
Minigun Ejecting Brass for Quaker540's SubMod V17C

Minigun Ejecting Brass for Quaker540's SubMod V17C
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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Congratulations to your first add-on, and your English is very good! Thanks a lot for your feedback, too!

Though you should make it compatible with the original V19 too... This is Brutal DOOM's add-on section, not mines.

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JMP-Jack Author
JMP-Jack - - 129 comments

Thank you very much! This add-on is made just for your sub-mod. Are not able to add in your section (it's my first time with modDB). You can download it and make it yours. Use it as a small patch, if you want.
As a second add-on, I thought to remake the music in my style (British hard rock/heavy), adding more guitar solos and Marshall "brown sound"! Will be long, I hope to do it ...

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Actually there should be a wad that replaces doom guy in brutal doom with doom 64 guy instead. Doom 64 guy is much cooler.

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HAELION01 - - 68 comments

I could totally agree with that, if fact I'd like to see some new characters from Skulltag modified into Brutal DooM. DooM 64 guy's my favorite too!

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Oh dear yes! Thanks for giving that idea to us. :)

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Or just put the file in the skins folder. No need to click and drag to Zandronum. Wait what's the sub mod anyway?

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Also um....can't this be a pk3 or wad file instead of RAR? RAR sucks...wads I use won't work when I put the RAR file in the skins folder. Hmm....i'm going to my profile now and check on what to do on this site since i'm still new here.

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JMP-Jack Author
JMP-Jack - - 129 comments

Inside the rar file, there is a "Minigun Fix.pk3". You have to extract and put it in the skin folder.

The sub-mod is a modified and improved version of brutal doom. My add-on is only for that version. Check out the page 1 in add-on section (Quaker540's Sub-Mod V17C). I don't know if it works with zandrorum.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Oh ok. I hope it does, because I love doom. I use freedoom to play since I can't afford the original doom on steam.

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

You can pirate it, though I recommend buying it. My channel on youtube has some pirated versions.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Never knew you had a youtube account. I have one too. I may upload black ops 2 on this site to show you my skills. And nah, freedoom is better because it has new stuff....although the super shotgun needs work into making it a real double barrel shotgun (I kind of don't like the current super shotgun in freedoom). I use Zandronum because it has the new styled hud, which is better than the old hud. I though on drawing a picture of a wad I'll make for Zandronum only....although I don't know how to do mods for games yet. I may need messages on this site on how to make wads. I hope people message me here.

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

You need to do some research yourself, though I can give you some tips. Download SLADE to edit the PK3 files, and go on this site ( to learn about ZDoom's/Zandronum coding languages.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Understood, thanks. All of that stuff you just said doesn't sound hard. That would mean that making mods won't be so hard right?

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Yes, especially on ZDoom/Zandronum. At first the coding languages look like super science, when in reality it is simple logic.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

O.O super science? Oh dear... XD. I'll break the code though don't worry. And in no time, I'll have my very first mod...want to know what the mod will be?

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Sure dude, I wanna know how it is! Oh, and don't worry about the languages. Trust me it is VERY simple.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Alright then. My first mod will be a hud wad. It's called, "Super New Styled Hud for Zandronum/Skulltag". I think in short it would be called SNSHZ (if you got a better title, tell me because I don't know if the one I though of is good). This wad is for Zandronum and Skulltag (for gamers who still prefer skulltag more) only since that's what the mod is for, plus Zandronum needs more compatible wads. This mod upgrades the new styled hud (the one that fully shows the whole screen without the hud that shows Doomguy's face) in the game, making it super awesome! This works with the classic version of the new hud (the one with a different font for the numbers) or with the new one (what I prefer). This includes a kill count, designed hud, new font design (MAYBE), a weapon icon on top of the ammo count that shows what weapon you're using along with the name of the gun, upgraded key counter (trust me you'll love it), hmm....oh yeah and the hud is in 4 different colors (more will be added later on). There's red, blue, green, and yellow. I want to make the hud color choices super nice, so I though on making the colors have names on them, like the ones that Heritichexendoom whatever his name was (if you're reading this Heritichexen, I'm so sorry, no offence intended I just forgot) made. To not have copyright issues, I'll come up with some good ones on my own instead of using his (ex. Chaos red, darkness red, whatever can be). I think more features will be added to the hud, but these are what I got so far. Sorry this was too long for you Quaker540, I was just so excited to share my ideas to others ^^'.

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Sounds great!

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Excellent! Well I'll draw a picture of the hud to show everyone what it'll look like. It'll take some time to make because I want this hud to come out beautiful. I don't have my own computer or laptop to make the hud in the style of doom with the paint program, but I'll get one soon and I may need some help making the wad. Can I ask for help on this site?

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Sure thing, dude! There are many mod developers glad to help you (Including me).

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Nice. Ok I'll draw the picture of it once I come back home from school and then upload it on deviantart and on this site. Then i'll ask for help to make the mod online. You can help me man, that way it'll be easier to not have mistakes or glitches on the mod.

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Hexereticdoom - - 429 comments

Owww, ouch! Is it really too hard to spell it correctly? Yeowwwooouch... X(


[Nah, just kidding! Hehehe...] ;)

Now seriously, that sounds cool, I wish you best of luck with your HUD project! Hope you surprise us with a very nice work! :D

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Thanks :). Again sorry I messed up your username.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Hey about some wads for armagedoom? It's a great wad, plus it's made by a guy name Sergeant Mark 4. It deserves game of the year or something.

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

That's the creator of Brutal Doom.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

That's even cooler. He deserves like some sort of gamer medal or something. Heck he should consider making brutal doom for the xbox 360! Also, there should be add ons for armagedoom. Great mod that deserves attention.

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MasochistInBed - - 19 comments

But unfortunately, he has been considered as one of the controversial Doom mod-makers, albeit not the reasons of "Jokewad" stuff. He is currently banned from both ZDoom and Zandronum forums.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Why? What happened?

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

He told a kid to commit suicide and being constantly and a **** and with mostly amateur jokes.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

What the fudge!?!?! Then why do people support him on this site???

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

Hell, he's an awesome modder, though he haD a bad behaviour.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

True....I just hope the user he told to suicide is alive and ok.

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Quaker540 - - 2,150 comments

He is. He send a PM to some user and he said is alive and well.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Thank goodness...what happened back there was wrong and hurtful. Let's hope it doesn't continue again.

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prime79 - - 621 comments

dude thats not even the worst. Wild Weasel over on ZDoom Forums has claimed recently he has proof Sgt is a actual nazi. i mean, its none of the guys ************ business but, seriously WW? REALLY?

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

The fudge?!

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lwks - - 33 comments

I heard he's racist too. Damn, the guy is the reincarnation of the devil?

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Well not anymore. The past is the past. He's a good guy now.

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prime79 - - 621 comments

he always was, he has a dark humor some of us can get. the guys over at ZDoom forums are a bunch of behavior nazi's and even cracking a little joke will get you banned. ive gotten several warnings myself just for aiding in some tips (i.e. offering help to Doom Nukem on his weapon re-skin for brutal doom, as his sights were off on the scope of the new assault rifle, apparantly thats not important enough to revive a 2 week old forum)

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

Ok, this does not work at all. Please fix this.

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GamingFanX - - 492 comments

Um...if it's because you're putting the RAR file in the skins folder, you're supposed to extract the files or open it with 7zip or whatever to take the pk3 file out.

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campi199 - - 17 comments


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