AdventureHumanity is a Psycho-Horror Adventure game for Windows, Linux and Mac. It's based on historical events packed in a compelling story. The game plays in...
NekoVision is an upcoming Indie Dev company. Our first game - called Humanity - will be an Psycho-Horror Adventure, based on historical facts. The player will slip into the role of Lucien, the main protagonist.
Humanity is a Psycho-Horror Adventure game for Windows, Linux and Mac. It's based on historical events packed in a compelling story. The game plays in...
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Epoch Games is a non-profit indie game development group. Our current project is the single-player RPG "Lays of Althas: Sundered Order". We are comprised...
A developer of real time strategy games including Songs of Conquest.
Action Forms original first person shooter, Chasm: The Rift was released in 1997 for "mouse and keyboard". The developers later went on to make the Carnivores...
Formed in 2003, the LMC has since produced award winning modifications of the total war™ series, bringing to you the most realistic representation of...
Just a small little group, mostly for the HN mods I make, Anyone can join.
Official group of HECU Collective - team, working on the Blue Shift remake. All news are on our mod pages on ModDB. Our discord server -