The features of this mod include:
- Changes to the player's default model (what the player looks like without any
clothes equipped) to a female model so you're immersion isn't broken.
- All the features from the Female Sounds Mod
- Certain armors will use a female model instead of the usual model
- (Optional) Higher starting relations with other friendly factions
Option 1: Default playermodel is hip
Option 2: Default playermodel is Kat from The Walking Dead video game series
Option 3: Default playermodel is Kat from The Walking Dead video game series, with the relations boost
Wastelander outfit, exolight wood outfit and Tigerstripe suit---> Default Hip Skin. If you're using a mod that modifies hip's skin, it will use the modded model instead as seen below:
Bear sunrise suit---> Kat skin
Graphite suit---> Default Hip Skin
- Compatible with any other mods that change hip's appearance. The player's default model remains the same, although some armor may change model wise.
- Only the wastelander, sunrise bear, and sunrise graphite outfits give off the female appearance
- this mod is limited in variety, bear with me
- Should work on a loaded save
- Compatible with Trader Overhaul Complete
- I'll try to continue updating this mod with more female skins
Credits go to:
SamaritansDesperate's for the Female Sounds Mod
Author who made ported kat's model and texture is unknown from Stalker-mods.clan.su
If you have any questions or crashes, please let me know!
I would rather make out with Sidorovich, that first picture made me recoil
That's Katjaa from the Walking Dead Telltale game. LMAO
Спасибо за использование моего мода)
будет круто если ты постепенно сделаешь скины для всей брони
Dude, thank you. You took the one feature from Road to the North that caught my eye and added it to Anomaly.
If you were to add anything more, I'd suggest remodeling the hands in first person rather than entire outfits. I know RTTH has female hands.
Is that modded hip skin publicly available?
Can i be raped as a woman in the zone?
just asking for a friend, not like i`m interest in that kind of stuff.
No, that's coming in Anomaly 1.5 update.
> asking for a friend
I know I know, we don't actually have any friends... ○| ̄|_
Hillary Clinton in the zone
I just waited ~5 days and this mod has been uploaded, thank you m8.
upd: It would be cool if you could add a custom avatar of a character that other stalkers can't use.
upd2: Walking on Kordon and I met a bandit with skin "Nadezhda"
karen in the zone
karen in the zone
eeeehh... iv've just tested the mod... options 2 and 3 have same model.
option 3 is going to be replaced with a third model :)
Thank you.
IF youre looking for some more hip remodels ill link you to one i really like because its a massive improvement in quality and keeps the practical look.
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Why always that any genre other than male is discussed in stalker (or any videogame actually) suddenly those creeps start talking about raping? i get all the shitpost thing, but that's just downright ****** up.
most of these chuds are slavaboo incels, STALKER is like "that underground game" that these manchilds like to claim as a "safe space"
Female Stalkers v. 2 coming soon! v.2 Introduces more skins and female stalkers into the zone!
Where is version 2 ?
how it works and where i have to put this ''Option1'' in?
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does this mod still work ? if it does then ill download it.
where is V2? can't find it
Какие Девушки в зоне, вы о чем?
A link to V2 of this mod would be nice.
Большее спасибо за мод и само воплощение идеи. Благодаря лично Вам, DEMOSFEN и b-Хип- Визуал от SunRisen, я создал своего персонажа. Правда еще с иконкой надо повозиться и броники на визуалы прописать (чтобы не перекрывали мою ГГ) Жалко не знаю как скрин сюда сбросить.
STKR is such a primitive game, npcs have no bodies but a suite with a face attached to it. Where is the link to V2?
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Hey pal, where is V2 link?
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v2 doesnt exist lol
Me still waiting on that V2 link
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This needs a patch for HD models, been trying hella hard to get them both working together but having zero luck.
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based mod