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After a long hiatus, I have begun to resume work on the mod.

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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

For the last few months, I have been gaining experience and knowledge on how to work with the source engine. I was, until recently, working on the "Faceless" project, which has been put on indefinite hold since our team lacked certain expertise that essentially meant we were unable to continue without assistance from an outside source.

Some of us (myself included) on the Faceless team fully intend to return to the mod and continue work someday, and we have developed a plan of action for how we would like to proceed when that happens.

In the meantime, I will be working on other projects, including Zombie Swarm.

Zombie Swarm is something of a pet project of mine that I fully intended to come back to and resume work when I had become somewhat more experienced with the inner workings of the source engine. Of course, I am still very wet behind the ears with reference to my knowledge and expertise, but I feel much more confident about tackling this project now than before.

I would, however, like to point out that anyone interested in playing this mod should not set their hopes too high. I am, as I stated earlier, still little more than a novice when it comes to modding. The likelihood is that, at release, this project will actually be little more than a replacement of all the artistic assets in Alien Swarm to be somewhat more conducive to a zombie apocalypse scenario. I don't know the first thing about coding, so don't expect any new gameplay features or mechanics.

What you're looking at will basically be a re-skinning of Alien Swarm, and most likely a new campaign to go along with it.

Anyway, I just thought I would let all of you know that work has resumed.

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ZombieSwarm Author
ZombieSwarm - - 35 comments

Working on zombie animations today. So far, I've done a mere three out of about forty required animations, but I'm proud of the handful I've managed to complete thus far.

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