
Restored the option to choose your own faction when starting a new game.

Dead Air Faction Selection
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Gregsharpshooter - - 14 comments

Thank you, do you know how to change the relations between the player and factions?

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

yes, you'd need this unpacker so you can unpack the .bdl files in which the right config file is stored. from the Dead Air\database folder, unpack the config.dbl. it will unpack a bunch of files including \gamedata\configs\creatures\game_relations.ltx . in game_relations.ltx you will find all of the faction and mutant relations

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Gregsharpshooter - - 14 comments

Perfect, thank you so much I will look at that.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

Which relation would you like to change /why?

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Diенаrd - - 95 comments

is it possible to reset reputation in game with a certain faction by editing a file? thanks

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

as an answer to you your first question, (when you kill military your reputation with ecologists changes, that might also be in the game_relations.ltx file . Otherwise you'd have to change the existing Lua scripts which requires programming. You can reset your own rank and reputation with a script too, but enemies might stay enemies if you do it mid game idunno, might help if your reputation is terrible.)"faction_name_here", 0, 0)

there's probably another script to set reputation directly I haven't checked, you'd need to program if you do it mid game

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Diенаrd - - 95 comments

yes i manged to remove the negative faction rep sharing. luckily it was just a simple change from -1 or -2 to 0 in one of the script files. thanks for the reply. ill look into the direct rep change.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

If you have any issue with the mod, please post it here before voting. The addon works and is easy to install.

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ColonelRH - - 770 comments

There are so many ignorant trolls here in Moddb , just ignore them XD
at some point i was going to leave Modding because of them ah and low activity is on them too lol

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pecheurman - - 99 comments

yeah bro ignore those guys, thanks you for taking your time and uploading it when you really don't have too.
sad that people don't udnerstand it...

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EFTBEAR - - 83 comments

Hey, thats pretty awesome, i dont know why they remove it. Thank you.

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VikCleDoom - - 1,301 comments

I don't think it should be considered as "removed" since Dead Air is practically a game on its own, with its own vision and aim to make it a different Mod/Addon for Call of Chernobyl, on which it's built upon. However, having this very nice option in a modified version of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. once again is a welcomed one indeed :)

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Darvin76 - - 54 comments

I too consider it as removed because the mod still borrows like 90% of things from these other great original mods like for example CoC

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

A lot of features we know from CoC/CoM are changed in game and some in the engine. "Disabled features" like faction select and dynamic missions are still present in the files, wasting space. Some can be reactivated easily, some are incomplete. that's like including DLC with a game that you can't play haha. But yes, Dead Air is different, and it doesn't have to include all of the CoC or CoM files, it is a new mod. Just like I decided to disable the CoC standard story on Road To The North. The files are present for compatibility reasons, but mostly wasting space until I need parts of it.

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Avandsan - - 2 comments

Hello! Your addition on ZoneExpanded_-artifacts _ was pleasant to DA_-_ Artefacts, but the Baby's dummy is already present at fashion. And still - where it to find a question on Death lamp? It would be desirable to see more detailed description and stories of artifacts. Thanks.
As for zty addition, it doesn't seem to you that it breaks the system of game balance? All meaning of passing of a plot of the Mystery of the Zone is lost because of the choice of other group.
Playing for the single of gradually investigates a zone working for different groups, developing new territories and strengthening reputation, thereby a rasshiya the possible points with dealers and physicians, expanding at them the range of equipment, moving ahead as generally on a plot, and in friply. Modification is more ground under survival, and, not fighting.

p.s. I apologize if there are spelling errors, I from Russia.

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ColonelRH - - 770 comments

sorry to say it but its a very rare atefact and it will only spawn somewhere around Chernobyl :'(

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

The death lamp is a one of a kind artefact, only found once deep in the Zone. All artefacts are from the book Roadside Picnic. I can't write russian, so I can't make the translation of my addon. I haven't played Dead Air for long but I think it just uses the CoC story missions and I haven't been able to play as another faction in the original. If there are any story missions they are likely compatible with factions as the loners, clear sky, duty, freedom and ecologists.

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jackheretherealon - - 131 comments


Freedom is going to have some trouble getting into Bar ;)
Any faction allied with Mercs or Military has an insane advantage however, so that's cool.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

hehe, in DA it will be more difficult for freedom indeed, I'm not porting the RTTN features which we talked about haha

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Avandsan - - 2 comments

It is clear! just in one fashion very interesting "the Gold Sphere" one of the best on the platform of the Shadow of Chernobyl, is a similar artifact in a plot. I just wanted to see its properties for adaptation and the translation into Russian.
Thanks for the answer! :-)

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

I haven't played the Gold Sphere mod yet, I can't write in Russian :(

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ThreatxSignal - - 23 comments

Any chance you could add an optional file for more starting points/lower perk costs?

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

I really should spent all my time to finish my own mod right now before I make more addons. more starting points is already present in script and config files but they are disabled, you'd need Lua experience to do it yourself. If you'd like to make edits yourself, a program called "agent ransack" is super useful to find and make small tweaks and will help you

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Edicije - - 37 comments

You should add spawn locations if possible because well, you don't want to spawn as Monolith in the rookie village...

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

monolith spawn at the nuclear power plant. I've thought about that. bandits : garbage, loners : cordon, military : south cordon, mercenaries : dead city, ecologists : jupiter hermanns bunker, clear sky : swamp base, duty : rostok, Freedom : army warehouses

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Bellorage - - 33 comments

hmm, why dont bandits spawn in the car park with the bandits in cordon? imo that seems like a more appropriate place

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Nocturina - - 68 comments

With Monolith start the player dies instantly because it needs better psy protection.

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culprit007 - - 22 comments

I've tried this mod with dead air tweaks mod, but, i think its not compatible, anyone having same issue or is it just me? This mod is changing the perk that dead air tweak made, but i dont know maybe i did aomething wrong? Help anyone?

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

which tweak mod are you using? if it's using the same files as my addon then it's not compatible. this addon does not change perks, but does change the menu which could make it incompatible.

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culprit007 - - 22 comments this one, and yes both this and your mod using the same files. Can you make a patch then to make it compatible? I really like both mods.

Thanks before for your time!

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

good hunting, stalker! :)

Let me know if there are any issues, I just merged the files and I'm certain it will work

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culprit007 - - 22 comments

Whoa thanks man! I will try it if there any issues i will let you know, thanks again!

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culprit007 - - 22 comments

Just tested it, and owmagawd, its working like a charm!
Thanks again man

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

I included the patch in the original upload now

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Guest - - 700,026 comments

Зделайте для русской версии плз

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

поддерживается русский язык. для установки: скопируйте папку «gamedata» в папку «Dead Air».

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Guest - - 700,026 comments

I tried to play as Monolith, but immediately died from the brain scorcher. Any help?

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

ah, I made small edits which would keep the monolith alive on startup. After I made the changes the game loaded and my monolith character did not die, so I thought I fixed that. does the character die every time?

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

Patch has been uploaded, I forgot to include it the first time. tell me when there are still issues, the first time loading the game as a monolith

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Stokker - - 303 comments

The perks are designed around the player being a Loner.

Perhaps you can add more perks, exclusive to each faction? For example Military can have a perk where you start the game with one squad member. Duty can have a perk with increased damage against mutants. Another Duty perk could be increased sale price of mutant parts.

Faction-neutral perks (like increased knife damage and other passive skills) could be available for everyone.

Dead Air is not meant to be a full CoC freeplay experience. There are items handplaced by the devs in certain locations that you are expected to reach at certain points during your playthrough. Starting in a different area of the Zone with a different faction will mess with the way they crafted the experience. Dead Air is a definitive LONER experience, but that can be changed with faction-exclusive perks. I think your mod is a good starting point to turn Dead Air into more than just a definitive Loner experience.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

Sounds very cool to have perks based on faction! I haven't really checked if the perks are all faction compatible, right now I'm working on a very large mod and I won't have time to add more to Dead Air

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culprit007 - - 22 comments

Yeah, this is what im thinkin too, and if possible, when you choose the faction perk, youll be given at least a jacket of that faction.

And when you choose a faction, it is meant that the player is friendly to the faction the we choose, instead of friendly rep, its stays at neutral, it wood be good if the player is friendly to the faction it

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Spagcatty - - 13 comments

Good work with the mod comrade

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_Shen_ - - 57 comments

I understand you're working on your mod currently, but once you have time, do you think you could add more features to this to make it more compatible with Dead Air's progression system? Primarily, I'm referring to the Monolith trader, Krolik. He seems to have no inventory, and no way of expanding his inventory (having X-Lab documents in your inventory does not open the dialogue option to give them to him), probably because he was never intended to be traded with.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

I don't think I will add more to Dead Air in the near future, because I'm very busy, there might be a lot of things that have to be changed before all factions are fully compatible if there are any missions. I haven't played Dead Air that long to know for sure. I checked Krolik's files for you, it seems there is a Monolith trader in Pripyat named Krolik who had his trade list fully disabled for anyone in the Dead Air version I have.

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

at the time of this post, the file included in the following link is supported and should change Krolik into a trader again. copy the gamedata folder into your dead air installation.

*fixed link

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_Shen_ - - 57 comments

Thanks, man!

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Seda145 Author
Seda145 - - 986 comments

It might be needed to start a new game if the character has already been loaded.

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HUNTER2K4 - - 441 comments

When my companion died , my reputation with their faction become worth

Could anyone teach me how to disable it ? I'm looking into "game_relations.script" right now but have no clue..... what line should I edit ???? @@

P/s : Also try edit inside config/creatures/game_relations.ltx
But everytime I make some change inside that file , the game just crashed T_T

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Scott1023 - - 80 comments

Sadly it does not work with Dead Air Easier Tweaks mod :( I see you made a patch for Dead Air Tweaks, should it work fine with the tweak mod I use?

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