
OUTDATED, PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE NEW FULL VERSION! This will be the first public release of The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Please read the front page description or see below for installation instructions, changelog, and some tips for playing the mod. If you experience any problems with installation or playing the mod, leave a comment and I will try to help you through it.

The American Civil War Mod: Revived! First Public Release (OUTDATED)
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THE_Carl_Crux??! - - 150 comments

Are any of the items from native still in here? i always use the steel shield for gunpowder mods (this, l'aigle, the chile mod, etc) maybe not historically accurate but keeps the stray bullets away

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

The only native items I left in the mod are the one's that are still appropriate to the time period, such as axes, hatchets, knives, bows and arrows, and some clothes. If you would like a steel shield in your game, you can add one to your starting inventory with "Morghs M&B WB-WFAS Editor". It's very easy to use, and what you want to do isn't difficult at all. Give it a shot and let me know if you need any help.

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malec21 - - 14 comments

Wow, I'm glad this mod came back. Played the first one ages ago and thought the mod was dead. Very happy you brought this back King85!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

I am glad you enjoy the mod! It's also nice to hear you still remember the old mod too, I am happy to bring this back for everybody out there who always wanted something like this.

This is the product of months of close personal care, and even a few sleepless nights, done purely out of passion for the project. I also wanted to get the first release done quickly and in secret, so it would not become another one of those over hyped, forgotten projects. It's good to hear you are enjoying it so far!

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

epic. and will we need WSE in the future?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

For now, I don't have any plans to use WSE with this mod. However, if I find it's necessary in the future to use WSE in order to get new features in the mod or fix some of the problems it has, then yes, it will be necessary in that case. But for now, no you won't need it, nor will you need it in the foreseeable future.

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

Just realised some of my soldiers dont have shoes; I'm not sure if this is a special feature for the Confederates

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Yes, actually, it is! I wanted the Confederate soldiers to have a chance to spawn without shoes, as shoes are known to have been quite the hot commodity back then. Many people have heard the story of how the whole battle of Gettysburg started because of Confederate soldiers encountering Union soldiers, while looking for shoes.

I'm sure you've noticed, though, that their legs kind of stick out of their pants, and it doesn't look very pretty. That's something else that I would like to work on. I imagine the best solution would be to have a separate footwear that just looks like bare feet. The only problem is I have no experience at all with creating new items and putting them in game.

If you, or other people find it to be taking away from the experience and would prefer all the soldiers to have footwear, I can make and release a hotfix to give them all shoes, no problem.

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

Do you think you can decrease the numbers of farmers and remove the walls from village battles? I've lost fights solely because of the village battles because AI doesn't know where to go and is just walking in place because of the walls

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

I apologize, I should have made that problem more clear on the mod page, I added it to the tips and current issues, however I'm sure not everyone has seen it yet.

I am aware of the issue with that one farm map, it is frustrating for me as well. For now, I would recommend just avoiding fighting at farms, or save before you do and see if it is that one map that has the problems with the walls and ai pathfinding.

In order for this to be fixed, I will need to educate myself about making and editing scenes in M&B:WB. Or, if someone with more knowledge and skills on the subject than me would like to volunteer their service, that would be most welcome.

In regards to the actual amount of farmers that fight in those battles, I don't know how to change that. It might be the same way I change the amount of soldiers in ai armies, and that is something I am still researching how to get done. Of course, any good samaritans out there who already have the knowledge and/or skills available and would like to help the project move along are always welcome to contribute. Even providing instructions so I can do it all personally would be a huge help.

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DoDoCat - - 1,765 comments


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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

what if you make village battles have random 2 story buildings that you can enter and snipe from like guerilla partisans?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

It's honestly not a bad idea, but I imagine the ai won't be able to navigate the buildings very well, if at all. I was thinking that if I learn how to do scene editing, I would want the broken village scene to be replaced by a farm scene, with fields, orchards, fences and some scattered buildings. I can perhaps make those farm buildings the kind you can go inside of, but I can't guarantee the ai will be smart enough to use them.

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

Merry Christmas to you as well. I'm not sure if someone has already told you that the camera in campaign map is not able to reach all the way to Canada and unfortunately for me E. Lee decided to give me a Town and village that is located in Canada. And will you add Mexico and other minor nations in the future?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

The camera issue has thankfully been resolved, please read the article about it, or look in the summary for instructions on how to fix it for yourself until the next patch is released.

Also, good news on the scene editing. It wasn't as hard as I imagined to fix the village scenes. I have successfully removed those pesky walls and will continue to visit locations in game, to make sure the scenes are all playable. Unfortunately, most of the building are not able to be entered, and the ones that are, are quite boring inside. The scene editor is not a very amazing tool either, it is very limited and requires a lot of time and effort to get things done. Something as simple as creating a wheat field or an orchard will take a long time, simply because there is no way to copy and paste props and plants, and you are therefore forced to manually place each and every little thing.

I do not intend to add any other nations right now, the concept for this mod is meant to focus on the civil war itself, and the player is meant to be an officer raising a company of volunteers to fight in the war. That's the only way I can think of that the systems in place in M&B:WB, such as serving under mercenary contracts and swearing vassalage, can be made to suit to a civil war atmosphere. Once I get freelancer into the mod, then people can start to roleplay as enlisted soldiers. In my opinion though, being in command is more fun and suits to the gameplay better, but who am I to tell someone how to have fun with the mod? :)

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

How do i send images? I just got some sort of error about something; this is what it said:

SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 1677: Invalid Map Icon ID: 191; LINE NO: 20:
At Script [243] create_kingdom_hero_party.
At Script [243] create_kingdom_hero_party.
At Script [243] create_kingdom_hero_party.
At Script [243] create_kingdom_hero_party.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Can you maybe upload the image and send me a link? You could even put it up here, on moddb, and just take it down later, when you don't need it anymore.

Did you make any changes to the mod? Where did you experience this error? What triggered it?

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

idk all i did earlier was remove shaders. here is link

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Please excuse my ignorance, but I don't know what it means to remove shaders. That might be your problem right there, if it's the only thing you changed.

Does the error prevent you from playing the mod? Does the error message pop up more than once? When did it first happen and what were the circumstances surrounding it? For example, did you load up a save and the error appeared immediately? Did it occur later on, after you moved on the map? The more information you can provide about this error, the more we can narrow down where this problem is originating from.

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

Shaders make your game look different.
before I removed shaders:
after I removed it:

and the error popped up when i was moving around on campaign map

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Ah ok, I see. Your game normally looks like the first photo? That's strange, it seems like there is something wrong with the game in that picture. The second photo appears to be what the game is supposed to look like. You shouldn't have to do anything to get the game looking like the second photo.

Does the error constantly pop up while you are playing or was it just one time? When does the error first appear? As soon as you start moving, or is it random? And did you ever get the error before you removed the shaders?

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

It appeared just one time. It appeared when I patrolled around the other side of the bridge near Richmond. I never got that error before. Also, I told you the error because I'm not sure if it means I'm missing some sort of texture that is crucial for the game

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

someone told me that the error probably means the game failed in creating a lord's party

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

If you can still play the mod normally, and you don't notice anything else wrong so far, it's not something crucial for the game. Does the error reoccur at all?

It's possible the error might have something to do with the handful of broken factions in the game. You may have noticed them when you start a new game, and you get notifications about them being eliminated.

If all else fails, back up your saved game, delete all the mod files from your modules folder, and then reinstall the mod from the winrar package. That should give you a fresh start and fix anything that may have gone wrong, and since nothing in the mod's files are different, your save should still work.

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Stonewall_Jackson - - 46 comments

How do you back up a saved game?
Also what if you give factions unique units? For the Union they get the fighting 69th that comes from the infantry tree, while for Confederates they get Terry's Texas Rangers that use the Spencer carbine and come from mounted infantry tree

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

You can find your save game files here:
C:\Users\your name\Documents\Mount&Blade; Warband Savegames\The American Civil War Mod Revived

There will be a file called sg00.sav, copy that to the desktop or wherever you can find it again, and then you can delete the mod and reinstall it. After you reinstall the mod, you can place your save game file back in the same folder.

I could add the unique units to the mod, but they wouldn't be very unique in how they actually play ingame. There isn't any other repeating weaponry in the mod, except for the Henry rifle, so I can't make a good representation of Terry's Texas Rangers, or any other unit that was equipped with Spencers. The 69th NY would actually be more easy to include, they would just need the sprigs of evergreen in their caps.

The only problem with adding specific units to the mod, is that the troop trees would get way too big with all the different units, and it wouldn't make sense to get battle experience and then upgrade to a different unit. That's why I had originally made the decision while creating the troop trees that all the soldiers will not be tied to specific units, because they should be your soldiers in your unit. The battle's aren't large enough to appreciate all the different units anyway, it is better to simulate a small scale engagement where you command your own company sized unit. I leave it up to the player's imagination to roleplay as whatever unit they desire, that is why the soldiers are just volunteers and regulars with different tiers of veterancy.

The only two specific units in the mod are the lancers, and that is only because lancers in the civil war were actually pretty rare and only a couple of units used them. I felt including them in the mod was a good addition because they have a unique weapon, compared to the other cavalry units in game that use revolvers, carbines and swords. I will also be giving lancers revolvers in the coming patch, because they do not have any other secondary weapon and that makes them effectively useless when they are dismounted.

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MODDOWNLOADMAN - - 32 comments

Is there battle continuation?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Unfortunately, no. However it is a feature I would like to include in the future. Thank you for reminding me about that actually, I am going to add it to the list of the future plans for the mod. I will be making an article with a more official statement about the future of the mod in the near future, so stay tuned!

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quinrbant56 - - 50 comments

Thank you guys for remake this mod love the Us civil war Happy Holidays.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Thank you for playing! It is a great joy to know that others are having fun with the mod. Whichever holiday you celebrate, I hope you have a good one, and have a happy new year. :)

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BlackTiger2710 - - 48 comments

Gun sounds very loud, when i first started I was underwater, and had vanilla clothing on. Plus I couldn't look up towards Canada. Also there is no option to ask the troops to fire at command. But overall, thank you for bringing back the project, I hope this criticism on the mod as it's current stage will help you focus on what to work.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Thank you for your feedback! When people tell me the things they have found wrong with the mod, I know exactly what I need to work on, and already people have found things I wasn't aware of before. So yes, absolutely it is appreciated and it is very helpful. I may not always have a solution, but whatever is within my power to get done, it's going to happen.

I only ask that people read the list of currently known issues before they report a problem with the mod, so they don't have to type up a message to me about something I am already aware of.

The gun sounds are something I find to be too loud as well, I am going to keep working on that. The recordings were originally too quiet and I amplified them to sound more realistic, but some are more loud than others, and the one's that are too loud, are a bit much on the ears. So I am going to put some time aside to take a good listen to all of them and make the volume more comfortable to listen to.

Please check the article about the camera fix, you can fix the camera yourself for right now and I will include this in the next patch.

Some of the places where you start the game are messed up, I am aware of this but forgot to list it in the issues. Thank you for reminding me about this problem! Finding a solution for this will be tricky, however. I will see what can be done.

The next patch is going to include new formation and fire orders. Keep an eye on the mod, there are good things to come in the future!

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grimlock0418 - - 37 comments

Hey, when I started I selected Nashville and when a spawned in I had a shield and gun and I was in the water will that be fixed in the next patch or will it have to wait?

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Hi there, I am looking into how to fix the issues with the new game spawn locations. At the time of me writing this comment, I have not yet found a solution, however I have been making good progress with doing scene editing for the mod, which I believe will lead me to finding the answers to fixing the new game spawns. I can't guarantee that the fix will be in the next patch, but if I can find the information I need to make a breakthrough, then it will get done.

EDIT: I have some great news, I found out how to fix the new game scenes and the spawn points! They are going to be much better now, and will be in the next patch.

And in regards to the starting equipment, I think the game gives it to you automatically, I did not include them in the players starting inventory. There is chest nearby every new game and you can find civil war clothes and weapons in there.

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grimlock0418 - - 37 comments

ok thank you and i'm glad you found a fix for the issues this mod has so much potential

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

I just want to thank you for putting time into making a mod like this, Merry Christmas!!!

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Thank you, it is very much appreciated! Merry Christmas to you too, and have a happy new year! Stay tuned for the new patch coming soon, it's going to be a good one :)

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grimlock0418 - - 37 comments

so like what are your plans for this mod do you plan to update the map at all and add more scenes or add more unit formation and smarter AI or is it just bug fixing and minor tweaking

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

There's a new patch coming soon. I have revealed in the comments most of what it will include, but there will also be a few pleasant surprises. The patch will come along with an article that will elaborate more on the future of the mod, as well as some other relevant things.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

british canada all native khergit troopss

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Hi, that is done on purpose. There are no assets for British Canada, they are essentially a faction in name only. There is a problem with them starting every new game being at war with the Army of the Potomac, so I took away all the equipment from lords and troops to try to encourage them to lose the war quickly and mitigate the damage they are capable of.

I did not change the names for the same reason, there's no assets for that faction, so there isn't really much point to going through the trouble of doing all the research, making a troop tree and naming lords, other than to avoid seeing khergit names in the mod.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Dear Author King 85.

Download link since to be deade. Error network that is strange I have already downloaded many mods from this page.


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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Hey thanks for making me aware of this. I don't know what is going on, this is very strange. Maybe moddb is having issues right now. If the problem persists, I will need to see what happened and why the link is broken now.

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King85 Author
King85 - - 766 comments

Hello again, just want to let you know and anybody else who reads this, that it was in fact a problem with the moddb website, and the download link is working.

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