We Are Arcxes Games, we are a small group who have developed a few games but we are most proud of our MUD Worlds Online

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Worlds Online

Worlds Online


Worlds to explore, fight, chat, and discover with friends from the beginning of time to the end of the universe from stone age tech to alien gadgets...

Arcxes Creator
Arcxes - - 2 comments

development on WO Will start to speed up as we want to release it as soon as possible

Reply Good karma+3 votes
【Ryuu】 - - 3 comments

When do you believe that the game will be back up?

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Arcxes Creator
Arcxes - - 2 comments

thanks for asking, Worlds Online has been back Onine for around a week now and a new game engine is in development with plans to release it as soon as possible so if you plan to play WO you are able to download and play whenever you like now. if you have any further questions or want something added to the game contact me at arcxes.worldsonline@gmail.com

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