Codex Edition is a total overhaul of Dawn of War II: Retribution that delivers a more immersive, fluff-accurate, and realistic experience, while also introducing a massive amount of new units, gameplay elements, customization options, and overall content that includes new factions and base building. While it may not be the most balanced mod out there, and is not intended for competitive gameplay, it does provide a unique and spectacular 40k experience that resonates with the original version of Codex Edition created by Gabriel Gorgutz. Creating equilibrium between lore accuracy and playability is this mod's primary focus, as is the tradition of Codex Edition.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 28)

Wow !!!

Kharos is a great modder, and helped me out a lot!

I give his mod my recommendation and endoresement, in a short time he had done exceedingly good work and brought a new level of quality to DoW2 modding.

Imperator from the VotBR-Astartes mod.

Necrons, Tau.. Wraithknight, Knights, Gargants and more?

What can I say? One of the best DOW2 mods out there, that is unafraid to experiment and try new things. Small and dedicated community that emphasizes on a lot of fun.

Just play this mod already!! XD

necron and tau you really did a great job。

v3.0 of Codex Mod overhauls completely the base game and upgrades everything that, I feel, needed an overhaul. The economy and point management is much improved, base building is pleasant without being absolutely needed. The many factions have a real feel for them and the whole is delivered in a professional quality pack. I can finally play DoW2 with immense pleasure.

a really fun and grand scale mod. this is some of the most rich feeling faction experience you could have in dow2 modding, with each race really aiming to distinguish itself from the rest while still abiding by dow2's counter-centric attrition gameplay.
for example, ig and sm are no longer basically different model count versions of eachother, but a swarm faction that relies on their numbers & mobile reinforce points to hold against enemy attacks VS. an elite fast attack force that can sweep through the map in seconds, dealing tons of melee and ranged damage but paying dearly for every loss

the mod has a lot of heart and soul put into it, and this really shows everytime you boot up a match. i wish the devs the best working on this mod in the future

I cannot begin to express how lovely of a mod this is, the polish, attention to detail, and just overall soul is incredible. The new factions blend right in, with proper UI, music, backgrounds, voicelines, animations, and models.

Holy emperor!

Where do I begin? Oh right, where I initially began.. I had initially played this mod way back in 2019 before the new devs picked it up again and boy has it gotten so much better in terms of balancing and content.

Out of no where the devs hit us with Necrons, Tau and Grey Knights?? A dedicated Grey Knight chapter-faction compred to to Elite's OM faction works very well in my opinion. They got the whole necron roster, and the Lych Guard just hit the spot! They got such a variety of Tau and kroot/vespid models it's wonderful! I think the devs are bold to add all those factions complete with their sounds and animations and texture work in one go like this and demonstrate the potential for what modding communities can achieve when their mind and heart are in the right place. I'm still getting a hang of the Necrons and Tau but boy has the diversity blown up! I already had my plate full with the existing factions and their rosters.

Now about those knights, I initially didn't think the knights were a feasible unit given the game's mechanics, but boy was I wrong. It's been bloody fun using them and also taking them down if the enemy had them. It also looks like these knights were actually made with new animations and textures and made them compatible when fighting smaller units and larger ones and got their ranged weaponry working so well which is just all the more impressive and telling of the CG exprtise of the devs.

To be fair, I noticed some graphical bugs that I will contact the devs about and that I hope they'll rectify in the coming patch which I think they noted in their release notes.

I could go on about their existing factions which are already so much more diverse compred to vanilla DoW2 and other mods.

Overall, I 100% recommend downloading and trying this beauty-of-a-mod out and am so hopeful for the 40K gaming scene with the mod release. More power to you guys at Codex Edition!


Jarnowl says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

great mod


We have Tau, Necrons, and Mechanicus, what a badass team of CODEX mod