to speak of them: Tor Anroc, on the border with Nagarythe, city shopping and bourgeois, patron of arts and letters, embellished with magnificent monuments, connected to the sea by a huge channel and Tor Tassiana the center of the kingdom, and agricultural center warrior, a proverbial austerity (in Eltharin familiar, "Tassiana" is a cold, intolerant), whose male inhabitants over one hundred years were required before the reform Tethlis military, serving in the army for two decades.
The rivalry between the two cities grew progressively to their influence on other cities in the region grew, and soon all Tiranoc split into two factions, threatening at any moment to go to war.
Alerted by this, the Phoenix King Bel-Shanaar sent a mediator, Prince Usriel of Yvresse, to try to defuse the situation. A brilliant idea occurred to improvised arbitrator, who organized sporting events which took part in the two cities, each trying to steal the most trophies possible.
In those days, athletes from the two rival cities trained relentlessly to beat their rivals at "Yoki olytham'kos" takes place the first week of spring.
Many colonies were founded beyond the seas, and there were many who settled tiranociens.
It is an old proverb saying elvish "what goes up is to get off," and unfortunately this maxim could be applied to Tiranoc. Indeed, towards the end of the reign of Bel-Shaanar, the cult of pleasure began to gain a foothold in the vast kingdom, including many notable indulged in the most perverted pleasures.
Despite the large number of Slaanesh living there, charioteers of the country remained loyal to the crown of the Phoenix King during the civil war which ravaged the island in the early reign of the Conqueror Caledor (from 2749 to 2580 before Sigmar) thing going bring to ruin.
The economy is thriving and prosperous Tiranoc thanks to the abundance of riches from the colonies. Agriculture is also an important source of income and many multicolored fields extend over the vast plains. The craft is not very developed, and fishing and hunting are also very low, partly due to the unfavorable terrain. The only activity that shows signs of hope is the quarrying of stone. Nevertheless, this branch does not guarantee everyone a job and that is why the commitment as a regular in the army of the Phoenix King is a solution for many young people.


The story of Alith Anar begins shortly before the Civil War, when Nagarythe was the seat of Malekith. While the cities of Nagarythe sank into decadence under the influence of Morathi and the Cult of Pleasure, the hill clans of Nagarythe, grim warriors forged in the Wars against Chaos held aloof. Their leader was Eoloran Anar, a noble of one of the oldest families of Nagarythe, a loyalist to Caledor I, and grandfather to Alith Anar.

When Malekith moved against the Phoenix King, his hand fell first and hardest upon the loyalist forces in Nagarythe. At the Battle of Dark Fen, Eothlir son of Eoloran Anar and father to Alith Anar, and an army of loyalist archers and spearmen staged a last stand against a rebel army three times their number, holding them off until the Dark Elf General Kheranion's Black Dragon crushed their formation, gravely wounded Eothlir, and sent the loyalists scattering.

At his father's command, Alith Anar and the few survivors made their way through a perilous gauntlet of pursuers, through fen and swamp. When they regrouped, the survivors swore oaths of vengeance, and made themselves masters of the art of guerrilla warfare. During the Civil War, Alith Anar and his guerrillas served as the eyes and ears of the loyalist army, striking without warning and without mercy, their lightning strikes often playing a decisive role in major battles.

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Hakazu - - 188 comments

Sounds really impressive, I can't say how much I look forward to this mod. Just wondering though, will Alith Anar be playable after Malekith shows his true intentions or is he a army that shows up here and there to harass Malekith?

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