My custom version of Dox778's Personalized "Brutal Doom V21" Standalone Mod.
-Customized "Dox778" Standalone BDV21 Mod-
This has been another project I have been working on for quite some time with a lot of very helpful and talented individuals when it comes to Coding and Audio Editing. I wanted my absolute favorite fork of Brutal Doom to run as smoothly as possible, with no janky glitches or extra nonsense. All of the files in the DOX778_CUSTOMIZED folder have been tested with GZDOOM 4.7.1 and ZDL 3.1.1 and should be run together, unless you want to pick and choose what to use before playing. In the second folder, I've included both BFG EDITION: DOOM 1 & 2 WADS and the (No Rest for the Living) NERVE.WAD, so you don't have to search around online or pay for them. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed their time to help me get this finished. Dox778, Sgt. Mark IV, Squig, BROS_ETT_311, Wolf1366, Emerald, Dragonball1957 and everyone on Facebook/Discord who provided feedback! All credit goes to Dox778, Sgt. Mark IV and everyone else who created content that I’ve included in this file. Enjoy!
- Removed Purist & Tactical modes from the main menu.
- Removed the "Weapons Testing Map" option in the Brutal Doom Options menu. (To access, while playing the game, open console and type Changemap Test).
- Set "Hurt Me Plenty" as the default difficulty.
- Removed the glitched "Go F*** Yourself!" Pistol Execution from the gameplay.
- Fixed the Assault Rifles offset, so it aligns with whatever crosshair you choose.
- Fixed the Shotgun's 3D nail glitch. They no longer go back and forth between the voxel and sprite.
- Removed the gravity on the Oscillator's primary fire, so the nails will shoot straight.
- Fixed every weapons Pitch, Zoomfactor, Angle and Thrust.
- Fixed the "Camera script failed to initialize" message appearing when you get blown up in a room or a space with a low ceiling.
- Fixed the Double-Jump Addon's "Boost Noise". When using this addon, disable double-jumping in the gameplay options.
- Fixed the Hell Knight's glitched/frozen "dissolving death" animation.
- Changed the “Selection Sound” on Hitlersbuzzsaw to a better one.
- Fixed the Minigun & Plasma Rifles scratchy selection sound audio.
- Removed the Railgun's idle audio. Now it only plays when you remove the scope and goes back off when you fire.
- Fixed the Double-Jump's "Boost" audio going off when you jump and fire at the same time with a few different weapons.
- Removed the grenade's bouncing sound. It was glitching if it got stuck in a corner.
- Fixed the Vehicle/Jetpack movement. You no longer have to bind the Move Forward, Move Backward, Strafe Left and Strafe Right option in the Action Menu if you’re using a controller.
- I removed the Mario "Let'sa Go!" soundbite, along with the COD "Fire in the Hole" audio when you throw a grenade. It just didn't feel right in the game, even though it was very funny, lol.
- Fixed the "Alt-fire"/firing lag with the Minigun. You no longer have to wait for the barrel to fully spin to be able to start shooting. You can click alt-fire and then immediately start firing.
- Fixed the Shotgun's ammo selection while in ADS mode. If your aiming option is set on "Press Once", you can switch between Buckshot and Glass Slugs while aiming down your sights. This will only work if your aiming option is set to "Press Once", so make sure it is before you say it doesn't work! :)
- Fixed a glitch with the Railgun's scope zooming in by itself. After switching to and using the Cryogun's "alt-fire" mode, switching back to the Railgun and firing a shot was causing the scope to zoom by itself.
- Fixed the ASG's drum drop function. You can now see the drum sprite drop on the ground after you reload.
- Removed the default Grenade Launcher's Brightmaps and replaced them with the Legacy Grenade Launcher's so the addon wouldn't conflict with the default GL's Brightmaps.
- Emerald tried to fix the Legacy ASG’s “Force Default Crosshair” OFF option for me, but it was causing too many other issues with certain mechanics. So, if you’re expecting the Crosshair to disappear while aiming down the sights of the ASG, it will not work.
- Fixed a glitch that was causing the Glory Kills to randomly stay stuck in 3rd person view. It was also causing your fists to disappear while punching.
- Fixed the missing animation at the start of the Zombieman’s "Rifle Smash" Glory Kill.
- Fixed all of the Legacy ASG’s mechanics.
- Fixed the glitch with the Crouch Sliding. I added TNT1 A 0 A_Takeinventory("KickHasHit", 1, "FinishSlideHitWall") to the DoKick section.
- Added the "Doom2BFGMap02Fix" addon made by BROS_ETT_311. This fixes the stuck ShotgunGuy in DOOM 2's MAP02 "Underhalls".
- Fixed the Fancy Firing ON/OFF option. All of your default arsenal and a few custom weapon addons "Tracers and Particles" can now be turned ON or OFF. Some of the weapons tracers/particles were re-aligned and fixed as well. THANK YOU to Emerald for all the hard work!
- Removed the Railgun's default firing animation and replaced it with BDV21's.
- Changed the sound channel numbers on a few different default weapons. For instance, the Shotgun's "weapons/sgpump" sound was cutting off while trying to pick up health/armor and fire at the same time. I changed the channel number from 3 to 5, which now allows both of the sounds play. I also fixed this issue on some of the weapon's "fidget" sounds.
UPDATED (8/18/22)
- Fixed glitch with Dual Rifle sprites disappearing when you kick/reload/crouch slide, etc.
- Fixed the glitch with the bloody fists showing up while Ledge Grabbing with clean hands.
- Fixed every default/custom weapon's "FuckYouFlash" and "GrenadeToss" animations.
- Fixed the UNMAKER'S taunting audio cutting off.
- Fixed a glitch with the Tank's HUD bobbing when "Bob while moving" is activated.
- Removed the excess barrel nukage that was being left behind, even though the option was off.
- Fixed the DyingGuys.TXT file, now the enemies won't disappear on water while gibbing them.
- Fixed the chainsaw's swinging sound. It no longer cuts off at the end.
- Fixed the HMG's GL reload glitch. Now the fidget and GL reload are separate. (ALT-FIRE will reload the launcher).
- Fixed the "Size 11" Display HUD Key Sprites not showing up. I also removed Dox's Key Sprites in favor of the originals.
- Removed UNMAKER'S idle audio.
- Added the Platinum Rifle Reskin.
- Fixed the empty Railgun glitch when "disable reloading is enabled" is activated.
- Fixed the HMG, Buzzsaw, BFG10k, Unmaker, Mastermind's Chaingun and Cyberdemon ML from switching to the SMG on empty.
- Fixed the HUD’s Minigun sprite offset.
Awesome compilation! How does one get the Oscillator Nailgun? Loaded up all the PK3 files but can't seem to find it?
The Minigun changes into the Oscillator when you bind and press the “dual wield/weapon special” key.
Can you use your own skins for the weapons? My only gripe with the mod itself.
Unfortunately no, unless the skins have the same fidget/physics animation sprites as the default weapons.
Question: Why doesn't the assault rifle properly zoom in when aiming downsights?
¿¿Nail now shot straight?? THANK YOU!!!!
You're welcome! Enjoy.
Thanks for your amazing work!!
Two questions;
-Catsvisor is my favourite HUD
Can you fix the Nailgun ammo? Appears with "0" and an "A". Seems that guy left the modding thing months ago (I don't blame anything!)
On that HUD the new Red 300 Armor also appears with an "A"
-I play the Dox778 Brutal Doom on "minimal" (on GZDoom), with only Railgun and BFG10K as a new weapons. What is needed to install for fix the Nailgun shot? I've installed the "Core" Dox778 Personalized, below that "Various_Fixes_for_Dox" and below that "Optimized Decals and Models". I'm missing something?
The grenades now doesn't have sound and that solves that buggy noise!! But the Nailgun still shooting with gravity.
PD: Sorry for my english, I'm not native :(
EDIT: Here, my Wads
I will take a look at it. I also have an older customized version of CatsHUD if you want it. The nail guns trajectory was fixed only for short/medium distances, if you’re shooting very far away, gravity will still arc them down. I was getting annoyed not being able to shoot straight over ledges 1 foot in front of me, so I adjusted the nails accordingly. I will see if I can fix them to just shoot straight without gravity affecting them. For now, it’s fine I think but I will definitely do some more updates as feedback comes in.
Thank you!! For Cats only need to show ammo for the Nailgun, and in a second place show the Red Armor when equiped. The rest works perfectely fine.
I want to snipe with the Nailgun, cause work very well against Revenants o Mancubus when there aren't a lot of this enemies. Thanks!
Two questions. Could you perhaps add the meathook in Brutal Doom Platinum 3.0? And also, how do we access the test map?
A fork of a fork of Brutal Doom. Amazing.
Too many forks
The reason why the other files from my Shotgun Redone addon dont work with this version, is because you have multiple small addons which edit the "Shotgun.txt" file, so they probably end up overwriting/conflicting with each other.
Im still glad that at least the reskins are working
so is this basically the OG brutal doom but updated for 2021? a lot of the other brutal doom mods are starting to add more and more ther is nothing wrong with that but I'm looking for a nice updated definitive version of BD. did i find it lol?
Pretty much, lol. This mod along with my BDV21- I.W.S version is how Brutal Doom V21 should be played, IMO. No extra nonsense and everything just looks and performs better. If you want the classic Brutal Doom V21 experience without any of the added features that this one has, then try out my I.W.S file. You can instantly switch all of your weapons, while still maintaining the original BDV21 mechanics and features!
Does this work in lzdoom 3.84 or qzdoom? Don't really like using gzdoom all that much since it's laggy in my potato pc.
I cant say for sure, as I have only tested these files with Gzdoom 4.6
this is very good i notice that the smgguy still drops a shotgun. it bugs me lol but that just me. thanks this is my favorite brutal doom
i fixed it so that means you could fix it with you eyes closed. I'm no Modder i just tinker. i did get the new rifle from brutal doom platinum to work with this as well he they did a god job on the updated rifle. anyway this mod is smackin!!!
I would love to see the changes you made if you wanna send it my way!
Really good. Thanks for sharing.
Are the weapons supposed to have no recoil? Because the weapon pitch is enabled in the optionsmenu and I never touched it.
I removed all the weapons zoomfactors, pitch, angle and thrust for a smoother experience. No more screen shaking, unrealistic zooming in while in ADS mode or trying to control the recoil.
why does this compilation includes doom 1/2 BFG edition ? why is a bfg edition ? are they important for something ?
how do i reload ? like there is an animation that means that somethings working but thats it?
The original wad files were included in the DOOM 3: BFG Edition. I've included them to provide everyone with a reliable source to download from, so you dont have to search around or pay for them. As for reloading, go to -OPTIONS-CUSTOMIZE CONTROLS and then bind a key to the "reload" section.
I didn’t think about that, then thank you for include them !!!
and about the reload i found the problem
there is an option called "customisable magazines" it was all preset to zero by default i just "restored to default values"
What are the changes with this version, exactly?
Please read the last 10 changes in my changelog.
Script error,
"BrutalCrossbow_FIXED_V15.pk3:ancientcrossbow.txt" line 4:
Unexpected '6100' in definition of 'AncientCrossbow'
"CyberdemonMissileLauncher-LaserUpgradeFIX-GrenadeThrow_V15.pk3:cyberdemonmisslelauncher.txt" line 5:
Unexpected '1' in definition of CyberdemonMissileLauncher'
"DevastatorRockets__FIXEDV15.pk3:devastator.txt" line 5:
Unexpected '2600' in definition of 'Devastator'
"Dox778sPersonalizedBrutalDoom_V15-FINAL_FIXED_#3_ReplaceDEAD.TXT-stain-RGrecoil-2-UNMKRsnd.pk3:decorate/gore/bloodsplash.txt" line 49:
Invalid state parameter {
"DoxsBrutalDeagle_FIXED_SPAWNER_V15.pk3:deagle.txt" line 3:
Unexpected '0' in definition of 'BrutalDeagle'
"DoxsRevolver_FIXED_SPAWNER_V15.pk3:doxsrevolver.txt" line 124:
Unexpected '0' in definition of 'DoxsRevolver'
"LegacyASG_Dox778v14_FIXED_ADSfix-BMAPfix_7-UNMKRsnd.pk3:decorate/weapons/assaultshotgun.txt" line 4:
Unexpected '0' in definition of 'AssaultShotgun'
and more...
I will need more information to pinpoint the problem. What engine are you using? Etc.
so i shouldn't worry about the load order of this compilation?
Nope, I just recommend that the DOX base file is first.