
Configure every detail of how fast travel works, from the time it takes to whether there is a cost or a cooldown. Adds new paid guide travel from the PDA. Fixes vanilla bugs and adds deep customization options through MCM.

Fair Fast Travel 2.12
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billlcarr - - 296 comments


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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you! Glad you like it.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
2-ton - - 144 comments

can you make it so companions come with when you fast travel on the same map?

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

I'm afraid that isn't a function of the fast travel script; my understanding is that it's built into Anomaly's level-change logic itself. I might be able to add functionality that works around this, but I would have to take some time to investigate the companion scripting.

For travel to other maps, the companion should come along if they're on follow. For the same-map issue you're asking about, though, might I suggest the Quick Companion Teleport mod by RazorShultz? It's not perfect, but it solves a lot of companion stuck/pathing issues.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Guest - - 699,999 comments

About russian translation -- there is some mismatch with words order and one case of missing capital.
Corrected sections of text file below:

<string id="ui_mcm_menu_fftd">
<text>Справедливая Продолжительность Быстрого Перемещения</text>
<string id="ui_mcm_fftd_ft_maprnd_enabled">
<text>Включена ли случайная задержка при перемещении на другую карту?</text>

Even without this replace translation is technically correct and provides reasonable sense to what parameters do, no hot-fix required
Thanks for giving us some sensible mechanics!

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you very much for the correction! I'll get that into the next version.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

In the latest version of the mod, Russian language files are encoded in UTF-8, and should be encoded in Windows-1251

В последней версии мода файлы русского языка имеют кодировку UTF-8, а должны быть в кодировке Windows-1251

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you! Not sure how that happeneed, but I'll get that corrected.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

I re-saved the file in Windows-1251, and have updated the mod. Please let me know if it isn't correct.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

Thanks. In the new version, the Russian translation is displayed normally.

Спасибо. В новой версии русский перевод отображается нормально.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

My apologies for anyone who was trying to access this while it was archived. Moddb really needs to have a confirmation on the "Archive" button, it's incredibly easy to misclick when you're trying to add an update.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
ghosttrooper106 - - 99 comments

! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\game_backpack_travel.script:108: attempt to compare number with nil


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\game_backpack_travel.script:108: attempt to compare number with nil

stack trace:


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

I've never encountered this. If you can reproduce the crash, can you please tell me:

* Anomaly 1.5.1 or 1.5.2?

* Are you using the latest version of FTTD?

* Are you running any mods related to fast travel, Warfare mode, or map locations?

* What were you doing: mousing over a map spot, right-clicking on it, or attempting to travel?

* Where were you, and exactly where you were trying to travel to? Screenshots of your PDA map will help me try to reproduce the exact conditions.

Thank you!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ghosttrooper106 - - 99 comments

anomaly 1.5.2
right-click on my backpack on clear sky base. and press left-click. i'm in the rookie village

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you. I'm afraid I can't reproduce the crash. I placed a backpack in the middle of the Clear Sky base, and was able to backpack travel there from the Rookie Village without issue.

I run Anomaly 1.5.1, so that's the only version I've tested on. If you're running 1.5.2, it's possible that this is a compatibility issue with that version.

Can you tell me which version of my mod you're using, and if the crash still happens on the current version (1.6.2)? I'll turn on debug logging and try to set up a separate install of vanilla 1.5.2 to test against.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ghosttrooper106 - - 99 comments

now i use catspaw-fairftduration-1.6.3
anomaly 1.5.2
with "debug mode" work fine
without "debug mode" fatal error

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you, I tested on a fresh install of 1.5.2 and found the issue. It is indeed specific to 1.5.2, but I don't know how quickly I'll be able to fix it.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Harald_ino - - 247 comments

A merge with would be pretty neato

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Demonized's mod makes a lot of radical changes so it was a bit challenging, but a patch/merge is included in the latest version of FFTD, just uploaded.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Harald_ino - - 247 comments

Very nice thanks!!!

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Harald_ino - - 247 comments

On a side note. Limited fast travel has a patch for warfare overhaul ( ) and Arszi Radiation Overhaul ( ).

I made a quick merge for that because that is super easy to make :D. Maybe implement that as a patch too?

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дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

Dear fashion author, hello.
You have missed several positions in the catsy_fftt_mcm file for the Russian language. And the translation into Russian using Google Translate does not give a very correct result.
I have translated this file into Russian and if you want, I can share it.

Уважаемый автор мода, здравствуйте.
Вы пропустили несколько позиций в файле catsy_fftt_mcm для русского языка. Да и перевод на русский язык используя Google Translate даёт не очень правильный результат.
Я сделал перевод на русский язык этого файла и если хочете, то могу поделиться им.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you for letting me know. I'm not sure what I've missed, so if possible, can you please put a copy of the corrections on pastebin or something?

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

Please fix 1.5.2 backpack travel crash without debug mode on. This mod is amazing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Hi, I have a fix for this issue that I am currently testing. I can't promise exactly when I'll release it, but I'm hoping soon.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
ghosttrooper106 - - 99 comments

Можно ещё добавить такую функцию - плата за быстрое перемещение.
А получается не справедливо. Проводник деньги берет, а кпк денег не берёт
You can also add such a function - a fee for fast travel.
And it turns out not fair. The conductor takes money, but the PDA does not take money

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

I am currently testing a feature for the next version that will allow you to pay money to hire a guide using the PDA map. It will be its own type of travel, with its own right-click option, and the cost and other details are configurable.

В настоящее время я тестирую функцию для следующей версии, которая позволит вам платить деньги, чтобы нанять гида, используя карты на вашем КПК. Это будет отдельный тип путешествия с собственной опцией щелчка правой кнопкой мыши, а стоимость и другие детали настраиваются. (GT)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

The issue with 1.5.2 compatibility has been fixed in version 1.7. Also included is a cleaner merge with Demonized's Limited And Paid Fast Travel mod, so now only one file needs to be patched--all of Demonized's changes to game_fast_travel.script and backpack_fast_travel.script have been integrated into mine.

I've checked the RUS language file and ensured that it was saved in Windows-1251, but please let me know if you find any issues.

Я пересохранил файл русского языка в Windows-1251. Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если есть еще ошибки.

Також, якщо є бажаючі надати український переклад, прошу повідомити.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
ghosttrooper106 - - 99 comments

wonderful, thank you!

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WeebSlav - - 122 comments

is there any chance a patch can be made for this, ?

i tried to merge them myself but i royally screw it over

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Good news, I compared their backpack and FT scripts with vanilla, and it looks like the only real difference is a short section relating to radiation--the rest of the Demonized changes, like making all the functions and vars global, are already included in my version.

I'll see what I can do about a patch in the next version.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

I'm guessing this isn't compatible with Warfare ALife Overhaul?

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Are you having issues? My mod makes a call to warfare.distance_to_xz_sqr in order to calculate distance, but that function is unchanged in WAO. There are no other resources in common, so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

Not that I know of, just that MO2 shows that this would overwrite game_fast_travel.script from WAO.

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Ah, I see, it's one of their optional patches. According to the included note, the patch is to fix "conflicting fast travel and Warfare icons", and that it doesn't support "visited only" fast travel mode.

I took a look through a diff of the two, and it looks like the ONLY thing their patch modifies from vanilla is the actor_on_interaction function responsible for updating the list of "visited" locations.

I do not modify that function, and it should be safe to replace it in my script with the one from the warfare patch. It's near the bottom of the script.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Version 2.0 is a major version update with many new features and changes:

* Adds the ability to hire guides from the PDA map. Guides will charge a fee for their fast travel, but your survival stats are paused during travel, and they'll come get you even if you're hurt or weighed-down. However, there are some maps where they just won't go. Includes options for adding their travel time to reach you, or only allowing them if a guide lives in the current map.
* Adds separate, individually-configurable cooldowns for all travel types--Fast Travel, Backpack Travel, and Guide Travel can each have a cooldown time from zero to 7200 seconds. An option can also be set that has all travel types go on cooldown when one does.
* Adds the ability to fast travel to Quick Pins placed using Personal Adjustable Waypoint
* Now shows the proper hint text for player-placed stashes in the "Backpack travel to" context menu line, instead of "inv_backpack3412"
* Now filters out debug mapspots so that playing in Debug Mode doesn't result in silliness like teleporting behind traders, or invalid mapspots blocking valid ones

As always, each of these features is configurable in MCM.

If you were previously using Limited and Paid Fast Travel, or were using Fair Fast Travel Duration with the LPFT patch, please uninstall them first. This addon now effectively replicates and expands upon the cost and cooldown features in LPFT, so it is not necessary to use both.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Warezz.K - - 296 comments

Hello. Maybe it is bug or i don't know. I have Fast Travel Visited only markers on map. I got some new messages of untranslated strings like bar_zastava_dog_lair. it is new map marker and traveling is only for pay - Hire Guide. But when i'm in new level, this marker is gone forever and i must discover it again. Other vanilla markers are visible.

Second thing, i really miss the "Paid" feature like in mod Limited and Paid Fast Travel, which is now incompatible. Can you add this later? Paid feature was worked even for backpacks travel. Maybe can be toggleable in next version. Anyway thanks for this addon, it's really cool.

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

I have received one other report of untranslated location strings, from someone using GAMMA. However, no one else, including me, has been able to reproduce it, either in new games or in progress. Does this also happen if you set the fast travel mode to "Show all"?

I think I know why locations must be rediscovered, and it is an easy fix.

While there is not a setting in the interface for it, the addon internally supports charging the player for any travel type. I can see about adding that.

Edit: a patch will be going up later today with a fix for the "visit" messages and the ability to configure costs for all travel types.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Warezz.K - - 296 comments

Man, you are fast. Thanks, now i'm big happy:)

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дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

I am providing you with a translation into Russian for VERSION 2.0

Предоставляю вам для ВЕРСИИ 2.0 перевод на русский язык

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you very much again, my friend! I have a hotfix going up today for another issue, and I will include this.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Version 2.2 is up. New:
* 2.2.1 hotfix: fixed hunger and thirst resetting to old values on game load or level change
* Fixed issues with location names when "visit" messages are enabled
* Added option to configure costs for all travel types individually, not just for guides
* Added option to disable guides ignoring hurt and overweight status
* Added what will hopefully be smarter combat detection: only NPCs within 100 meters who have seen you within the last 10 seconds count for the purposes of blocking fast travel. This will be configurable later.
* RUS localization from leeviathan (with a couple last-minute new strings done by me in GT)

Reply Good karma+4 votes
дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

I am providing you with a translation into Russian for VERSION 2.1

Предоставляю вам для ВЕРСИИ 2.1 перевод на русский язык

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

I am providing you with a translation into Russian for VERSION 2.2

Предоставляю вам для ВЕРСИИ 2.2 перевод на русский язык

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Hi, I'm sorry, but this file appears to be locked and I cannot download it.

Привет, извините, но этот файл заблокирован, и я не могу его скачать.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
дедушка_Ли - - 178 comments

I am providing you with a translation into Russian for VERSION 2.2.1

Предоставляю вам для ВЕРСИИ 2.2.1 перевод на русский язык

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Thank you! I am going to wait a few days to make sure there are no further functional issues I need to fix, and then I will upload a localization patch.

Спасибо! Я собираюсь подождать несколько дней, чтобы убедиться, что больше нет функциональных проблем, которые мне нужно исправить, а затем я загружу патч локализации.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Wyrhta - - 46 comments

Thank you for this mod, Catspawn. I'd never used the fast travel system before your mod. It pairs very well with PAW (a great addon too) and I appreciate being able to customize my experience. Well done!

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

You're very welcome!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments

Catspaw thanks a lot for this mod! Now I appreciate the fast travel system and use it more often. Could you let us know if it's possible to make a compatibility patch for this little gem ?

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Glad to hear it, thanks!

I took a look at this Fatigue addon and I don't see where there would be a conflict. It doesn't appear to reference or modify any of the fast travel scripts or functions. What doesn't work?

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NeilHill - - 14 comments

Please excuse me for I wasn't being specific. By compatibility patch I mean to look into the possibility of making the fast travel system being able to count and increase the level of fatigue.

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CatspawMods Author
CatspawMods - - 425 comments

Unfortunately no, not without essentially rewriting their addon. Almost all of its variables are local, including the table that stores fatigue--and its own update functions are designed so that it is only possible to increment fatigue while the player is actively moving. It's impossible for any other addon to edit fatigue directly, and even if I call their update function multiple times to simulate travel time, it won't do anything.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments

Got it. Thank you for looking into it, I deeply appreciate it! In the light of the info you've provided, I can live with the fatigue not increasing by fast travels. Thanks again for your awesome addon!

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