Step back into the shoes of classic '90s hero Zeke in this ambitious crossover mod.

Add job Report Programmer at The Phoenix Project Software

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by The Phoenix Project Software on

You need to be familiar with the Half-Life SDK. We are looking for a programmer. This is a temporary job, this isn't paid, but you will be credited.

We are looking for a programmer for our projects Half-Life: Zombies Ate My Neighbours and Shooter Tourneys. All we want you to do is modify view.cpp so that the weapon view model swings around when you look around, like in Half-Life 2.

Instructions on how to apply are below. If you want a full job working with The Phoenix Project (still unpaid), E-Mail me at

To Apply

To apply, you need to tell us on Discord on the #job-applications channel by joining