A short single player experience set in the Half-Life Universe featuring a unique gravity defying weapon that allows you to jump buildings and sustain large falls. The story takes place at a mysterious date & location after the events of Half-Life : Episode 2. Where are you? Why have you been sent?

Gambini says

9/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (1)

This mod is amazing. I was really tempted to try it when i saw the shots and then somehow i got bored because i was stuck on a puzzle and left it abandoned for some weeks, then when resumed it i was so glad i did. It is probably the best looking source mod i played and quite clever with its special features, fancy effects and unique gameplay mechanics. I dont have a lot more of things to say, it´s quite short and plot bare, but i can´t find words to emphatize enough how outstanding its design is.