
Fixing broken commands "loot corpses" and "gather_items", fix companion's patrol mode and now they can talk phrases :)

Сompanions obey all commands + fix patrol mode
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aquelarrefox - - 62 comments

they can peak artifacts in anomalies where i can die, like vortex fields?

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Sure :) But if you add addon "Beef's NPCs die in Anomalies v1.1" , they will also be close to death too

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aquelarrefox - - 62 comments

i absolutly dont recomend ussing that mod, enables sime alife features that make stalkerss to stay infornt anomalies trowing bolts without looking for anyone with a gun for blowout their heads. unfortable is worst than keep it off. if only hurt the npc would be better even if just kill a little few or get you a low hp target. any way i will try it

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Not sure that I understood you correctly, but if you're talking about my fix, when companions goes into combat mode, they immediately stop searching for artifacts and go to shoot. I'm sorry if I wrote not what you meant about

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aquelarrefox - - 62 comments

no about beef mod, they stuck with anomalies with or wiithout your mod

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RamseySparrow - - 831 comments

true, it's not perfect but still great fun if tweaked a bit. I make it so that the radius of effect is quite small and give them 1-2% chance at getting zapped. that way unless really close to you, they don't all get preoocupied while during combat there's a small but very real change that they'll step into a mine while running and gunning and trying to flank you. Makes for some cool dynamic, try it

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Mikagu - - 146 comments


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Jamescorella - - 120 comments

Holy **** I was literally just hoping that someday someone would make a mod to make companions loot corpses

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

I'm confused how to get this to work, do I just give them the command to loot corpses like normal or is there something I'm missing? Cause my companions just stand around like normal around corpses and do nothing.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

I just found some cases when it don't work, and updated this addon please upload it again, it should work for you too now. Also, please, don't forget about "corpse search distance" parameter. I recommend setting it to 0. Please let me know if it works now.
Your companion will not loot corpses if his backpack will be full too.

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

Alright, but damn, kinda sucks I have to lower the corpse search distance cause I hate having random npcs loot my kills when I'm right there lol

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

You could set this parameter around 1-10 meters and companions should loot over this distance from you, but I haven't tested it yet

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

kk, but I just tested the new version and they still don't loot the bodies. I emptied my companions inventory and he still wouldn't loot bodies near him. I set the parameter to 0 and gave the command to loot bodies, dunno what could be the problem since MO2 shows 0 conflicts. The mod doesn't require 1.5.2 or anything?

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Try to use it on clear anomaly. If it will be work correctly tell me what another companion's addons are you using? I will try to find mistake. Or try to activate another addons yourself step by step that's to find the moment when it stops work.

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

Just got home and tried with clear anomaly(except for desolation enabled because it's required to start the game for me) and the mod worked fine. But after renabling all of my mods again the problem came back, here's a list of all the companion mods I'm using currently.

Rename and Change Companion Faction, Important Character Companions, Companion Anti Awol, Companions Remember Base, Unlimited Companion Carry Weight, Companion Inventory Unlock, Companion Carry Weight and Looting Rework, Companions Don't Jam, More Companion Dialogues, No Companion Friendly Fire, Quick Companion Teleport, Companions Deactivate Headlights in Stealth, Companions Don't Die, and then this one of course. None of which show conflicts with your mod but I'll activate them one by one and see if one of them is causing it

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

So I enabled all of my companion mods then tested and they could loot the bodies. My full mod list that I play with has 200+ mods active so I don't really want to go through enabling all of them a few at a time. I did try only enabling every mod that's main thing is to change the AI in some way but my companions could still loot bodies, so it's something that's not so obvious. If you want me to I could post my whole mod list so you can look through and see what might be causing it but y'know, 200+ active mods lol

EDIT: Now I've re-enabled my full mod list again and this time my companion looted the body??? I really don't get what's been stopping them from doing it this entire time then cause I haven't changed anything lol. Yesterday I waited like 2 minutes for them to loot a fresh body and none of them would do anything and now Hip immediately looted one, weird.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Perhaps the problem was that companions were in some active logic state, which was reseted when you off/on your addons. Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you now.

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Trinetical - - 34 comments

Yeah it's weird, I'll test it sometimes and Hip's immediately looting bodies but on some tests she just refuses to do anything. Just gotta get lucky I guess

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KɪGMökerr - - 10 comments


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GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

I don´t know. . . for me it´s not really working. =/

The options which I guess needs to pop up with your modification added in order to give the item loot commands don´t show up for me, meaning it just stays loot corpses and not items or anything else. . . and also I can´t find the corpse search distance - parameter. I only see corpse loot distance in the settings menu. . .

Sorry, I´m a complete noob. . . =/

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

settings -> gameplay -> general -> corpse loot distance
You could give commands to companions with mouse3 or nampad, or by talking to them. If you don't see companion's quick menu, please, check your key settings

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GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

Hey, thank´s for the quick reply,

still it´s not working. . . I can give the commands no problem here, but I can´t figure out how to make them loot the item´s. . . If I push mouse 3 or the numeric pad it ONLY gives me the default option loot corpses and not loot items or artefacts. Hovered over the items in hopes it would show up but no luck there. . . =( Or is this fixed feature happening automatic by the fellow NPC´s IF I should be near a artefact´n such? Because the mod description leaves me under the impression that I can GIVE those commands like it is statet in ,, gather_items ,,??

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Сommands with mouse3 or numpad affects both parameters at once (loot corpses and gather items), while in dialogue you could choose anything one. If you're loading save with an old companion, try rebinding him to you, then turn search mode on\off a few times with the mouse3, then make sure loot mode is off, talk to him and tell him to gather items only. He should start collecting everything that lies around, including artifacts (if any). Just in case, give him a detector. This also should work if you just turn on the loot mode with the mouse, but it is possible that the companion will be able to search the corpses first, fill his backpack and not pick up anything else after

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GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

Alright, that I understood and it´s working now in a comprehensible way for me. But, 1) is it normal for companions to keep the lootet items and no longer possible for me to exchange them between my inventory and theirs?? 2) Are they only able to loot items right from the ground? Because from what I can tell, they can´t gather for example items that are situated on tables´n such??

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

1) I recommend install the "companion inventory unlock" addon to see and take his items.
2) Items were plased on locations at start of the game (created by levels) cannot be picked up even by default NPCs. I think it was done that no one loots some quest cases with documents while you are going to them.

All other items that appeared on locations during the game can be looted. Except for black list. It is in files "xr_corpse_detection.script" and "xr_gather_items.script"

oh my, sorry for my eng, i hope you understand me XD

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StalkerAnomalyPlayer - - 447 comments

One day we will be able to see our companions sit and idle around campfires and play the guitar and such like the other NPC's. This feels like a step closer to that, good work!.

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Jamescorella - - 120 comments


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izperehoda - - 484 comments

The artefact collecting sounds a bit unbalanced, but everything else looks great and long awaited.

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StalkerAnomalyPlayer - - 447 comments

Yeah not gonna lie, I have already abused it to have a companion find and pick up a artefact I did not have the right detector to even see lol.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

I'll try to make that companions can gather artifacts if they have some detector only. I already browse the code and think it's really to do. I'm not sure that it will be possible to recognize type of detector, but at least this way for a start.

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СерОругу - - 190 comments

I love how your mod can surprise me immediately right after i got into the game. Just finished loading and my companion already started speaking their phrases. Amazing mod

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Нафаня - - 24 comments

Why do common modders bring such a necessary fixes instead devs of anomaly? Great fix anyway.

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izperehoda - - 484 comments

Anomaly has become pretty much a foundation for modders to build on. I guess it's kept barebones for maximum stability and configurability.

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morgannoor1991 - - 495 comments

nice addon to have Сompanion can loot stuff but honestly i hate Сompanions in stalker i feel like game is more enjoyable if you play solo but that just me anyway i give 10/10

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Eldraen - - 43 comments

Gotta love it when someone posts a fix for an issue that's been plaguing the game since years without being accounted for, thanks a lot for making this I appreciate it.

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Theisgood - - 583 comments

Hey so this conflicts with

But I opened both the scipts in notepad they are the same code?

I just disabled the mod above since your mod does more then the other mod^^^^

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Yes, the mod you showed changes some values in the same file as mine fix. I also corrected this values for more comfortable companion's movement.

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Dhatri - - 579 comments

not having had a look at what this mod changes in the mod mentioned above there are very simple number tweaks to companion distance ranges. merging should be a 2 minute matter but as mentioned this mod does way more than my companion distance fix. (small note: the called animation set for running companions is still different but that's a matter of taste)

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Theisgood - - 583 comments

How do you even merge files I can do everything else but I don't get the file merging.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

The easiest way is to open required files in some text editor program and transfer new values and params from the mod to the your game's file or another mod. You could also use DLTX. To browse game's files from db you could use the db archive unpacker

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heymexa1 - - 31 comments

Is there an invulnerable companion mode? And how does it work?

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

I added optional fix with invulnerable companions. Just install 1. and 3. folders

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heymexa1 - - 31 comments

Does the companion take no damage, or does it "kneel down"?

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

take no damage

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s4ndwh1ch - - 49 comments

Disabling this addon and loading the save which has the effects of it would fail The Brother's Keeper quest from Beard immediately upon agreeing to take the quest in my game, indicated by the absence of target's name, his faction, and his current location.

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Guest - - 699,948 comments

I tried it on EFP, set the collection distance to 5 meters, Hip rushed to collect loot.
Unfortunately, no voice acting has appeared yet, because I haven’t tested it for a long time.
I liked that my 3 companions are on the perimeter, not a row.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

I can make them talk very often, but personally I got tired of this in 15 minutes of the game, so I made it so that only squad leaders could talk phrases and more rarely. If you did not install addon with new voices, Hip will not be able to speak as she doesn't have voice files in vanilla but Im not sure about the EFP

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GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

*sight. . .

So far this Addon provided me with way more frustrated situations, annoyances and unwanted sideeffects than everything else. =( By adding your mod my companions tent to come to a halt at way too many waypoints, which forces me to constatly quick save and load, whenever they get stuck or just decide to not tag along any longer. Furthermore and once this bug occurs - directing a specific mark or commanding them to move doesn´t do anything either. . . The next thing I don´t like is the fact that they, when a party was formed and everybody started to move, tend to fall waaay too far off in the distance. At first I thought I gave the command to ,, Stay far off ,, but no. This has lead to quite many unwanted deaths of my mates.

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E.escapee Author
E.escapee - - 34 comments

Broken companions is known problem in Anomaly, just use addon that allows you to rebind them with a single key.

I increased minimum sprint distance for companions so if you always sprint, your companions will be about 20-90 meters behind you. You could yourself correct distanse, it's very easy. Open file "gamedata/configs/scripts/beh_companion.ltx" with notepad and find lines "jog_dist" and "run_dist" to change values 20 and 90 what you want (I think 15 and 25 will great for you)

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Drunk_Headcrab - - 155 comments

A man chooses... a companion obeys.

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