
Welcome to the Supreme Mech Commander v0.302! This release contains 4 new units, bringing the mod unit count up to 24. The 4 new units consist of: The Striker Light Tank, Schrek PPC Carrier, Harasser Missile Platform, and the Condor Heavy Hover Tank. You'll also notice some bug fixes and an adjustment to unit movement that more closely aligns to BattleTech values.

Supreme Mech Commander Alpha1 v0.302 [Outdated]
***Geroj*** - - 2,160 comments

Not much can be said, but it works, vehicle models look pretty good ingame
Only that mech animations are little stiff, maybe their torso should move like tank turret

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ScorpiusInvictus - - 55 comments

Cant seem to get Black Ops Icon Support to work... whenever I select it and launch a game, it sits in transit for eternity. Doesn't freeze, just doesn't launch.

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Kamisama171 Author
Kamisama171 - - 92 comments

Hey ScorpiusInvictus

Sorry you run into that problem but try this:
1. Make sure the SupCom mods folder dose not contain any .zip files left over from the install clients such as ""

2. Ensure correct install of mods, are they installed in "mods/" or "mods/mods/", should be just "mods/"

3. If all of that is good try to isolate the issue.
A)Dose Supreme Commader load with out any mods selected?
B)Dose Supreme Mech Commander load by itself?
C)Dose BlackOps icon mod load with different mods?

BTW are you using the Steam version of Supreme Commander FA?

Let me know if this helps.


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ScorpiusInvictus - - 55 comments

It was the file path issue, had a second mods folder in the route. Now fixed!! Many thanks.

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MAN~O~WAR - - 37 comments


I may have a compatibility issue but whenever I start a battle the drop ship explodes a few seconds after it spawns in. Also it starts with half health.

Mods I have are:
Realistic Explosions
Black-ops icon support
WiSoTa (dynamic energy production mod; wind, solar, tidal)
Total Mayhem 1.20
Supreme Mech Commander

I'm not running these all at the same time...just listing them. Though the only ones I have running are Supreme Mech Commander and Black-ops Icon support.

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MAN~O~WAR - - 37 comments

Nevermind this lol just saw video :P

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Kamisama171 Author
Kamisama171 - - 92 comments

Cool , glad you got it sorted out.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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