"Project Elimination: WARMODE" - NLDTeam multiplayer modification for Half-Life. Visit: WWW.WARMODE.RU

Hank_LTU says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

I give it a 10 for pretty obvious reasons.

* It highly reminds me of Counter-Strike: Online (New weapons and stuff in CS)
* It has remastered old CS 1.6/CS:CZ weapons (New great looking models and sounds)
* The maps look pretty great. (Even though I haven't tried myself, yet.)
* Models also look beautiful.

The only thing I am not so sure is the gameplay because I haven't played the game so I can not say if it is good or bad, but even if it would be bad, I'm pretty sure the author of this mod just could update the mod to make the game better.