Step back into the shoes of classic '90s hero Zeke in this ambitious crossover mod.

Add job Report Level Designer [Valve Hammer] at The Phoenix Project Software

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by The Phoenix Project Software on

At PHOENIX, we are working on the following projects:

  • Lost and Dead Classic
  • Half-Life: Zombies Ate My Neighbours
  • Shooter Tourneys

...and a few secret ones...

We're in a bit of a pickle with Half-Life: Zombies Ate My Neighbours right now, and we're in need of help. We need someone who's got good experience with Valve Hammer whether it's only the GoldSource engine, Source engine or both (one of our projects that are being kept secret is on Source).

To Apply

Send a resume with a demo of your work if applicable to or send a resume with a demo of your work if applicable to the #job-applications channel at