Post feature Report RSS British changes

All balance changes and bugfixes done to the British faction are collected here.

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General Bugfixes:

  • Retreat received accuracy modifier for British troops matches other factions (50%).
  • A possible fix implemented to fix HQ's from being able to move while Set Up.
  • Improved Command Vehicles bonuses apply properly.
  • All Off-map arties do 1.33 damage against AT guns.
  • Mine critical tables have been standardized.


  • Infantry movement speed penalty is permanently removed when LT enters the battlefield.
  • Starting MG Nest population cost reduced to 0.
  • Base population decreased from 40+2 to 30+2.

Secured Resourcing

  • Trucks need Secured Resourcing upgrade to lockdown sectors (with the exception of the starting territory).
  • Global limit removed.
  • Adds +4 to maximum population cap.
  • Fuel cost removed.

Bren LMG

  • Bren LMG penetration increased vs halftracks from 0.1 to 0.15.
  • Damage multiplier vs PE infantry reduced from 0.5 to 0.4.
  • Pinned state interrupts Button ability.

Rifle Grenade

  • Rifle Grenade projectile behaves like a Grenade.
  • Rifle Grenade projectile matches Grenade projectile speed (increased from 4 to 9).
  • Rifle Grenade target table same as a regular Grenade.
  • Minimum Fire Aim Time increased from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Maximum Fire Aim Time reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.
  • Moving accuracy multiplier reduced from 1 to 0.5
  • Minimum weapon range increased from 3m to 15m.
  • Rifle Smoke Grenade aim time drastically improved.
  • Rifle Smoke Grenade projectile speed matches regular Grenade projectile speed (increased from 4 to 9)
  • Hold Fire command added.

Recon Element

  • Increases capture speed to 1.5.
  • Marksman Shot damage multiplier vs Sniper reduced from 1 to 0.475
  • Marksman Shot accuracy multiplier vs moving Sniper increased from 0.5 to 1.
  • Marksmen Shot slows Snipers for 8 seconds of the shot is non-lethal (British Recon Section's „Marksman Shot" only slows enemy Snipers when have their above mentioned ability active. (One-shot-kill in other circumstances))
  • Marksman Shot cannot be used when pinned.
  • Marksman Shot can be used when garrisoned.
  • Effectiveness vs Sniper increased
  • Gains Heroic critical resistance against Snipers.
  • Accuracy multiplier vs Sniper increased from 0.75 to 1.05.
  • Recon Section does has the same overall DPS vs Elite infantry as regular infantry types
  • Accuracy multiplier vs elite armor increased from 0.75 to 1
  • Damage multiplier vs elite armor increased from 0.75 to 1
  • Accuracy multiplier vs garrison_cover increased from 0.4 to 0.6


  • Has a small HP regen of 0.04 (19.2 hp per min)
  • Capture speed increased from 1 to 1.25.
  • Each additional LT decreases the rate which they gain veterancy by 50%.
  • Weapon Range reduced from 55m to 40m.
  • Multiple Heroic Charge bonuses and penalties do not stack.
  • Heroic Charge will no longer stops if the LT dies.
  • Damage taken from Panther is reduced by 75%.
  • LT grants 10 action points when built.
  • Emplacements can share the experience with the LT.
  • Enemy forces killed by units outside of the 35m aura radius will still grant experience points to the LT, but only 50% of their original value.

Bren Carrier

  • When AP Round is active, it will prioritize vehicles over infantry.
  • APR received a decorator when active.
  • Infantry garrisoned in the Bren Carrier can be targeted by Sniper fire.
  • Moving Bren Carrier are harder to hit by enemy Tanks.


  • PIAT Ambush replaced with Camouflage.
  • Sappers picking up a PIAT grants them the Camouflage ability.
  • PIAT further reduced effectiveness vs infantry

PIAT damage multiplier vs infantry reduced from 0.33 to 0.2.
PIAT damage multiplier vs soldier and elite infantry reduced from 0.33 to 0.1.
PIAT's reload multiplier increased from 1 to 2 while suppressed.
PIAT projectile now collides with buildings.

  • Disposal and Detection Section upgrade grants the ability to Throw Grenades.
  • Disposal and Detection upgrade increases sight and capture speed (sight radius by 15% and capture rate by 50%.)
  • Reinforce cost increased from 24 to 27
  • Experience value increased from 1 to 1.5 points.
  • Cut Wire ability received accuracy penalty removed.
  • PIAT Ambush and Cut Wire ability no longer overlaps each other.
  • Fixed mine damage multiplier being lower than intended vs Hotchkiss (increased from 1 to 1.5.)


  • Has a small HP regen of 0.04 (19.2 hp per min)
  • Capture speed increased from 1 to 1.25.
  • Corrected the value of regeneration the Captain's Command bonuses provide (increased from 1.92hp / min to 19.2 hp/min)
  • Enemy forces killed by units outside of the 35 aura radius will still grant experience points to the Captain, but only 50% of their original value.
  • Default weapon replaced by a Sten SMG.
  • Damage taken from Panther is reduced by 75%.
  • Captain receives the same individual defensive bonuses on veterancy as the LT.
  • Captain grants 15 action points when built.
  • Emplacements can share the experience with the Captain.
  • Withdraw to Captains position speed bug fixed.
  • Captured Mortars are affected by Victor Target.


  • Staghound now replaces the Stuart, not the Command Tank.
  • Staghound health reduced from 450 to 300.
  • Moving Staghound's are harder to hit.
  • Target table corrections

Main Gun accuracy multiplier vs PE infantry decreased from 0.75 to 0.65.
Main Gun accuracy multiplier vs elite infantry increased from 0.6 to 0.65.
Penetration multiplier vs Hetzer increased from 0.0384 to 0.386
Rear penetration multiplier vs Hetzer decreased from 11.57 to 6.54
Penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 0.3814 to 0.1
Rear penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 8.55 to 3.55
Main Gun priority against skirted vehicles decreased from 200 to 40.
Damage multiplier vs the Marder III and the Geschützwagen reduced from 2 to 1.54.

  • Staghound 50cal burst duration reduced from 7 - 9 to 2 - 3 seconds.
  • Sandbag upgrade: increases health by 50% and increases M2HB 50 cal burst duration to 7-9 seconds. Costs 35 munitions. (Requires Command Tank and 50 cal Upgrade)

Stuart Light Tank

  • Moving Stuarts are harder to hit.
  • Target table corrections

Damage multiplier vs the Marder III and the Geschützwagen reduced from 2 to 1.54.
Penetration multiplier vs Hetzer increased from 0.0384 to 0.386
Rear penetration multiplier vs Hetzer decreased from 11.57 to 6.54
Penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 0.3814 to 0.1
Rear penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 8.55 to 3.55
Stuart priority against skirted vehicles decreased from 200 to 40.

Cromwell Tank

  • Damage or destroyed engine criticals properly remove speed bonuses on Flank Speed.
  • Build time increased from 45 to 55 seconds.
  • Weapon statistic corrections

Moving accuracy multiplier increased from 0.5 to 0.75.
Accuracy multiplier vs soldier armor reduced from 0.75 to 0.65.
Main gun no longer have increased accuracy against skirted Panzer IV's.

Kangaroo Carrier

  • Infantry garrisoned in the Kangaroo can be targeted by small arms fire.
  • Infantry cannot use active abilities while in the Kangaroo.
  • Infantry squad slots reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Soldier slots have been reduced from 15 to 11 men.
  • Gains the ability to reinforce nearby infantry.

Cromwell Comand Tank

  • Damage or destroyed engine criticals properly remove speed bonuses on Flank Speed.
  • Command Tank grants 15 action points when built.
  • Enemy forces killed by units outside of the 30m aura radius will still grant experience points to the Command Tank, but only 50% of their original value.
  • CCT receives the same individual defensive bonuses on veterancy as all other command unit.

Casaulty Clearing Station

  • Population requirement increased from 0 to 2
  • Experience value increased from 0 to 3 points.
  • Gains benefits from Royal Engineers Improved Emplacements commander tree upgrade.
  • Medical Supplies ability also heals all injured emplacement crew on the map.
  • Emplacement build speed are affected by the number of builders constructing it.

Mortar Pit

  • Mortar will priorize team weapons that are deployed (HMG, Mortar, AT gun etc.) by default.
  • Mortar in overwatch mode attack fixed.
  • Emplacement build speed are affected by the number of builders constructing it .
  • Crew of the Mortar can be attacked.
  • Mortar Pit survivablitiy increased.

17 pounder ATG Nest

  • Only 1 allowed on the field.
  • Weapon tuning:

Accuracy modifier vs moving halftracks increased from 0.1 to 0.3.
Damage multiplier vs infantry reduced from 1 to 0.1
Scatter angle increased from 5 to 7.5.
Range increased from 65m to 80m.

  • Artillery projectiles will not bounce off when hitting entities in emplacements.
  • 17 Pounder ATG Nest will not grant more action points than intended.
  • Cost increased from 280mp 25 fuel to 300mp 35 fuel.
  • Crew size reduced to 2 men.
  • Crew of the ATG can be attacked.
  • ATG Nest survivablitiy increased.
  • Emplacement build speed are affected by the number of builders constructing it .


  • Only 1 allowed on the field.
  • Weapon reliability and consistency retweaked.
  • Suppression increased.
  • Artillery projectiles will not bounce off when hitting entities in emplacements.
  • Bofors will not grant more action points than intended.
  • Bofors will prioritize infantry over planes.
  • Cost increased from 280mp 15 fuel to 300mp 35 fuel.
  • Bofors survivablitiy increased.
  • Crew can be attacked.
  • No longer resides in an emplacement.
  • Emplacement build speed are affected by the number of builders constructing it .

25 Pounder Howitzer

  • Overwatch duration for the 25 pounder increased to 20 sec.
  • Counterbattery range decreased to 250m.
  • Requires Captain to be built.
  • Fixed an exploit where off map artillery could be called on firing 25 pounders.
  • Crew can be attacked.
  • No longer resides in an emplacement.
  • Build speed are affected by the number of builders constructing it .
  • Experience value decreased from 10 to 4 points.


  • Priest Treads animate properly.
  • Counterbattery range increased to 250m.
  • Counterbattery uses the 105mm Howitzers attributes not the 25 pounders.


  • Target table corrections:

Damage multiplier vs the Marder III and the Geschützwagen reduced from 2 to 1.54
Penetration multiplier vs Hetzer increased from 0.05415 to 0.386
Rear penetration multiplier vs Hetzer decreased from 11.57 to 6.54
Penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 0.3814 to 0.1
Rear penetration multiplier vs Jagdpanther decreased from 8.55 to 3.55
Tetrarch damage multiplier against Soldier Armor type reduced from 0.9 to 0.6.
Tetrarch priority against skirted vehicles decreased from 200 to 40.

Commando HMG

  • Accuracy incremental increased from 1.02 to 1.12
  • Accuracy increased from 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.6 to 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.75
  • Short range cooldown decreased from 1. to 0.5.
  • Minimum range removed.
  • Damage multiplier vs Panzer Grenadiers increased from 0.5 to 0.75.
  • Commando units will no longer be camouflaged when retreating out of Concealing Smoke.

Commando Mortar Team

  • Mortar will priorize team weapons that are deployed (HMG, Mortar, AT gun etc.) by default.
  • Scatter values improved.
  • Range increased from 75m to 90m.
  • Damage increased from 18 to 20.
  • Commando units will no longer be camouflaged when retreating out of Concealing Smoke.
  • Smoke barrage ability available.


  • Grenades accuracy vs infantry garrisoned in a bunker increased from 0.15 to 1
  • Commando units will no longer be camouflaged when retreating out of Concealing Smoke.
  • Commonwealth grenades no longer do more damage against sdkfz_22x_armor.

Commando PIAT Squad

  • Commando units will no longer be camouflaged when retreating out of Concealing Smoke.

Churchill Crocodile

  • Aim time have been reduced significantly. (from 1.5 sec to 0.25 sec)
  • Flame projectile is significantly faster. (from 13.5 to 22)
  • Weapon statistic corrections:

Accuracy multiplier vs Elite, Heroic and Sniper armor increased from 0.6 to 0.75
Accuracy multiplier vs moving infantry increased from 0.5 to 1

  • Churchill Mine Plow can be equiped on a Churchill Crocodile.
  • Tank Shock suppression consistency improved and stacks with suppression values from other sources.

Churchill AVRE

  • Churchill Mine Plow can be equiped on a Churchill AVRE.
  • Churchill AVRE are capable of the Tank Shock ability.
  • Tank Shock suppression consistency improved and stacks with suppression values from other sources.


  • Weapon statistic corrections:

Accuracy multiplier vs Elite, Heroic and Sniper armor increased from 0.6 to 0.75
Accuracy multiplier vs moving infantry increased from 0.5 to 1

  • Tank Shock suppression consistency improved and stacks with suppression values from other sources.

Royal Canadian Artillery Doctrine

  • Creeping Barrage, Priest, Overwatch and Counter Battery no longer grants reduced cooldown to 25 pounders.
  • Creeping Barrage, Priest, Overwatch and Counter Battery commander tree upgrades increase all enemy artillery units barrage cooldown by 8 seconds.
  • Creeping Barrage is noticed in the event que.
  • Creeping Barrage reveals a 35 meter large area at each section of the barrage.
  • All Creeping Barrage salvo's target table are the same.
  • 25 pounder Creeping Barrage range reduced from 225m to 145m.
  • Priest Creeping Barrage range reduced from 225m to 175m.
  • Supercharged Rounds increases Creeping Barrage range to 225m for both 25 pounder and the Priest.
  • Creeping Barrage damage multipler vs. Axis Bunker have been increased from 1 to 2.
  • FOO's first round lethal critical chance lowered.

Royal Commando Support Doctrine

  • HQ Gliders are capable to deploy regular Commandos.
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