Introducing: The Ultima Ratio Mod First of all i want to thank the community and the devs for allowing us modders for making this overall possible.Special thanks go to the IMPERIUM AETERNA Mod (Evil Tactician), Jessie's Mod (Pondera) and Sandbox Mod (WhAtEvErYoUmEaN) on whom i've based my work on in order to realise my very own vision of what this game should look like. The Mod itself is so far fully compatible with Disharmony and especially optimized for it, so be sure to grab the Disharmony DLC already.

RSS Articles
Ultima Ratio Mod v1.0.8 goes moddb

Ultima Ratio Mod v1.0.8 goes moddb


I decided now after some weeks to share my work with you guys on moddb too as already did on the endless space forum.