
This installer contains all of the files necessary to play Deus Ex: Revision 1.6.3 on your computer. However, it is intended for use with a copy of Deus Ex owned through Steam. After installation, the next time Steam opens, allow to proceed with final steps of the installation to register everything properly.

Deus Ex: Revision
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Guest - - 699,935 comments

Will it run with GOTY edition from

Reply Good karma Bad karma+20 votes
Guest - - 699,935 comments

Does anyone has the "leak" still? We can try to replace the steam revision.exe with the leaked one

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omnitrix152 - - 120 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
cryogzen - - 2 comments

Can somebody please reupload this?
It's deleted from Dropbox.
Thx in advance.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
arti9m - - 16 comments
Please, keep in mind that this is an outdated version and does not work with the latest Revision update. Maybe one day I'll post updated version somewhere. Old cracking method via Steamless does not work anymore, presumably because of achievements or other steam-related stuff they included lately.

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Not sure if this works but heres the directions:
GoG version works fine with this mod, confirmed working the method instructed by death globe on neogaf.

"Use the standalone installer (from ModDB page) and ignore steam at the end.
Then download Kentie's launcher from , extract it into your Deus Ex/System.
Make a copy of the Deusex.exe and rename it to Revision.exe
Now run the Revision.exe..configure it how you see fit...and finally in Data Directories make sure to check everything."

Only other issue was dx renderer has an texture too large error, but using open gl it all appears fine so far.

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Guest - - 699,935 comments

use Kentie's directx 10 renderer to fix the problem with textures

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
friedcod - - 23 comments

works, but ... no music?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Shablagoo - - 16 comments

I've tried it using the Kentie's launcher hack. The game mostly works fine except that I don't have any control over the sub-mods, like Shifter and Biomod (which don't seem to be working by default), and just the original soundtrack is playing, with no option to change that. So basically all the changes I've waited an extra year for won't work unless I get on the Steam bandwagon. Very stupid move that I'm very unhappy about and I hope they make a fix for this QUICK!

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

I think I figured it out. Check back here.

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PurpleGaga27 - - 2,066 comments

But the OpenGL version is getting some loading map crashes every time you head to a new chapter.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Miggy4000 - - 126 comments

Thanks for that info The Unbeholden, I will give this a go. For everyone else here is links to Kentie's launcher:

And their DirectX 10 Renderer:

I do hope the devs will consider a version for the standalone games though. I have the disk & GOG version, hope I can get one of them to work. :s

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

You can play with the submods easily!

Either change the revisiondefault.ini in your system folder to revision.ini or copy the revisiondefault.ini and paste it again and rename it revision.ini (if you don't have that file). Now instead of replacing default files with New Vision or Shifter, make folders for them inside Deus Ex instead.

Some people experiencing crashing, you need to have hdtp and New Vision in its own folder in Deus Ex (Just like Shifter), not inside Revision. When you have those ticked in Revision it will look for it in its own folder and we don't want that.

Here is the fix for that open the revision.ini go look for the lines


and replace them with:

Paths=..\Gore Mod v2.0\System\*.u

Do that for DeusEx.ini as well. So it should look like this:

Paths=..\Gore Mod v2.0\System\*.u

Or replace Shifter with Biomod or GDMX or whatever.

There may be an error that appears with one file in "HDTP\Textures" called "HDTPanim.utx"

and one file "HDTPItems.u" from beta 2 in HDTP\System.

I also get a similar error when I install beta 3.

Copying the files into both the Deus Ex and HDTP texture and system subdirectories fixes that for each of them, "DeusEx\System\" and "DeusEx\HDTP\System\" ; "DeusEx\Textures" and "DeusEx\HDTP\Textures\". Now, I have the "in-game" menu and the new characters textures.

Not sure how to get the new music working, its not as good anyway. Aslong as we can play it with gameplay enhancers thats all that matters.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Miggy4000 - - 126 comments

Awesome! Thanks again TheUnbeholden o7

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
DanDeaf - - 4 comments

You can put the assembly in the tracker? (Можете выложить сборку в трекер?)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
abelthorne - - 9 comments

Steam only? Is that a joke? No version for people who have the GOTY from GOG or on CD?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+50 votes
Coal-Chip-Cookie - - 198 comments

They'll probably release non steam version soon anyway...
I hope

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Guest - - 699,935 comments

It used to support non Steam versions of the game. They removed that support. I don't know why they'd add it back in, unless that was part of their deal with Square Enix.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Avoozl - - 291 comments

It was a very dumb decision to drop support, all they are doing is allowing the intrusive monopoly to thrive further.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Guest - - 699,935 comments

A terrible joke indeed. JC Denton would never approve elitist mods.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
cbaker19 - - 182 comments

I'm with you.I have owned GOTY on disc for years and I have followed this mod for years and this the FIRST I heard it is Steam only.That stinks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
daz2015 - - 2 comments

ya i have it on cd and GOG im not buying it a 3rd time not matter how cheap it is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+37 votes
SpecShadow - - 686 comments

Ain't go for refund for better (DRMfree) version.
GMDX won this time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
Guest - - 699,935 comments

Please make a GOG or disc compatible version. It's fine to say it requires a certain version of Deus Ex (in terms of the file versions needed, like say it requires the "Deus Ex GOTY" or whatever) but to require Steam specifically... that's very sad. Please make this compatible with any version which has the game files that you need, thank you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+27 votes
abelthorne - - 9 comments

Every version has the game files needed: the GOTY is only the original game with the last patch. You have exactly the same version on Steam, on GOG or with the original CD and the patch.

This Steam only release is only DRM crap from Square Enix.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
fleet84 - - 158 comments


$2 dollars, i mean who could afford that? if you cant afford that you probably have bigger problems in life and shouldnt be playing video games

Reply Good karma Bad karma-28 votes
Guest - - 699,935 comments

2 dollars multiplied by 1 milion of insulted Deus Ex fans who already had the game but also bought it on Steam because of Revision mod make such a big fortune. Don't you think? The only one who benefits from this is Square Enix + Steam. Not the fans, not the people who developed this mod which should be free for everyone. I did not ask for an ELITIST mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+41 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments


Quit your bitching about Steam and use that anger and energy on something that actually matters.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-19 votes
Worm4real - - 2 comments

Said the guy spending his time defending a mod being exclusive to a digital distribution platform for no ******* reason.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments


Yes! Give me your downvotes! With each one I become stronger!

There are at least 1.5 million Americans living on $2 a day right now. Unless you're one of them, the $1.39 that Deus Ex on Steam is currently going for is not an obstacle for you.

And spare me any "it's the principle of the thing, I'm taking a stand". Oh yeah, you're really taking a stand, sticking it to the man! You'll change the world with that kind of slacktivism over things that literally don't matter, I'm sure.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-17 votes
Worm4real - - 2 comments

I have the game on Steam, I literally am against it on principal. It's not about the man or anything, you little ball of hyperbole. It's about it being something I disagree with. I think making mods that have no reason to be exclusive into something that is exclusive is not good. Using free mods to drive sales is a bad look. I don't like it, that's all.

That's all. My opinion differs from yours. Yet you've mistaken your opinion for some universal law and decided everyone who disagrees with you is some screeching child. Though that's the only way you have to defend your crappy opinion. You've literally got nothing.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
J. - - 23 comments

I have the Steam and the GoG versions, i bought the steam version before i saw it was out on GoG. Personally? Yay, i can get out of XCom and jump straight into DX. Also nay, because i don't want to start up what is essentially a second OS, every time i want to relive The Conspiracy.

So it is a matter of principal, in a way, but also a matter of what can be described as corporate oppression of the right to choose which version to play with. But you do have a choice: with or without Revision.

SpecShadow said it well: the developers are giving a big FY to those who bought the game on disc or GoG, who actually were their "test subjects."

Why must they buy the game a second time, while the disc and DRM-free versions were perfect before?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
friedcod - - 23 comments

lack of principles is a weakness you have

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Avoozl - - 291 comments

Steam Workshop pretty much does the same thing with all mods, I hate how people are supporting workshop since it adds a layer of drm to mods so you can't download them if you own the game elsewhere or boxed copies. People are getting too lazy to use other places to host mods sadly.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
SpecShadow - - 686 comments

If you still can't understand that 15 years old game, that was released years before Steam was created, got exclusive content and give middle finger to people that have DRMfree and retail version (aka majority of the DE owners) then it's your problem.

And stop caring about my wallet. That's not the point of the problem.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+25 votes
sL@v3 - - 3 comments

You don't understand it seems. It's not about the money. Just keep buying 10x the same game, i don't really care.

There's demand, a suggestion to make the mod available to all platforms, not just Steam exclusive. I doubt the majority of people have the bucks as loose as you have.

That's also no criticism, just food for consideration and actually listening to those interested.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
18x37 - - 9 comments

If it is true, making a free mod steam exclusive is a terrible thing to do. Disappointing.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+25 votes
Strongrunner - - 3 comments

very disappointed - had been waiting for this mod for almost 6 yrs and what do they do make it so you have to pay money to get it, and yes I do have the game on CD..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+24 votes
Strongrunner - - 3 comments

I don't like the fact that I am going to be forced to download the game from steam - just to download the mod..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
abelthorne - - 9 comments

If you intended to use Steam to download the mod and the use it with another version, it looks like it won't work and needs the excutable of the Steam version.

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Guest - - 699,935 comments

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Browser - - 31 comments

I don't even remember how long I've had this mod tracked, only to find out it's Steam only when released is beyond disappointing.

Exclusivity is nonsense to begin with and only gets more ridiculous when limiting it to a certain distributor on a platform.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
Strongrunner - - 3 comments

all well and good but I have been reading the specifications and the min specs are

OS: Windows Vista 64-bit
Processor: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB DirectX 9-compatible GPU
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 6 GB available space
Additional Notes: A faster CPU will deliver better performance. We do not recommend using a CPU slower than 2.0 Ghz. 32-bit operating systems are not supported.

No point in buying the game as the mod will not work on my computer..

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Den-Tone - - 4 comments

It will work.

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Bogie12 - - 27 comments

This is just sad. Not only is this Steam exclusive (No CD/GOG version), it's soundtrack is not even that good (Except for Battery Park), and is basically just a pack of remade maps that are either confusing, or filled with unnecessary obstacles. I find no advantages over the original game. 4/10.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
damjancd - - 243 comments

You played the entire thing? Wow. Interesting. You had time to throughly test it, give it a review and everything, and it's been out for what, 12 hrs?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Bogie12 - - 27 comments

I looked at alot of the maps through the legend command, and I didn't notice anything different. ALSO that was my butthurt self ****** because of a steam release.

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Screwdriver1977 - - 83 comments

Steam only? GTFO

Reply Good karma Bad karma+15 votes
moddb-WORLD - - 76 comments

By making this a Steam exclusive, you're basically giving a middle finger salute to your long-time followers and everyone who has Deus Ex GOTY on CD . . . nice gesture Caustic Creative.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+22 votes
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