Fixed a bug where the scale of the cannons will be aways 1.
Added many ambience sounds! Now players will "feel" the world better.
Banners and castle flags now moves with wind.
Version 1.1
Added the save and bank system.
Version 1.0
Bottles can be broken.
Two types of walking mode.
5 new banners.
Banners stay up when dropped.
Longboats dosn't sink complete.
Character's nationality.
War cries.
Orders menu.
Piano & organs.
Ring the Bell.
Buyable cannons with horse cart.
Individual cannon's train horse.
1 new horse cart.
Door sounds.
Ships with cannons.
Buildings won't destroy, but the cannons shots can penetrate a little the buildings.
There are some buldings that cannot hold a cannon ball/rocket shot. Ex: Woods.
Cannon shots effects.
Now, cannons deal damage on ships.
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