
Bug Fixes for v1.2. ***Delete the previous version, rather than overwriting it with this one.***

Leader Overhaul Mod v1.2.1 (Outdated)
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kaden2009 - - 13 comments

Thank you for making such an amazing mod, Sorry if I comment so much it's just I really commenting either by providing fixes or reporting bugs or suggestions. For my previous comment, I was confused about the pelican thing with the pelican not being able to pick up leader units while the spirit of fire transport power was able to if the leader had more units transporting with it. For the elephant thing, it confused me because the units couldn't use it to take cover or even enter it, I'll try again and see if that fixes it. I've also had another bug I forgot to mention the watchtowers you build with covenant gives the option to remove them only when troops are inside but when you do remove them or click the option to nothing happens. Once again thanks for an amazing mod rated it a 10/10 and I'll report any more bugs I find.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

Yeah I really don't know how to fix the sniper tower or pelican picking up leader units issues unfortunately. Also, the elephant can only be garrisoned while it is not locked down for some reason.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

animations and tactic missing?

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

What animations and tactics are you referring to?

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Blackandfan - - 106 comments

there are animations for garrisoned and tactics for it, either remove it in the tactic to prevent garrison or add it and make sure it has the anim to add it, and that guest was me

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

Oh yeah, I knew that. I just checked and apparently I forgot to remove the garrison stuff from the rebel leader's tactics.

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kaden2009 - - 13 comments

I Have things to report.

1. (and this was previous havent checked recently) the name of the upgrade to expand your base for the unsc it blank ( I think it was to upgrade it to fortress or citadel or something i'll recheck)

2. the ai doesn't seem to attack the spore launcher things when you place them with the flood ability somewheres on the map they seem to ignore them

3. when someone is infected and turn to your team and you go explore they don't seem to uncover any of the fog of war they just go into the dark areas of the map and can't see where enemys are unless they are shooting unless you build a unit to go with them or they go into a watch tower.

4. This is just a suggestion but for the flood units/vehicles/aircraft 1/2/etc it would help to put a description of what it does.

That's about it for now to keep things organized for you this is how i'm organizing my bug and suggestion reportings now keep up the great work.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

1. Ok, just fixed that.
2. I don't know what would cause that, might be something I can't fix.
3. I've tried a lot of times to fix that, nothing has worked yet.
4. Ok, I forgot to add that when I made them. (They literally just add hitpoints and damage)
Thanks for the report, and for keeping it organized!

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kaden2009 - - 13 comments

1. By just fixed that did you mean you just now fixed it or it was fixed in the update because when upgrading to station the description is fine but there's no title

2. It's fine if you can't fix it because of the third bug I avoid things that infect units.

3. Not sure it's fixable because like in the more leaders mod they have a flood faction but it does the same thing when infect.

4. Ah okay it's funny because when the flamethrower thing was going on I kept researching that researching that tech over and over seeing if that unlocked it.

5. I've also noticed that while the rebel snipers run their weapon disappears until they stop probably something with the game engine but just something i've noticed.
6. the icons for the Cicada and the blessed warehouse are blank (the icons that show up wwhen you select them)

7. The last thing i noticed is if your going against the flood and you go to their base with your camera without discovering it you can see floating structures and tell what the flood has built already.

also I like what you did with the flood AI so far (when ai are playing as flood) they don't seem to build much besides stuff that gets them supplies, tech level, and a barracks (although they don't use it) no airpad or vehicle thing however what I like is how they build flood spores and flood bombers (they explody things) and thats it, it's... interesting having them rush you every minute for the rest of the match sometimes and having them sit there and do nothing others, i've also noticed when i was playing on chasm 1v1 with the flood they only like using 1 base at a time or completly abandon one but thats probably the ai in general and i'm not sure how easy it is to mess with the ai to work or i would help you because at the moment you can defeat them with a single aircraft as they don't train anything to attack air units. Anyways sorry for commenting so much trying not to be annoying.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

1. Fixed just then, not in the update.
5-6. I don't have any of those problems, maybe try reinstalling the mod?
7. I keep forgetting to fix that. Should be a simple fix.
Flood AI is especially difficult to deal with. I'm gonna try to work on the flood as a whole at some point in the future, which will hopefully involve fixing the AI.

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kaden2009 - - 13 comments

Rebel upgrades also still appear after maxing out a research thing, in this case, I got all upgrades for Jerome (cutters spartan) while playing as captain cutter and it went to the rebel commanders tree although it won't let me research them. anders for some reason has the odst ability and is deploying them even though shes not cutter And finally, are the odsts not supposed to be able to garrison in cover? it doesn't let them however for some reason I got them to be able to but when I exited it wouldn't let them back in and sorry for all the long comments and the bugs I find. i'm not trying to nit pick at your mod or anything im just pointing out the ones i can find.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

I don't have either issue with the ODSTs. They can garrison cover and Anders can't access them. As I said in another reply, you should try reinstalling the mod to see if that fixes the issues.
The Rebel upgrades are going to show up, I could fix it but it is a lot of trouble for basically no gain, plus I could be using that time for more important things concerning the mod.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments


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madcoleton1004 - - 5 comments

I have a very simple question is there a way you could implement the mantis, that would be fun to use.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

I can't add new models to the game.

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madcoleton1004 - - 5 comments

thanks just wanted to know

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

thank you for this mod

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

guys in my version of halo wars DE only root.era and xgamefinal modded works with mods can you do a root era and xgamefiles with this mod??

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Blackandfan - - 106 comments

both windows store and steam support ModManifest

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

It isn't that the method doesn't work (as Blackandfan said it works with both versions), its that you've done something wrong.

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SonOfOdin - - 1 comments

Me and a friend of mine has been testing this mod recently. And time to time one of us seem to lose steam connection while we play together. (Both of us has installed the mod correctly and it works) Anyhow, is there a known bug for this or is this fixible?

Best regards

- SonOfOdin

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

Sorry, I have no idea how to fix anything like that. I think a few people have mentioned similar problems, but I don't know how that sort of thing works or if its even fixable.

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Legendkiller456 - - 4 comments

The UNSC AI seems to be really, REALLY passive while the Covenant AI are downright aggressive.

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moddbeme - - 1 comments

Thank you for releasing this MOD! I'm enjoying this.
Rebels and Grunts leaders are interesting!

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Spyyre - - 13 comments

Do the new leaders not have AI? Seems as if they dont do anything. Played several games now and each time the ai just does nothing, not even build base structures?

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

The AI works fine for most people, including myself. Did you have another mod installed previously? There might be a conflict somehow

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Spyyre - - 13 comments

Actually, I believe I did have some other mod installed previously..but I did uninstall that before attempting this one..

Seems like SPECIFICALLY flood teammates will do absolutely nothing. Flood as enemies does work, but they ONLY build resource buildings...
Other AI seem to pump out a small starting army but after a couple minutes they just simply don't do anything anymore.

Perhaps I need to crank up the difficulty to legendary? I tried both normal and heroic, though. Same results on both. I never tried legendary because I simply dont enjoy playing that difficulty.

I will try uninstalling HWDE, and reinstalling and then reinstalling the mod. Will update here whether or not it makes any difference.

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Spyyre - - 13 comments

I noticed a difference after reinstalling. Forgot to update you here.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

So it works now?

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CerberusForHumanity - - 13 comments

so i made a few modifications to your mod, i changed the base for rebel faction and assigned it troops and upgrades only problem is whenever all the troops you train die you automatically lose like i trained 1 unit and naturally they died to the enemy after that the game ends saying you lose despite the base still being alive. Any idea how to fix that?

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CerberusForHumanity - - 13 comments

nevermind figured it out and managed to create my own mod with the fix i posted my mod on here but i did not include any of your files only my own separate files i been working on that i started from scratch

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CerberusForHumanity - - 13 comments

whoops message sent twice

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millergram - - 6 comments

So I want to ask, and see if you are still updating this mod because if not I have a version I have been working on for about a week now that fixes some bugs with tech and unit descriptions and adds spartan 3 units for the unsc which have essentially the same stats as a spartan 2 but are "squad" based and cant hijack units and use a separate spartan cap. also decreases spartan damage slightly to match closer to vanilla as the spartan_upgrade_3 was a bit too high on damage and hp in comparison to vanilla. It rebalances fuelrod units and rocket units to make more sense as they just deal a bit too much damage basically just splits them into two units so that they actually get a damage penalty when a model is killed like a none hero unit usually functions. Also adjusts the cost of almost every unit in the game to match how they affect gamestate. Such as the fuelrod wrath costing the same as a scorpion because of its far superior range, and it basically deals the same damage if not more. Anti-units now cost a little bit more to discourage the ai from spamming them all the time. Makes covenant base units cost a tad bit more as well so that basic infantry has a reason to exist and a bunch of other stuff as well. I dont want to short change the amazing work you have done here so I wont upload without permission. Rebels got big changes too because they were kinda weak now more focused on a numbers advantage since they have a bad end game due to not having any Spartans to use.

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

Yeah, I'm still updating it. I have been working on a pretty big update since the last upload, but its taking a while because I'm pretty busy with real life stuff. If you wanna upload a separate "unofficial patch" or something, then go for it I don't have a problem with it. Only condition is that you say it is an unofficial to this mod.

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Potassium_stick - - 10 comments

i know its a W.I.P. but what is the threshold for when its "Done"? and after that just adding optional content for this mod? (if you decide to do that)

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ladywoodgrill Author
ladywoodgrill - - 282 comments

I don't know when I'll consider it done, but yeah when I get to that point I might do optional content like new factions or something. I've had the idea of changing the entire damage scale or whatever so its more "realistic" as an optional thing, so that could be a possibility.

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