Hey guys, My name is Ethan Miller and I’m the current head of the Vostroyan Firstborn Modification for the game Dawn of war: Dark Crusade. This is a full race modification that will hopefully upon completion allow the player to control the Vostroyans as an individual faction. We’ve made TONS of progress so far, and if you want to see it all of it you’ll have to check the forums. We’ve finished about 65 percent of getting base modeling down texturing and animating: Not so much. If anyone wants to assist us with our project we would be glad to have you. Anything from mappers to coders to texturers would be appreciated. Anyway enjoy the screenshots!

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1st Media Blowout Some fluff, and some pics of earlier models.

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Hey guys! Ethan here, bringing you our next Media blowout! As the Great Saoriere once said, set aside a good 15 minutes, as we have had A LOT of progress during the time we were silent!

So without further ado, lets cut to the stuff you really want to see: the models!

May I be the first to unveil the 5th rifle veteran, modeled by Murph! This little fellow is going to be our storm trooper unit. Be warned, we are currently working on his robe and chest, so don’t be too quick to judge him!
And here is his trademark Vostroya Pattern Hellgun!

Now, if you’ve been paying attention to our relic thread or our forums you will have already witnessed the unveiling of the Ragnarok Main Battle Tank as modeled by the very talented by Nethoras! As with the 5th rifle veteran there are still small tweaks here and there that we are working on, so again, don’t be too quick to judge em!

And here are two very special tanks by Death Korpse of War, May I introduce the Siegfried and the updated bombard!

Next up, Salamander by Death Korpse of war w.I.p.! Assault cannon modeled by Nethoras,

And here’s all the boys lined up together!

We also have a very large update from George, one of his many maps that are either finished or w.I.p. I tell ya, I love what he’s done with the map so far, and hopefully soon I’ll be able to give this baby a spin!

Good stuff huh?

Now, as is tradition, we include our fluff portion of the blowout!

First off is Death Korpse’s story about the Vostroyan 95th!

*warning: Strong language*

Liberation of Romanov City

Night before the Vostroyan advance, The Artillery thuds can be heard in the background.

Ivan: What time do we attack tomorrow sir?
Sergeant Sergei: Around seven. Just after the Artillery stops. Get some rest men, for tomorrow some of us will die for the Emperors Glory, as we are first into Romanov city.

Five minutes before the attack.

Sergeant Sergei: Get ready men, once the artillery stops we go in.
Boris: Hopefully those insane Chaos bastards are dead or dying in those streets. A full month’s bombardment. Now that’s the Emperors Fury unleashed.
Some of the men start to laugh
Vladimer: Boris you tool. Emperors Fury? What the KHECK!?
Boris: What? i was trying to be patriotic.
Sergeant Sergei: Come on men. In we go
Vladimer: You tool.
Laughing contiues as they march.

Entering the City

Antoniev: “Well by what I can see the artillery has finished the jo……….” Antoniev has just been shot in the head and fighting starts
Sergeant Sergei: Get down! Cultists!!
shots are chipping the stone all around the Vostroyans position
Vladimer: How the KHECK! did they survive the bombardment?!!!
Mikhail: They must have had underground bunkers or something!
Vladimer: Smart bastards! Well now they will ru the day they survi….. Vladimer has just been killed by heavy bolter fire.
Mikhail: Vlad?! Vlad?!! You Bastards!!!! Archhhhh!
Alexi: Mikhail! Get Down! You’ll get shot.
Mikhail: You bastards killed my friend! You will pay with your lives!!! Archhhhhh!!! Mikhail Charges the Chaos Cultists alone.
Alexi: Mikhail!!!
bullets are swishing passed as he runs
Mikhail: I’m going to kill every last one of yo… ahhhh!! Oh KHECK! my leg ahhhhhh!
Among the screams
Alexi: Mikhail?!!
Mikhail Ahhhhhh!!!!!! My leg!!!!!!
Alexi: Mikhail are you injured?!!
Mikhail: ahh my leg!! Emperor help me! Mikhail is then hit by a stray shot.
Sergeant Sergei: Alright men, we’ve been ordered to charge.
Boris: What?!!!! Are they crazy?!!!
Sergeant Sergei: That’s an order soldier, now get ready or I’ll shoot you myself. Everyone fix bayonets. Charge!!!!!
Everyone: For Vostroya!!!!!
Liberation of Romanov City. Part 2

“Rock, paper scissors.” They say together to decide.
Trooper: Ha ha, paper over rock. Get going bitch
Alexi: Ouh shit. O.k. 3 2 1, here I go
Trooper: Run bitch run, ha ha.
Bullets are hitting the ground around Alexi.
Alexi: KHECK!, KHECK!! KHECK!!! KHECK!!!! KHECK!!!!!
Jumps behind old ruins
Alexi: Oh KHECK!! Ouh, son of a KHECKING! bitch!!
Trooper: Keep going KHECKER!, you have to get that info back to the lieutenant.
Alexi starts to move off
Alexi: Emperor will he ever shut up?!
In the background the soldier is killed while giggling.

Alexi is now walking through an empty street. Faint sounds of the fighting around the city can be heard.

Alexi: Wow this is a strange sight. A street with no fighting in it. So there is a place of tranquillity in this city. Ouh for Emperors sake why are we still in the hell hole? This city should of being taken months ago. I could do better in commanding this army than that pompous prat ‘Feodator’
Voices can be heard.
Alexi: Oh shit!
Alexi ducks for cover. A squad of cultist comes round the corner and they break into laughter.
Cultist 1: Ha ha. I heard that a few marines capture two platoons of Vostroyans this morning, took them back to base and tortured them to death.
Cultist 2: Yeah I heard that as well. Actually I heard that a hour ago, when you told us!!!
Cultist 1: Oh yeah that’s right. Ah well.
Cultist 2: Ah well. Ah well! Ah well this!!
The cultist 2 pulls out his pistol and shoots cultist 1.
The others start to laugh as the body falls to the ground in front of Alexi.
Cultist 3: That’s a way to shut him up.
Cultist 2: Come on we have to finish our round. Hopefully we’ll see a straggler or two.
There voices begin to fade, then they break into laughter.
Alexi: Hoh shit. Thank the Emperor they didn’t see me. I wonder where they came from? Probably the city centre. Ah KHECK! it, not my problem.

Alexi now comes to the command post which is under attack.

Alexi: Ah shit! Not again! Well here goes.
Bullets hitting the ground and swishing passed his face he dives for cover across the street and shouts to a Vostroyan trooper.
Alexi: Where’s the Lieutenant?
Trooper: What?!!
Alexi: Where’s the lieutenant?!!!
Trooper: In the bunker! That way!
He points to it
Alexi: Right thanks! For Vostroya!
Trooper: Yeah, For Vostroya?!

Alexi enters the bunker

Lieutenant: Yeah what’s happening here?
Advisor: Well the last reports we had were of the area being quiet and devoid of enemy activity.
Alexi: Well not know
Lieutenant: And who are you comrade
Akexi stands to attention
Alexi: Private First Class Alexi Yurkenov, Vostroyan 95th Rifle, C Company, 4th Platoon.
Lieutenant: Stand at ease man, we’re in the middle of a warzone
Alexi: Oh? Thank you sir.
Lieutenant: Well what news.
Alexi: Well about twenty minutes after the last transmission, a band of Chaos Marines attacked our position and destroyed our Vox caster. They overran our positions here and here but we managed to stop them here. But our numbers are few and we are beginning to drop like flies.
Alexi: Well that was the situation was two hours ago
Lieutenant: Good work Private. Take a well earned rest.
Alexi: Thanks sir but I would like to return to my platoon, preferably, with reinforcements.
Lieutenant: Sorry Private. But I can’t spare anyone. We are fighting in three different areas and with this information, now four
Alexi: Oh also I came across a few cultists in an empty street around here. I think the heretics are planning something sir.
Lieutenant: O.k. Private dually noted. Now go.

Alexi: O.k. now the Journey back.
Then he remembers the first trip.
Alexi: AH SHIT!!

“Where’s your enthusiasm private?” Said Alexi, “Keep your head up, we’ll get out of this.”
“Sorry sir, but its hard to stay enthused when we’ve been stuck out here for 3 weeks. We haven’t received a transmission from HQ, or any other unit for that matter, in a week, haven’t seen a Thunderhawk in a week and a half, and were running out of ammunition for the Heavy Bolter. Command has either forgotten about us or been destroyed. I’d even bet they’ve retreated back to Romanov.”
Alexi lets his head fall against the sandbag wall.
“Yeah your right private. The situation does look bleak.”
Ivan, who’s looking out for heretics, hears Alexi, turns and slides down the wall.
“Did I here you right? Oh Emperor where’s a camera when you need one.”
Alexi giggles and says “well how’s it looking?”
“Where?” Says Ivan “oh out there? Quiet, as it has been for the past week now.
“Sir. I think we should move back to base.”
“No Private! We were tasked with taking and holding this position. I don’t intend to move without orders.”
“But sir, we need fresh supplies!”
“No we don’t Private!!”
“Ah screw this! I’m getting help.”
The Private gets up and moves off, but stops at the sound of Alexi cocking his pistol
“Don’t make me shoot you Private!”
With his heart racing , the Guardsman turns round to face Alexi and begins pleading.
“Sir, please we need to retreat.”
Ivan then steps in,
“Alexi we need all the help we can get.”
Alexi smirks, “Not his.” he then pulls the trigger and shoots the Guardsman through the neck.
“Alexi! What the f***!”
“Don’t help that deserting scum!”
“He wasn’t deserting!”
“He left his post without orders sergeant! I am ordered by Imperial Creed to execute any and all deserters and heretics, as are you! If you wont do your job then I’ll have to do it for you!”
With a few gargles the Guardsman dies.
“Sit back down Sergeant!!”
Ivan stands, looks out into the nothingness that is Stalingrad VI. In the distance he can see Romanov City.
“Sit down Sergeant” says Alexi as he cocks his gun again.
Ivan turns and walks up to Alexi. They both stare at each others eyes. Then Ivan walks off and sits with his squad. Alexi calmly uncocks his gun and takes a sigh of relief.
Suddenly cracking sounds come through the Vox. Valins shouts over to Alexi.
“Lieutenant! We’re getting a signal!”
Alexi rushes over. Valins calls through the microphone “command? Is this C Company command? This is squads 12 and 7 of C Company, 95th Rifle. Are you reading me? Over.”
Everyone waits for a reply. But none comes. Valins repeats but still gets nothing.
Suddenly as Valins is packing the Vox away, a voice comes through the Vox.
“Hello?! Is someone there? Oh please Emperor! Is someone there?”
“Yes we read you loud and clear. What is the situation? Over!”
But the voice repeats himself and begins to cry out his words.
“Please! Is someone there. Please!! No! They’re here! Oh someone help me!” “aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah!!! No, no!!!!”
The voice stops dead. Then a demonic sounding voice comes through the Vox, laughing. Then he says to anyone listening.
“I’m coming for you all, Ha ha ha ha.” The laughing continues and never stops.

“What the f*** was that?”
“What’s happened back there?”
“Paval was right. HQ has been destroyed.”
“Sir we need to get out of here.”
“For the last time. We’re not moving.”
Suddenly a Guardsman shouts out,
“Sir! Horses in the distance!”
With this everyone mans the wall and waits. Alexi picks up his binoculars and looks through.
“Who are they Alexi?” asks Ivan.
“Mordian Iron Guard.” He says puzzled. “what are they doing here?”
He then shouts to the men, “stand down. They’re friendly!”
“Mordians? Why are they here? We have the situation under control.”
When the Mordians eventually reach the Vostroyans position, they dismount. One calls out “who goes there?”
“Vostroyans of the 95th” Alexi replies.
“Oh thank the Emperor. Mordians of the Mordian 54th. ”
“What news? What’s happened on the planet?” asks Alexi
“You didn’t receive anything?”
“No just a transmission from some scared Guardsman. And what was a very distorted voice.”
“Then you know enough”
“Why where the Mordians deployed?” asks Ivan.
“We were deployed to deal with a demonic infestation…” says the Sergeant
The Vostroyans Mumble “Deamons?”
“What you heard was probably a deamon.”
“Sir something else is coming!”
“What? Are there anymore of you still out there?” asks Alexi
“No we are what’s left of our regiment.”
“Well lets see who’s there.”
Alexi looks through his binoculars again, but what he sees makes him jump, making him fall in shock. “Oh f***!”
“What is it Sir!”
Alexi gets back to his feet and looks again.
“Sir! What is it?!!”
“Deamons!! This is your fault you led them here!!” shouts Ivan pointing his gun at the Mordians.
“What?! We didn’t…. we ….”
“Look theres no point in arguing now!” shouts Alexi “Mordians get on the wall, get that Heavy Bolter ready. We’ve got a fight on our hands!!”

Whew, that was a lot! Great stuff though!

Next up is a short story by Wratchofkhornesevilgerbil… LOVE THE NAME!

Colonel Nikolas Vladislav of the 92nd Vostroyan Firstborn plunged his ornate power sabre into the heretic’s chest, the super-heated weapon slicing effortlessly through, making a mockery of traitor’s ramshackle armour. He cut the blade vertically upwards, chopping the mans head neatly in two, and then brought the sharpened inner curve of the weapon round and down onto the back of another abominations neck, which it decapitated it with ease. Bringing up his bolt pistol he squeezed a few shots down the corridor into the frenzied horde of cultists, but in the dangerous close quarter fighting there was no time to aim, nor even to see if he’d hit or killed anything.
“Riga! Where the kheking hell is my kheking heavy weapons support you kheking moron?!”, he yelled through the rebreather mask strapped to his face before smashing the pommel of his power sabre into the face of a third traitor, the blow landing with a sickening thud. Before the reeling man could recover, Vladislav slammed the bolt pistol gripped in his right hand into the side of the heretic’s skull, snapping his neck to an unnatural angle and ending his struggles.
“Pinned down with First Platoon in the mess hall sir, they’re getting hit hard up there” replied the Colonels faithful plasma gunner, the tone calm despite the fact that he was bludgeoning a heavily tattooed female cultist to death with the barrel of his gun.
“Then why the kheking hell are we down here?!” shouted back the Colonel. He was not having a good day. The Valkyrie he’d been riding in avoided the worst of the traitors AA fire during the trip down to the surface, but as they neared the Vostroyan lines a stray rocket hit the cockpit square on, and they’d crash landed in an old PDF barracks just inside cultist territory. Shortly before his death at the hands of a Tevoskii cultist, Lieutenant Viktor picked up traitor chatter indicating a Vostroyan push in the area. The push displaced several hundred cultists, who fell back to the barracks for cover, overwhelming Vladislav’s few and hasty defensive positions, and forcing him down into the belly of the building, where he’d spent the last half an hour fighting desperately for his life and wondering when in the name of the Emperor the 92nd troops above would reach him. In the time since then most of the surviving Vostroyans from the crash had been slaughtered by the cultists, and the advancing Vostroyan force was stuck two levels above his present position.
Riga finally finished beating his cultist to a bloody pulp, flicked his weapon onto full auto, and blast out a series of plasma shots that burned with the power of small suns.
“Because sir, if we move upwards, we put pressure on the troops above and make it less likely they will hold the line. If they move down, the same happens to us. Our best bet is to just try and keep this up until their numbers thin out a bit” stated the plasma gunner matter-of-factly.
“Riga, you’re a kheking idiot, and I swear to the God-Emperor that if these warp-damned cultists don’t kheking kill you, then I kheking well will!” shouted out the Colonel, as he took his anger out with his barking bolt pistol.
“Yes sir, very good sir” replied Riga. His face was expressionless, he was used to taking the Colonel’s insults. He’d fought with him long enough to know that it was just Vladislav’s way of getting through the day. He sighed as he lashed out with the bulky plasma gun, smashing cultist bones with its sheer weight whilst he waited for it to cool down long enough for him to fire it again. It was going to be a long day.

LOVE the gore!

Next up is Warmaster Dan’s entry

Sergeant Ivan Merikov led his squad down the rubble-choked street. The 14th Vostroyan had moved into the city at dawn, and at first there had been heavy resistance from the orks, but now his company seemed to have broken through their lines. They could hear fighting off to the east and west, but they had not seen a single enemy for nearly an hour. Up ahead, the road opened out into a broad square with a large templum in the centre. Lieutenant Ranov, the commander, ordered most of the squads to sweep the buildings around the square, then led a handful, including Merikov’s, into the church.
Ivan would have expected the orks to have destroyed any places holy to the Imperium, but the templum was untouched. It took on an unearthly beauty, the varicoloured light from the stained glass windows illuminating the drifting dust. The Vostroyans moved down towards the altar. In a place such as this, they could almost believe they weren’t in the middle of a battle. The lieutenant set up his vox unit next to the altar. “High Command, this is Lieutenant Ranov of 5th Company”
“Receiving you, Lieutenant. What is your current position?”
“We are at the templum in Unity Square, grid reference 243, 648.”
“Excellent work, 5th company, you’re further in than any other unit.”
“I guess we found ourselves an area with no orks.”
“Lucky you. Keep pushing forward, but make sure you don’t over-extend yourself.”
“Roger, command, Ranov out.”
“High Command out”
“Right, men” started Ranov, but then a soldier ran in through the archway yelling.
“Sir, a huge ork force is moving up behind us, and our scouts report that there are more dug in ahead. We’re surrounded.”
The lieutenant stood still for a moment, thinking. Then he suddenly sprang into action.
“You-get everyone inside here. Get them to take up firing positions at the windows. Krostev, take your snipers up into the bell tower. Aim for the leaders. I want heavy weapons on the first floor gallery. Ivan, you and your squad are with me.”
”Sir?” Merikov said, bewildered, “Where are we going?”
Ranov pointed to the massive oak doors. “Out. I want to take a look at these orks myself.”
The Vostroyans began fortifying the templum with a practised efficiency. The windows were smashed out to allow the guardsmen to shoot out; the side doors were barricaded with benches and tables. The heavy weapons teams set up their tripod-mounted guns on the second floor where they had a better field of fire. Krostev led the handful of expert marksmen up the spiral stairs to the bell tower, where they calibrated their scopes and found comfortable firing positions. Meanwhile, Ivan led his squad out behind the Lieutenant and back down the street. They didn’t have to go far before they saw the ork force. The leader was the size of an ogryn, clad in bulky, crude armour and holding what looked like a four foot long meat cleaver. Around him were clustered slightly smaller orks, similarly armoured. Behind these came four of the primitive ork dreadnoughts, with smoke pouring out of their vents and their combat attachments working. Further back, there was a tide of green stretching back along the street until it was lost in the haze.
“Men of Vostroya” roared Ranov, but then tailed off. “Run. Run like hell.”
They didn’t need telling twice. The guardsmen quickly span and dashed back towards the templum with their scarlet coats flapping. The orks spotted them and with a mighty ‘WAAAAAAGGGGHHHH’ began to fire. Several Vostroyans were hit in the back and went down, but the rest kept running. As the got closer, the greenskins hot on their heels, their comrades already in the church began to fire, ruby threads of light from their ornate lasguns blasting into the ranks of the xenos. There was a blinding white flash as a lascannon opened up, and one of the ork walkers exploded, flinging scraps of metal everywhere. Merikov was the last into the Templum, slamming the heavy doors behind him. A few men immediately dragged pews across to barricade the door, while others slid the bar into place, although they doubted it would last long.
“Where’s Ranov?” asked Ivan.
A young guardsman with a sick look on his face responded “He didn’t make it.”
“Looks like you’re in charge then” said another trooper.
“What, me?” spluttered Merikov. “But I’m just a sergeant!”
“In case you haven’t noticed, there isn’t anyone of a higher rank than sergeant here. And you’re the most experienced.”
Most experienced-that was true enough. He’d been a soldier for 14 years, a sergeant for 10 of them.
Another soldier chipped in “And you were Lieutenant Ranov’s favourite. He trusted you. We trust you.”
Normally Ivan would be inclined to argue, but with a huge horde of orks bearing on their position, it wasn’t really the time. He took a deep breath.
“Men of Vostroya” he yelled “Now is the time to prove our worth to the emperor. We will fight off and crush these foul xenos. Sergeants, you know your men’s’ strengths. Keep the best marksmen at the windows, and those good with a bayonet, fix them and guard the door. And get some barricades set up out of those benches. Oh, and when they break through, the boss is mine.”
The barricades were set up in a semi-circle around the door, and around forty Vostroyan troopers crouched behind them, their beautifully hand-crafted lasrifles at the ready. Sergeant Merikov stood in the center, his saber at his side and his lasgun in his hands. The noise was incredible. He could hear the frenzied yelling of the scum outside, the snap-crack of lasfire from his comrades at the windows, the deep thuds of the heavy weapons teams above, the occasional human scream as the ork’s returned fire. Then there was a huge thump, and the massive slab of oak that formed the door quivered. There was another, and this time a bright corner of metal penetrated the wood. A few more hits and a small hole appeared. Suddenly, the hole went dark and a deep voice roared “Gonna get through ‘ere ya stoopid ‘umies. Wood can’t stop an ork wiv a choppa this 'uge!” Again and again came the repeated thumps, and then finally the door broke apart.
The gigantic warboss leapt over the benches piled behind the door, closely followed by two dreadnoughts and with a mass of orks behind him. Ivan emptied the entire clip of his lasrifles into the towering alien, but to no avail. He threw the weapon aside, drawing a long saber from one hip and an autopistol from the other. With a roar, Merikov vaulted the barricade and charged forwards. Shots whipped past, smashing into the flagstone floor and sending up plumes of powdered rock. The ork leader spotted Ivan and laughed, leveling his bulky, crude shoota at the charging guardsman. Merikov dived sideways as the warboss’s weapon opened up. Most of the shots missed, although one smacked into his left shoulder. He fired his autopistol desperately at the ork as he ran, and a few lucky shots got through the armour on the beast’s gun arm. There was an empty clack as the sidearm ran dry, and he dropped it, raising his saber to his face as he looked up at the looming ork. “D’ya really think you can kill me wiv dat lil knife?” roared the ork as it raised it’s choppa. The sergeant didn’t reply, just braced himself for the blow. The enormous weapon descended, and Ivan caught it on his blade at an angle so that it slid off. He responded with a quick thrust at the alien’s belly, but his sword couldn’t penetrate the thick armour. The ork swung it’s cleaver in a wide arc, and Merikov dodged backwards, although he was slightly too slow, and the tip gashed his cheek. “Lil ‘umie too slow. Lil ‘umie bleed” laughed the ork. Ivan was furious now, and he slashed madly at the ork’s face. The beast roared in pain and staggered backwards. Blinded by the blood running into it’s eyes, it thrashed out wildly. A huge, ironclad fist caught Merikov in the side and he was flung sideways into a bench, which smashed into matchwood. The ork wiped it’s eyes and charged, brandishing it’s huge weapon. Ivan could barely rise, let alone fight.
It was luck that saved him in the end. A rocket, inexpertly aimed at one of the dreadnoughts, smashed into the pillar above him, and a sizeable chunk of masonry spun out of the fireball and hit the ork square in the back. It toppled forwards in front of him, and he staggered upright, hobbled over to the warboss, and plunged his shining saber into its ugly face. A great moan went up from the orks as they saw their leader fall, and they hesitated.
“FOR VOSTROYA AND THE EMPEROR!” yelled Ivan “Charge! Force them back!”
The rest of 5th company took up the shout, and with a mighty roar of ‘For Vostroya’ they charged en masse into the xenos, firing on full auto. The orks were cut down under this hail of lasfire, and began to fall back. The guardsmen followed them out of the templum, Merikov leading the way and gunning down the beasts left and right with a lascarbine he’d picked up. The orks ran backwards down the street, but there was a grinding noise and three Ragnaroks rumbled out of a side street. Reinforcements had arrived. The greenskins wavered, trying to decide what was more of a threat. That moment of indecision cost them their lives as the tanks opened fire. Caught between the Ragnaroks in front and the angry Vostroyan troops behind, there was nothing for the orks to do but die.

Now some of you may remember Kellen and Yavule, The main characters for my short story. Well I finally got around to updating it, so yeah.

Part 3: Holding the line

"There! To the left! No you khecking idiot THE LEFT!!!! Corordinat.-...bloody hell Near the rock and that big building!.... DETAILS!? Damnit… Varkuel, what are the damn coordinates!”
the giant next to him glanced up from his heavy bolter sight and reached for the binocular next to him. He brought it to his eyes, stared through it for a second, then muttered, “64,22,13...” Trooper Hinkan muttered a curse, as Varkuel went back to his Bolter site. Hinkan shouted “Sixty four, thirteen, twe-”
Varkuel glanced over to see why his fellow trooper had fallen silent, and was surprised to see a huge hole through the back of his head. Blood and bits of brain tissue, coupled with bone flakes splattered the trench wall behind him. He sighed, and picked up the radio from the dead Vostroyan.
”Hello? HELLO! Is there anyone there!” came the voice through the radio. Varkuel murmured into the mike “Hinkan is dead. I believe the coordinates your looking for are Sixty four, thirteen, twenty two. And be sure not to bomb us this time.” He slammed the phone down before the indignant reply could reach his ear. He slumped back against the trench wall. The six foot eleven underhiver took a deep breath. It had been an unusually elegant speech for him. He returned to the heavy bolter lined up against the firing slit on his section of the trench. He sighted down the scope, and saw a group of Vostroyan Firstborns exchanging shots with traitor guard. He noticed the Black and blue commissar cap of Yavule, and a Firstborn trooper in carapace armor fighting near him. He sighted farther to the left, and saw the group of traitors that were pinning them down.

Short I know, But I’ve been up to my ears in School work

…Oh I cant resist: Can I get shoutout for Kellen and Yavule? <!--emo&:D-->biggrin.gif<!--endemo-->

Sorry couldn’t help it <!--emo&:P-->tongue.gif<!--endemo-->

ALERT* we now have introduced a new unit to the Vostroyan Family!

Meet the Vostroyan IVI(7th Iron Hammers

Vostroyan 7th Iron Hammer Squad

-Elite Vetrens from the 7th Vostroyan regiment, and are drawn from the best of the best to support other regiments in their battles
-Skilled in short-medium range combat
-Armed with high powered Demolition Charge, and Vostroyan Heavy Anti Personal Shotguns (VHAPS, or whatever name we fiinally settle on)
-Ideal against Light and Heavy infantry
-Can be armed with frag grenades and Melta Bombs

Now, stat wise I was thinking about going with more of a heavily armored medium speed unit. Carapace armor, of course.

Health: 300
Damage: Melee: 31-38, Ranged: 56-63
Armour: Pretty high, we can debate this
Reinforce cost: 95 requisition
Heavy Weapons
VHAAS (Vostroyan Heavy Anti Armor Shotgun) Cost: 75 requisition, 25 power
Stats: damage 72-78, slow firing but with Good armor piercing: effective against Heavy infantry and Light tanks

Here’s a concept for the VHAAS, or vostroyan heavy anti armor shotgun

And here’s the current team roster

Deathreapa11: Team leader Voice actor
Orc5me: Concept artist voice actor
MLLROCK: Voice actor Modder
Vasilli:Map making Possible art
Thudmizer: AI coder
Cadian Guard:Concept art
ZombieDragon: Modeller concept artist mild coding Forum Moderator
Gaffer1991:Map Maker
Death Korps of War: Building concept artist
EldestYoung:Fluff writer and comic artist
Splike_Guy11:map maker voice actor
The Yellow Dart: Modeler
DragonMiji:Concept art Modeler
GeorgeRox26: Map Maker
_BusterWounds: Modeler
Neothoras: Modeler
Themanclaw: Texturer
Grimnar: UI coding

Told you guys it was long! Anyway, Enjoy Dawn of war files!

Ethan Miller

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