
Addon for nostalgia purpose, this will add the original (from before Atmosfear) Call of Pripyat or Clear Sky weather, sky and overall atmosphere to Call of the Zone

CoP and CS atmosphere for CotZ 2.33 [CotZ 1.2]
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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Thank you, finally someone added this, I always wanted this in CoC. Thanks a lot.

Btw is this compatible with CoC and maybe anomaly?

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

I don't know unfortunately about the compatibility as i don't have both games installed anymore. But i kept their ltx files for future reference.
From what i see it seems this should be compatible with CoC .

But the file "dynamic_weather_graphs.ltx" (located in ..gamedata\configs\environment\ ) that decide of how much chance a specific weather will lead into another is built differently (as Anomaly have Tronex weather system built-in) .
But all the other files (the weather themselves) should work in Anomaly. So if you install this addon in Anomaly, make sure to delete the dynamic_weather_graphs.ltx that comes with this addon.

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fontar - - 37 comments

Oh, I like this. Since you're making nostalgia addons, mind adding the old weapon sounds? I'd prefer the SoC ones, but I'm not sure if they work for the current xray engine.

EDIT: I worked it out myself :)

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Mind making it an addon ? 😁

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Twilight2k - - 231 comments

I agree! Send it, please!

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fontar - - 37 comments

Okay, so far it's great, but sometimes when transitioning to a new level, it reverts back to the af3 skies and lighting.

Can you find out what would be the issue here?

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Noticed this too, I think this is due to Foggy weather that is not present in Vanilla, so it uses Atmosfear weather which looks worse with this mod. Washed out. Solution would be to disable Foggy weather...

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Thanks for pointing this guys, after all the various AF3 weather file editing to match all the CoP original weather values i didn't noticed there were still the AF3 foggy ones (as indeed they don't exist in CoP default) that were still using default AF3 settings.

Fortunately should be an easy fix soon.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Update 1.1
fixed for the foggy variants of the weather that were still using AF3 settings and skies, completely forgot about them.
Now the foggy weather will use Call of Pripyat-like settings.
I also added an option to completely disable foggy weather completely, as if you want the true CoP feeling, there was no foggy weather in Call of Pripyat.

Note : if you're already saved into a foggy weather you will not notice a change yet as the weather is saved in your file, it takes +/- a day for the new weather change to actually happen and have the fixed foggy weather to happen.

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Thank you for the update, I like your mod.
So is this 1:1 COP weather looks and setting or is it close to it and would it be hard to bring the default one to CoC/Cotz?

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Atmosfear adds a lot of variation of weathers , while CoP only had a few.
So what i did was editing every variation of weathers with the CoP value (sky, fog, color, range, density, just every values..) to make it so all the AF3 variants will become one of the CoP weather.
By example AF3 "bright_clear" and "bright_partly" are configured the same as CoP "default_clear" so you'll see CoP "default_clear" weather instead of both, etc.. for other variation.
So in the end what you should see is nearly the same as if you played Call of Pripyat.
"nearly" because there' is something i can't do anything about : AF3 had some edited .dll (probably changing the way the sky merge with the horizon and fog) and those .dll are used in CotZ (Call of chernobyl too), fortunately the difference in this sky/horizon/fog merging is not very obvious (though noticable if you look at both games).

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

I also noticed that sky is pretty much static. For example when it's sunset sky is still blue but should be like orange like in vanilla, so lighting is orange but sky stays blue, same in morning when sky should be brighter and bloomy , it's is pretty static. Probably atmosfear thing. Thanks anyway for mimicing CoP vanilla weather.

EDIT: Seems to be ok now, I will keep playing to test some more.

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Gleylancer - - 75 comments

This is a great mod, thank you

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n0rie9a - - 115 comments

does this restore the volumetric light/god-rays and also the default CoP depth of field all of which were broken in CoC?
also, any chance for a "CS atmosphere" type thing? (imo CS had better weather visuals than CoP)

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

the god rays and depth of files seemed to work by default on CotZ , though not at all hours for some reason, maybe a problem linked to those atmosfear dll modification that i unfortunately can't do anything about it.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Update to version 2.1
-fixed a couple of mistake (a couple of weathers ltx files were still having Atmosfear values)
-added Clear Sky weather along the Call of Pripyat weather variants
-added CoP/CS sun.ltx and related textures (as it had different settings than the Atmosfear one and so could impact visuals)
-removed the 500 view distance variant as it serve no purpose (as if you want large view distance you don't really want to use this addon)
-added rspecs tailored to the CS/CoP settings, in case you change your video quality settings so you don't lose the CS/CoP specifc values to CotZ ones
-removed Tronex global weather system (that was default in Call of the zone) and replaced it by CoC 1.5 weather system
(reason is that i had many problems with Tronex version as sometime weather wasn't changing when it should have, resulting in sometime raining for days)

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Nice, I will try this out. Did you also change emmision sky ?

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

I completely forgot about them, will update with the cop emission skies when i'll have time.
edit : looks like the old emission sky is already in the addon ( so no need to update.

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R0ADKILL - - 1,186 comments

Nice, I played before the update and emmision sky used Atmosfear looks.

I updated now and it already looks much better, i took a pic of a sky at some point and it looked a bit like atmosfears.
Will play some more.

I really appreciate you making "nostalgia" mods for vanilla people 😁.

Any possibility of trying to restore vanilla stalker models only, without variation mod? Or just the Soc ones, I fou d the soc ones in one of the variation mod addons.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

I think i see how i could bring back exactly the CoP skies during an emission, if it works i'll update again.
For the vanilla models, i don't think i can as there may be animations problems. But for the textures it should be possible to gather the SoC/CS/CoP ones into an addon, not sure it will be very different from what is used in CotZ visually, i'll see.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Updated to version 2.2

-Replaced atmosfear emissions sky by CoP emissions sky.
-Removed visually the huge fire/cloud wave that cross a map twice when there's an emission (it is only an Atmosfear effect so it is not appropriate for this addon)

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

If you want to use this addon in another mod that has atmosfear built in , DO NOT use the following files from this addon :
"atmosfear_default_settings.ltx" and "atmosfear_options.ltx" found in
"level_weathers.script" and "atmosfear_options.script" and "surge_manager.script"found in

These files have some parts and checks linked to some Call of the Zone scripts, so it may cause problems with other mods

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JoeJack99 - - 29 comments

I keep getting this error with Clear sky weather


[error]Expression : !m_bLocked
[error]Function : PAPI::ParticleActions::lock
[error]File : e:\stalker\x-ray source\x-ray_callofchernobyl\src\xrparticles\particle_actions.h
[error]Line : 45
[error]Description : assertion failed

stack trace:

0023:00BF4613 xrCore.dll, xrDebug::fail()
0023:0653D877 xrParticles.dll, PAPI::ParticleManager()
0023:061D42BC xrRender_R4.dll
0023:0B284460 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:0044F1AE xrEngine.exe, CSheduler::Update()
0023:0B32AD21 xrGame.dll, CxImage::`copy constructor closure'()
0023:0044EAF0 xrEngine.exe, CSheduler::Update()
0023:0042CD24 xrEngine.exe, IGame_Persistent::OnFrame()
0023:0B184BA1 xrGame.dll, CDialogHolder::operator=()
0023:00411151 xrEngine.exe, CLoadScreenRenderer::OnRender()
0023:00410C39 xrEngine.exe, CRenderDevice::FrameMove()
0023:0041095A xrEngine.exe, CRenderDevice::message_loop()
0023:00410A71 xrEngine.exe, CRenderDevice::Run()
0023:00465B3D xrEngine.exe, InitSound2()
0023:004662C3 xrEngine.exe, InitSound2()
0023:004663C6 xrEngine.exe, InitSound2()
0023:00471FEB xrEngine.exe, CApplication::load_draw_internal()
0023:778B6359 KERNEL32.DLL, BaseThreadInitThunk()
0023:779F7C24 ntdll.dll, RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath()
0023:779F7BF4 ntdll.dll, RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath()

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

It's strange, i have been playing several hours, crossing several maps for several quests with the clear sky version of the weather and had no crash at all.
Are you using other addons that could have triggered this crash ?

edit : i see "0023:061D42BC xrRender_R4.dll" in your log, are you playing CotZ in DirectX 11 by any chances ?
Problem is DirectX11 support is incomplete in the engine, look for Alundaio answer in this thread :
Then if you're using DX11 AND you're not using another addon that could be the source of your crash, DX11 is possibly a contributing factor to the CTD (as i play on DX9 Enhanced and DX9 Basic and have no such crash myself).
It's highly recommended you play CotZ in either DX10 or "DX9 Enhanced"

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JoeJack99 - - 29 comments

I've been using:
AO3 for COTZ
COC_minimap for COTZ
less good weapons for AO3
The Hands and Arms Project for COTZ

I keep crashing when it goes to night time if that helps

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Thank you for the precision about the night time (it may explain why i never crashed so far as i usually sleep until morning when the evening comes, wanting to avoid the nasty night spawning creatures), i managed to reproduce it, something is happening when you go into the 22:00 .
That should help me to find what's wrong in the ltx files, i hope i'm going to be able to fix that.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Updated to version 2.3
I believe i fixed (i can't reproduce it anymore) the reported fatal error when weather changed in night time, after comparing files it seems the error was coming from a meteorite definition in the level_weather.script that has been changed in one of the 1.5 revision
and i was using either an obsolete or too new version of that meteorite definition (and so not the one as defined in version 1.5r4 that was used as Call of the Zone basis).
Anyways, let me know if the error happen again, i retried dozen of time to reproduce it with version 2.3 and it does not happen anymore for me (while it was happening all the time in v2.2 when i was sleeping up to 21h, wait to 22h and crash or sleep to 23h and crash)

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JoeJack99 - - 29 comments

Thank you for your work!

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Updated to version 2.31
It's only a very minor update, as i just added to the readme text a section for CotZ original settings for those wanting to uninstall that addon
and get back the CotZ original tonemap, dof, light, lumscale etc.. in their user.ltx

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JakeTheSnake319 - - 20 comments

This is really neat, thank you for this. Love the vanilla look of Stalker <3

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

Addon does not need to be updated as it is compatible with the new Call of the Zone 1.2 version without problem.

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

updated to version 2.32 :
added "Optional No RED in emissions" that allows the user to remove the red sky and red lights all around at the peak of the emissions.
Better for the eyes for people that were annoyed by the default COP emissions.

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poaa - - 31 comments

I hope you can put the 500 view distance version back, your default low view make heli invisible

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

That's right, i usually play without helicopters (due to some crash happening sometime with their gun sounds if you don't add openalSoft sounds described on the forum) but after retrying with them they can be hard to see, unfortunate side effect of the CoC engine having integrated the atmosfear rendering by default.

Anyways, updated to version 2.33
Version 2.33 :
re-added "Optional 500m view" that push the view a bit further than the default Call of Pripyat one
the fog variant also has an optional 500m view too.

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poaa - - 31 comments

a better way will be modify the flying height of heli but it's beyond my ability (from my poor script reading it seems that lower it will cause some problems in some landscape)

500m works fine with heli in my gameplay so far, haven't been to cnpp though

personally dislike atmosfear and that's one of major reason kept me trying coc mods, really grateful for this

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Sanctuary Author
Sanctuary - - 165 comments

That's a good idea, in some mods like OGSR the helicopters are flying lower without problem.
If i can find where exactly the altitude is defined (there are several scripts and they seems hard to understand for me), that would make for an interesting addon.
Too bad i can't reverse the atmosfear change to the engine itself.
I dislike atmosfear personnally, i think they should never have merged it into the call of chernobyl engine and only let it as a mod like it was in Call of Pripyat .
it's one of the reason i wanted to make this addon.

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n0rie9a - - 115 comments

any idea what would cause to have the sunny/bright clouds (from sun light diffusion/refraction) in another part of the the sky (east to high noon) than where the sun actually is (west) at 8 PM?

edit: works nice on misery+gunslinger, except for the default weather issue mentioned above in which case i use the foggy variant as a work-around
edit2: install path for "optional no red in emissions" is "gamedata\environment\weather_effects\"
you skipped "configs\"

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