
A custom mod repack for CotZ v1.2, made for content, casual gameplay, and general fun instead of difficulty or realism. The successor to Rhons' Modular Mod Repack.

Rhons' Mod Repack v1.50 [CotZ v1.2]
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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

Hello Rhons, this is an awesome addon pack for an already great STALKER standalone, it urges me to return to the ZONE once more!
Btw I am encountering some sort of weird bug, it is the "anime-ish" music that either play randomly during combat OR during anytime really, worst thing is, It doesn't stop! The music doesn't really seem to fit into the atmosphere.
How do I stop this bug? Aside from your modpack and your medic mod, I only installed a "dead stalker money loot" that shouldn't play any music. Thoughts?

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Yeah, ha, ha... well, you see, out of fit from my Modular Mod Repack having mixed success, I just uploaded the exact copy of my own custom Call of the Zone. Whereas it has a lot of fun features, I did say that I did customize my own version of CotZ...

So yeah, I will have to upload a new version later today to address this. In addition, the next update will include the Medic Mod and a patch for Repeatable Quests.

An issue with Repeatable Quests is where now with AO3, Artifact Fetch Quests will simply give you the best guns available instead of a suitable gun for the artifact's value. This means you can give someone a Nightstar and they'll give you a Minigun. I thought it was an oddity but now I know it's an imbalance.

EDIT: Mod Repack updated to v1.1.

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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

Thank you Rhon, so I can apply the patch on my game? Or do I need another clean install of CotZ?
I didn't get that far into the game, the anime-ish music really turned my mood off. But please, keep up your good work!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

There are instructions to removing the music in the version log on this page. Simply delete those files and things should return to vanilla.

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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

Hello Rhons, may I bug you on something else again? You see, AO3 is far too complicated for me, I prefer the simplicity of the vanilla guns more.
So I tried to use your modular pack and manually install Medic and immersive fast travel myself, thing is, they cannot be mutually exist together, there can only be one enabled as having Medic on will remove the option to travel from trader and vice-versa.
So could you kindly teach me how to remove AO3 from this Static pack? Or even better, upload a pack that doesn't have AO3 in it.
Once again thank you man, keep up with the good work!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

There's a Compatibility Patch that comes with the Medic Expansion add-on specifically for Immersive Fast Travel Revamped. Install it after installing Medic Expansion and Fast Travel Revamped.

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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

I've tried all the ways man, it either doesn't work or it crash me whenever I load a different level. I sort of give up at this point.
So man, could you please do me a favour and upload a pack without AO3?

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Outright removing AO3 will hurt those who like the increased array of weaponry. However, making it optional is a tedious task as compatibility must be made and testing needs to be carried out, hopefully with user feedback.

As it's not just you but others who have also requested it, I'll see what I can do about it. Making repacks modular is admittedly annoying and it's one of the reasons why I discontinued my Modular Modpack.

It does give me an excuse to remove the AO3 Character Creation Store. I ended up not liking it in the modpack as it removes Storyline Quests, however insignificant they are, from Bandits, Military, and Monolith Factions.

EDIT: In the meantime, you can just go to database and rename the addons folder to ###_addons or something similar to remove AO3. It seems to work fine for me.

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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

Goodness, thank you so much Rhons. Yea, I know I'm one of the rare cases that do not enjoy the wide array of weapons, but rather the simplicity of the vanilla guns. I'll apply your temporarily fix and see if it work as well, again, thank you man.

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

The repack has been updated so that AO3 is now optional and in a separate folder. AO3 Character Creation Store has also been removed.

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stevenhuy13 - - 7 comments

You truly made my day Rhons, thank you so much.
Also made my week too, has been playing Call of the Zone nonstop haha.

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NoiceGuy - - 10 comments

Is "Smurth LilGABE hybrid CoTZ" compatible with this?

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Hi, sorry for not getting to you sooner. Anyway, it could be compatible as it shouldn’t have any files that conflict with edited files on the mod. I do suggest making a spare copy of your gamedata just in case.

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Guest - - 695,330 comments

It’s fine, there were no issues at all when I installed it.

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RustyTank - - 30 comments

Hello,which one of these config to edit the loot chance?? I found it too generous its kinda kill the "objective" of the game for me :)

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Check out death by community under gamedata\configs\misc

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RustyTank - - 30 comments

Bunch of 0 and 1 im already figure it out,thanks for the mod.Also,are there aany plan to replace AO3 with other weapon retexture in this pack ??im kinda bored to have " same but different" amount of ak's in AO but you know,im no modder myself so i dont know if this doable or not :)
Also,another note,do you know how to replace AO3 sounds ?? Already asked in forum but no one visit it anyway so im asking here.

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Guest - - 695,330 comments

You are doing God's work for the more casual of us out there, thanks a million!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

My summer classes are almost done, so hopefully I can get back to modding.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Gavrilenko's squad is missing their names (all called st_bar_duty_security_squad_[number])

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Damn it, I always seem to forget a little thing. I’ll get it updated after I also update Repeatable Quests, and the repack will include new add-ons like Talk to All NPCs.

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Guest - - 695,330 comments

I dont know if this is a bug or intended by author, but some traders (Sakharov,Beard,Hawaiian,Sidorovich,Barman maybe others) and ambient npcs are only buying new types of ammo or/and artefacts only from AO3 and Dante`s expansion mods and don`t want to buy vanilla ammo/arts.
Also Nimble is not selling all unique weapons, some are missed (like aksu_snag,fort_snag, saiga_nimble etc).

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Sorry for taking a week to respond - ModDB grays out Guest comments, so a sleepy Modder can easily miss the gray text.

Anyway, that's mostly just me not fully-integrating AO3 and Dante's Expansion items into the traders' lists of buys/sells/refusals, mostly due to all of the traders I would have to edit to add/remove various items too. With all the content AO3 and Dante's Artifacts, that is a tedious and boring task to do.

Also for Nimble, just reload a save or come back another time. His inventory is dynamic when it comes to weapons.

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Guest - - 695,330 comments

Thank you for response. As for Nimble I meant some lines with unique wepons missed (wpn_ak74u_snag, wpn_fort_snag, wpn_saiga_nimble, etc.) in gamedata/config/misc/trade/trade_loner_nimble.ltx comparing to original AO3. Anyway, one of the best mods for cotz in my opinion!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Never actually noticed that. I’ll check it out in my game and if it’s significant enough, I’ll add a quick patch to v1.35

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Which version of AO3 did you include in your download? This issue was supposedly fixed in v0.5.1 for CoTZ and the latest one is v0.7. I had assumed you used 0.7 since your pack (even the modular one) is from the present year and said AO update is from february 2021 (see here ). Maybe it simply actually didn't get fixed though

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

I did use the latest patch for CotZ, which is linked in the description of this Repack.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Unisg SEVA has only one built-in container but in the description it says it has two.

Nightstalker exo lets you sprint without any upgrades but there's still servomotors upgrade available in third tier upgrades, don't know if anything can be done about that, ofc it's not gamebreaking and anyone with more than 2 braincells will simply choose the other upgrade but it's redundant nonetheless.

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

UNISG SEVA is a vanilla CotZ armor. I have not touched them at all, so that is just a matter of fixing the description. As for the Nightstalker and Survivor Exoskeletons, their upgrade trees follow the generic Exoskeleton tree and creating a new tree for those armors is a bit more work than the payoff would entice.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

I'm looking for ways to make the economy better for my future playthrough, 10 ingame days and I'm a millionaire already, that sucks in my book. I'm definitely gonna try to remove detectors and artifacts from stashes, make arts degrade, also somehow make enemies drop less items, less money and simbly lower their spawn factor in general to minimise overwhelming amounts of loot which renders trading redundant - only thing I had to buy was ammo and exoskeleton. Oh and heart of the oasis gives I believe 220 health regen? 2 seconds and you're full hp, now that's gamebreaking.. at least it doesn't replenish satiety but there are also artifacts for that..

Another thing - quest stashes in my playthrough almost everytime contain clear sky armor, veles detector, also usually spas, aks-u or abakan, and of course artifacts I mentioned earlier - there's no need to go artifact hunting which should be the most profitable way of earning rubles.

I've also completely skipped arena since I didn't need this extra money and after completing lots of sidequests I found myself only accepting story missions as I have hundreds of thousands of rubles, fully upgraded inventory and I've only just been to agroprom underground..

Just to be clear, it isn't the only addon I'm using, but I believe it's the most responsible with all the items it adds, which are easily obtainable. There are of course also balance issues with AO, because some weapon prices seem so off, you don't need the pricey ones to deal with enemies and you can easily sell them if you come across 'em (I'm therefore using an addon which makes less good weapons appear, I hope it actually works). Actually I believe I'm not using any addon which would change things I mentioned now that I've checked JSGME.

But of course it isn't a complaint, you've stated that it makes the game "Generous, Easy, Interesting... and Fun", I just think it's too easy and imbalanced for my liking and I'm looking for ways to tweak that so any advice would be helpful (I mean I'm talking to everyone who reads it, not only to the pack's author :P).

Don't get me wrong though, I love your expansions and this repack is a blessing already :D

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Of course you can make the game harder by browsing files. In fact, now that you've mentioned this, I could add an optional file directory that makes the game more challenging.

A couple of small things you could do in the meantime:

Go to gamedata\configs\gameplay and adjust the character_food .xml's of all the Factions. There, you should see what is dropped upon death by various Factions. gamedata\configs\misc also has death_generic and death_by_communities that also influence what is dropped upon death. You can make them more scarce.

gamedata\configs\drx has drx_ql_config where you can adjust various properities of Quests, including the value of Stashes given as rewards. Lower it and stashes will be less valuable, although artifacts will still spawn (but with lower-tiered artifacts).

The Heart of the Oasis is more or less supposed to be like that. I was planning to make it mandatory to use it with the Compass Artifact that itself was gamebreaking as well. Dante's Artifact Expansion needs an update as most of its content is trash and the descriptions are unremarkable - You'd get some that I've added my own descriptions (i.e: the funnier ones) whilst the untampered ones have short, boring descriptions. Currently have my hands full for a few days, but my goal for Dante's Artifacts is to rebalance and to make them interesting.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Thanks for advice, that's what I was hoping for.

And these are also good news that you're tweaking Dante's mod, waiting for the next update then

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Me again with a little question.

I'd like to bring some order to artefact trading (iirc vanilla can't and modded can be sold to any trader) and I'm also considering disabling selling scopes, because that's too easy money. I'm browsing through configs\misc\trade but it just looks like what certain npcs will sell, not buy, though maybe I'm just blind or don't understand what's going on in there so I wonder if and how it can even be done.

I'll be grateful for any help (also from anyone else too again), be it step by step guide or even simply telling me where to find these files for me to figure it out, I just don't know if I'm on the right path.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

I'm using extended hud to see companions but it makes artifact belt hud appear on quickslots hud, is there a way to remove or change position of one or the other?

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Not that I know of. I've mostly just dealt with it with my resolution and it normally does not interfere with my game. Therefore, perhaps just change resolution of your game window.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Alright, it might be that it's only a problem on smaller monitors. I won't lower my res down, therefore I'll either leave it as is or simply change placement in the HUD file if I get motivated enough, thanks for the reply

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BioX853 - - 56 comments

Hi Rhons. Might wanna include Dynamic Nocturnal Mutants (new mod) and Tweaked Mugging (although you would have to remove No Mugging).

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

The mugging system was never very popular to begin with. Most people would rather just reload a save rather than to try and reclaim their items back, which usually are damaged upon killing the NPC that mugged you.

I’ve tried a similar mutant population increaser add-on and it was okay. I haven’t tried out this one for CotZ, but I remember the other one had annoying dialogues I did not like. If I end up liking this mutant add-on, I will consider it.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

Will there be an update soon? I wonder if I should start tweaking the mod to my liking right now or if I should wait for the next update.

Also could there be more of a modular release? I know the point is you've merged many addons and posted them here so that others don't have to, but if I'd like to get rid of some of them (let's say immersive fast travel and tweak it to my liking, medics expansion, no more mugging, talk to everyone) and keep the rest, it wouldn't prove to be such an easy task now, would it? So considering not every mod has to be merged, I wonder if these could be optionally made.. optional..

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Have you not seen my abandoned modular repack? Too many mods alter the same files and it made making a modular repack horrendously difficult.

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MoN0L!ght - - 137 comments

I completely forgot about it and only now it clicked for me why this one is called 'static', apologies.

And what about the first question? Any updates planned in the near future considering there was one lately?

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Latest update was July 09, 2022. It was just a few days ago. Compare that to the other repacks with the authors now AWOL.

Future updates are planned as I update my other add-ons, including Dante's Artifact Expansion, Rhons' Repeatable Quests Expansion, and Rhons' Vanilla NPC Models, among any other releases.

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Haronsky - - 2 comments

Hi! I'm having a bit of a problem. Whenever i try to enter Jupiter my game loads then crashes to desktop. I was using the older version of your addon and then i updated it to v1.3. After the update i cannot enter Jupiter anymore.

I don't know if this is helpful but i get this:


[error]Expression : no_assert
[error]Function : CXML_IdToIndex<class CSpecificCharacter>::GetById
[error]File : e:\stalker\x-ray source\x-ray_callofchernobyl\src\xrserverentities\xml_str_id_loader.h
[error]Line : 112
[error]Description : item not found, id
[error]Arguments : sim_default_zombied_2_default_55

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Was this an older save? You will have to make a new save for this new version as this version includes a Zombified Revamp. Older Zombified Squads use the old parameters and will conflict with the new one.

If you still get the same crashes, let me know please.

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Haronsky - - 2 comments

Yes it was an older save. Thank you very much for the info. I'll let you know if it crashes again! :)

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Dogsbane - - 92 comments

Rhons, great mod! Lots of loot but death comes easy no matter how geared you are. Herds of Fractures, for crying out loud! It was stable until last night when I was transferring stuff from inventory to the stash box by the tank in Army Warehouse. I would hit an item and it would CTD. It would be random. I managed to get out of that and when I was doing something else in the inventory it CTD. Too many items in the inventory, maybe? Thanks!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

By CTD, do you mean that it crashes the game? Could you provide some screenshots to show what's happening exactly?

If mutant populations are too high, you can change the population settings in Settings.

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Dogsbane - - 92 comments

Yes, it crashed the game. Not sure if I am savvy enough to screenshot it especially because its random. I increased my virtual RAM and decreased the number of items in my backpack and it stopped doing it, but it was so random. One time it would beVal ammo, another time the TARs scope, etc. Very weird. Oh, the population settings are fine. I just need to adjust my expectations and not panic when 10 Fractures are coming out of the bushes, or half a dozen blind dogs. Thanks for the quick response. I wasn't worried about the difficulty settings, just the crashes. Good mod!

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Rhons Author
Rhons - - 196 comments

Whenever you get another crash, please attach what exactly crashed the game. I suspect it's a memory thing — CotZ is not very well optimized.

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Dogsbane - - 92 comments

That makes sense. I close all windows but Microsoft has some sort of live feed down in the tray that might be causing. Hasn't crashed since I fiddled with the virtual RAM. If it happens again, I'll detail it.

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Mahzra - - 586 comments

Thank you so much for this comment. I never thought of checking virtual RAM, but since CoTZ is a 32-bit application virtual memory actually matters.

I set my swap file to a permanent 8GB file on SSD and the game runs much smoother for me and crashes far less often. I am a happy bunny. This goes into my installation instructions from now on.

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